
Truth feeder

When Julian was 8-years-old, his mother, Christine, married a member of "The White Brotherhood" - aka "The Family" or San*ti*nike*tan Park Asso*ci*a*tion, a private psychiatric hospital on the outskirts of Melbourne Australia.

In the 1960's-1980's, the Santiniketan Park Association received CIA-Sandoz LSD-25.

The psychiatric hospital was part of a New Age colony with about 200 members. They were all professionals: psychiatrists, medical doctors - 25% were nurses - lawyers, and ranking civil servants and social workers.

The allegations were that these people used their authority to "collect" (kidnap) children. As many as twenty eight children had been 'collected' under the custody of the director, Anne Hamilton-Byrne, a theosophist. Children were selected for their Aryan traits.
Cult members have disclosed the children were collected for a "scientific experiment". Though Hamilton-Byrne (left, insert) remained silent, members disclosed that Hamilton-Byrne predicted a global holocaust which wipe out most of humanity. She was preparing the cult children to be "inheritors of the earth".

The "Family" was related to the Nazi "Lebensborn e. V." organization founded in December, 1935 as a "registered association" ostensibly to foster population increase in 'declining' 'pure Aryan' stock in Europe.

lebensborn01.jpgLebensborn e. V was under the authority of the SS "race and settlement bureau". Lebensborn is best remembered as a breeding program for SS 'studs' with select Aryan female volunteers. The project included social workers of the settlement bureau screening schools and hospitals in Germany and occupied Europe looking for infants and children that fit the Nazi eugenics profile of traits.

Here's where things get weird. Pirate Bay Lundstrom's family was linked with Sandoz pharmaceuticals. Sandoz had been a division of Nazi corp I.G. Farbin during WWII, patented the only pharmaceutical LSD in the world.

These revelations provide more evidence of Assange's ties with the Illuminati, as if any were needed. Hamilton-Byrne's family was probably one of many cells in a post-war Nazi "Lebensborn" program assisted by the CIA and MK-ULTRA.

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