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    [Update!] Update on Update Re: Doctor

    Well, in what seems to be the umpteenth call to the pharmacy (I've lost track exactly how many, probably about a little over a half a dozen, and again in what seems to be almost the umpteenth call to the Dr's office who still insists they sent the one time renewal out there, but given their...
  2. 2

    [Update!] My friends conniving dr. and her immediate health

    Well first of all if i've said anything to offend I do try not to do that anybody out there please accept my apologies, as I feel like I've may have lost some rapport out there. Maybe I'm just upset over the situation here. I'm trying to see how this happened again for a reason. So far no...
  3. 2

    [Update!] Friends Medical Situation

    Well over a week now we've been trying to get refills for my friend, now the "good" dr, told the pharmacist she never received the fax, but was aware of the situation, and was going to make a "decision". Now she knows i'm sure of my friends current predicament, unless one of those girls in the...
  4. R

    Harper in India with Iran on his mind

    “Harper’s latest act of Zionist fawing was his unprovoked decision to cut diplomatic ties with Iran and expel its embassy staff,” Greg Felton, Canadian journalist, author and blogger specializing on the Middle East. On November 3, Canada’s prime minister Stephen Harper began his six-day Indian...
  5. R

    Is Israel being set-up for destruction?

    Two days ago, I read Ali Larijani’s warning to Israeli lap-dogs that a military action to bring a regime change in Damascus will engulf the Zionist entity. “The US military officials probably have a poor understanding of themselves and regional issues because Syria is in no way similar to...
  6. Denise

    Collapse of the Astral Realms

    By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone April 14, 2012 Collapse of the Astral Realms by ZS Livingstone (April 14, 2012) Work by The Aetheric Resistance, Franz Erdl, Martina, Tim Hicks and many others is aiding in the clean up of the lower astral realms. The lowest four steps of the fourth dimension...
  7. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Solar Flares: A Not So Ordinary View Of The Sun

    Lady of Light March 28th 2012 About our friend, The Sun Important Message: With all the reports of the solar flare storms recently, it is important to talk about the sun, what it is, and what it's doing. The Science: It is speculated that the sun is a giant gaseous...
  8. 100th Monkey

    Big Pharma's Evil Motives Exposed..!

    18 March 2012 Born in British Guyana, Dr. John Virapen went from being a door-to-door conman to a pop star, to a pharmaceutical representative to executive director of one of the largest drug companies in the world. He admits to participating in bribery, false information and deception to help...
  9. R

    Israel Lobby and Free Speech at Canadian Universities

    In 1998, a young medical researcher, Professor Nancy Olivieri (University of Toronto), became a target of Jewish lobby groups and pharmaceutical industry when she claimed that her research indicates serious problems with an experimental drug manufactured by Canada’s largest drug company, Apotex...
  10. Denise

    2012 Meditation - Manifesting 5D ~ Archangel Michael ~ Ron Head

    Everything you wish for is attainable, dear people of the Light. Of course you know this already, through your understanding of the universal laws. But in this timing, in the time of ascension, there is a great urgency to manifest your desired outcome more efficiently. And so we assist you...
  11. Denise

    Activists want British company which experiments on babies to leave Argentina

    "They also spray-painted graffiti reading "Murderers" since they accuse the company of testing experimental vaccines on thousands of Argentine babies." While administration of President Cristina Fernandez urges the UK to sit at the negotiating table to discuss sovereignty of Malvinas, certain...
  12. 100th Monkey

    GM foods not served in Monsanto cafeteria

    'The fight to ban genetically modified foods has won more converts — some employees of Monsanto the company that is doing the most to promote GM products. The Independent newspaper reports that there is a notice in the cafeteria of the Monsanto pharmaceutical factory is High Wycombe...
  13. Denise

    Leaked documents reveal US diplomats actually work for Monsanto

    (NaturalNews) Biotech giant Monsanto has been genetically modifying the world's food supply and subsequently breeding environmental devastation for years, but leaked documents now reveal that Monsanto has also deeply infiltrated the United States government. With leaked reports revealing how...
  14. Denise

    Arcturians ~ Nothing Can Be Hidden Now ~ December 11, 2011

    Greetings again dear ones of the Earth in these times of so much upheaval and change. All is proceeding according to plan; light is pouring into your dear planet and many are now beginning to feel this and accept change into their consciousness although they are not yet aware of what they are...
  15. Denise

    Micheal Moore - The Winter of Our Occupation

    The Winter of Our Occupation By Michael Moore, Open Mike Blog 07 December 11 And now it is winter. Wall Street rejoices, hoping that the change of seasons will mean a change in our spirit, our commitment to stop them. They couldn't be more wrong. Have they not heard of Washington and the...
  16. Denise

    30% US Drinking Water 'Contaminated' Has Parkinsons-Causing Chemical..!

    Exposure to industrial solvent 'can increase risk of Parkinson's Disease six times'! Chemical is banned in food and pharmaceutical industries but is still used as a degreasing agent. 30% of U.S. drinking water supplies believed to be contaminated. By Anthony Bond - 14th November 2011 A...
  17. CASPER

    Analyst gives biotech top rating

    NEW YORK (AP) — A BMO Capital Markets analyst started coverage of biotech drugmakers with Thursday with an "Outperform" rating, saying shares of large biotechnology companies like Amgen Inc. and Celgene Corp. should do better than traditional drugmaker stocks. Analyst Jim Birchenough said he...
  18. Denise

    New from Kerry-Constitutional lawyer specializing in FDA law, Jonathan Emord "Constitutional lawyer specializing in food and drug law, Jonathan Emord, was recently on Coast-to-Coast AM where he talked about the FDA's raids on raw milk producers, and how FDA guidelines are eroding Americans' freedoms. He was joined...
  19. Denise


    Ascension Activation ~Seven Mighty Archangels: In meditation, call forth Archangel Michael and call forth a downpouring of his energies of protection with help from his legion of angels. ]Secondly, call forth Archangel Jophiel and request the ascension energies of illumination and wisdom...
  20. R

    Holozac for Holocaust Deniers

    by Michael James Soon to be marketed and sold under the name Holozac, the drug works by rapidly closing down the brain's centre of intellectual inquiry. It also blocks the re-uptake of politically incorrect neurotransmitters involved in critical thought processes, making it more difficult to...