Message from the Angels for March 2009 Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Message from the Angels for March 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Editors Note: At this time there appear to be many people but "contact" to communicate with gods, angels and aliens. Such statements and messages the next time will only increase. Do not take everything just for the truth of what you read or hear. Trust and listen to your own feelings. There is much deception present caused by negative beings / entities, mind control techniques and so-called PLF's (Programmed Life Forms). Oh and worship and worship no one except yourself. Please stay with both feet on the ground. But normally do then you already crazy enough, we say then.

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At present, many people panic because they lose control over their way of life. All this has to do with the financial world. We know that money is important for you people, but it is high time that we become aware of the things that are important. We need to make the choice whether they want to depend on money or that life in its own hands. We also know that this will not be easy for you but it is necessary.

Your quality of life does not depend on the amount of money you have in your possession. You are no longer valued by others. These friendships often prove to be an illusion. Your quality of life depends on the fact that you can enjoy the things that do not cost money and yet bring satisfaction.
Look around your family and friends. Dare in a fair way to look and you will see that much will depend on their money. Are you aware that you have come to believe in a dollar, pound or euro coin instead of a higher power as God.

There's so much money in your world, and yet is not shared, there is still poverty. This is not like God wanted for the people. He created a world in which humans and animals could live together in harmony, a world in which we carry each other and share with those who have less. a world that is loving and pure and there is no room for selfishness, arrogance and dishonesty.

Everything is all about awareness. Believe in your money than your world will collapse and you have to start again. Do you believe in God or a higher power that stands for love, harmony and purity? Then you will not suffer from the financial world.
It is not our intention to make you anxious, but sometimes we need something harder to penetrate to you. We do this in love and hope that you are part of this awareness. It takes courage and honesty to continue to "see", but you will be rewards!

Money has become an integral part of your society, as we are aware. We only ask you to stop believing in one currency but to believe in a higher power as God and especially to believe in yourself. This may sound strange and unbelievable in your ears but you will experience relief and your expenses will contribute to and even reduced. Try to reduce dependence on money, let the less you weigh. Each change, however small, therefore, that you make is 1. Feel the satisfaction and independence that will and have faith in us. We will always provide for those who believe and they will never be alone.

Aart Engelen Chamuel, Metatron and Jophiel.

Source: eternity, spirituality