Will there ever be a time machine for us to travel back and rewind everything on earth back to 1985?


New member
We used to live in Florida in 1985. We now lives in Alabama. Will the time travel help us go back to 1985 and then see everything the way it was then and that we still live in Florida once again?


New member
Your questions presumes time travel and spacial travel are tightly linked.That is, travel backwards 15 years means returning everything to it's place in the past.I doubt things are linked in that way.Science does not understand the concept of negative time, yet. Although it certainly shows up in the math used to solve physics problems, even in high school. Students are taught to throw that answer away, so, no wonder we do not understand it.I cannot share your desire to return things as they were in 1985 since that year was a bad one for me.Maybe the inertia of changing everything "back to the way it was" or "building what will be" is the reason time travel has eluded us.Hope life gets better for you.


New member
You can also go back to Florida.I would love to time travel, see my parents before I was born, I was born 2 years later. Tell them to be nice to me when growing up and tell me not to date the QB of the football team.