
  1. White Rabbit

    Scientists Report Teleportation of Physical Objects From One Location To Another

    This is an report regarding how simple atoms have been teleported via quantum entanglement, as well as how whole physical objects have already been teleported by psychics in China. - Eric Davis, Ph.D, FBIS Source: Scientists Report Teleportation of Physical Objects From One Location To Another...
  2. R

    Why Yasser Arafat is back in news?

    “By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War,” Israeli Mossad’s motto. The recent the pro-USrael Al-Jazeera investigation into the death of PLO president Yasser Arafat (d. 2004), has claimed that Arafat could have been poisoned using elevated levels of a radioactive isotope (Polonium 210) found in...
  3. Amaterasu

    The Ethical Planetarian

    The Ethical Planetarian Party Platform by Amaterasu Have You tired of the empty promises of politicians? Have You seen the “divide and conquer” successes in everything from school teams to country identities? Do You want the planet to coexist? Perhaps You might consider the Ethical...
  4. Amaterasu

    A Planetary Solution: The End of Entropy

    Because this addresses so many topics here - Economy / Currency, Technology / Science, Freeman-On-The-Land / Sovereign, HAARP / Ionospheric weapons, Illuminati / Secret Societies / Cults, Eye Openers, and a few others - I figured NWO rather covers them all. And so, without ado, The End of...
  5. Denise

    Mayan 2012 myth debunked

    Science news: Mayan excavation uncovers new calendar that debunks 2012 myth Recent findings at a Mayan excavation in Xultun, Guatemala reveal new evidence of astronomical calendars that refute the popular idea that the Mayans predicted the end of the world in 2012. The report, Ancient Maya...
  6. Denise

    Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies

    By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing...
  7. Denise

    [Shocking Truth:] Gravity Really Does Not Exist

    Many people have heard the story of when Newton sat under an apple tree to think, and suddenly an apple fell on his head and he conceived the theory of gravity. But after a long time, physicists knew gravity was a very strange physical law. Compared to other basic interaction forces, gravity...
  8. New UFO Hunter


    Over the past 50 years, billions of dollars have been spent visiting our nearest neighbor in space, the moon. It's the only extraterrestrial body humans have ever walked on. Besides the United States and Russia, Japan, China, India and the European Space Agency have all sent robotic spacecraft...
  9. Denise

    Matthew message March 1, 2012

    Fear subsiding in collective consciousness; divine grace in karmic completion; light forces' success against Illuminati; developments in coming months; Zionism; duality, divisiveness; family pre-birth agreements; children living in Nirvana 1. With loving greetings from all souls at this...
  10. Denise

    The Law of Attraction, Belief & Conscious Creation Archangel Metatron via James Tybe

    The Law of Attraction, Belief & Conscious Creation Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn This channel is copyrighted to
  11. 100th Monkey

    Physicists Predict The Existence of Time Crystals

    If crystals exist in spatial dimensions, then they ought to exist in the dimension of time too, says Nobel prize-winning physicist kfc 02/16/2012 One of the most powerful...
  12. 100th Monkey

    Nikola Tesla Was Murdered By Nazi SS Commando Otto Skorzen..!

    15 February 2012 Otto Skorzeny’s Deathbed Confession … edited by Sir Vojislav Milosevic, Director, Center for Counter-terrorism & World Peace Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest and most gifted men ever to have walked this Earth. A huge amount has been written about the prodigal genius of...
  13. White Rabbit

    The first footage of a Comet Smashing into the Sun..!

    Jan 19, 2012 For the first time ever, scientists have witnessed and recorded a comet disintegrating in the Sun's atmosphere. The icy body — dubbed "comet C/2011 N3 (SOHO)" — was originally observed back in July. Today, the team that observed the comet flaming out of existence has published...
  14. Truth Vibrations

    Fusion Torch Can Create New Raw Materials

    January 1, 2004 • 12:00 AM Marjorie Mazel Hecht reports: How soon the world might run out of necessary resources and raw materials, from drinkable water to strategic minerals, should be no concern for panic, rationing, or calls for population control. We have the ability now to create the...
  15. Denise

    Will the world end in 2012?" Prof Jocelyn Bell Burnell - Science Week

    ScienceWeek on 2012: As part of the Science Week lecture series, astronomer Jocelyn Bell Burnell examines the threats from space and explains how much truth there is in the suggestions that killer asteroids, lethal solar flares or the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way (for example)...
  16. 100th Monkey

    Pentagon-backed 'time cloak' stops the clock

    ["In this 2011 illustration, provided by Cornell University, scientists demonstrate how they have have created, a new invisibility technique that doesn’t just cloak an object _ like in Harry Potter books and movies _ but masks an entire event. It is a time masker that works by briefly...
  17. New UFO Hunter

    Buddhists See UFO Intervention in 2012 Buddhists See UFO Intervention in 2012 Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to...
  18. Denise

    The UFO Phenomena The Metatronic Perspective Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

    The UFO Phenomena The Metatronic Perspective Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn Question to Metatron: Many have spoken of extra terrestrial beings having bases within inner dimensions of earth, and that these occur in hologramic dimensions. Many report seeing such craft, yet it seems...
  19. New UFO Hunter

    Ex-China (Foreign Ministry Official) says (Extraterrestrials) Live Among Us..!

    Friday 9. Dec 2011 In the industrialized West, there evolved the prevailing Pseudo-religious dogma that human beings are at the centre of 'G-d's creation in the universe'. This dogma is the ideological motivation behind the on-going de-legitimization of the verfiable contact that people have...
  20. New UFO Hunter

    Scientists say "Earths Twin has been found!"

    Theoretical physics professor Michio Kaku stated that Gilese 581g is 20 light years from Earth or about 123 trillion miles away in the constellation of Libra.