Pushing Pedophilia In French Kids Clothing Ad Photo: Naked man appears in French children's fashion shoot

Boiling Frog

Truth Activist
05 Jan 2012

One of France’s biggest mail-order fashion retailers has apologised for publishing a photo in which a naked man appears behind a group of children advertising beachwear.


The nudist can clearly be seen strolling knee-deep in the sea while in the foreground four children run towards the camera in bright clothing.

The mistake was compounded by the fact that La Redoute provided a magnifying glass to allow people to get a closer look at the beachwear and thus any outstanding items in the beach scene.

In a tweet La Redoute said that it “apologises for the photo published on its site and is doing what’s necessary to remove it”.

But the shot has gone viral on the internet and spawned a host of spoof montages.

These feature the unidentified nudist as part of the Moon landing, with the face of the disgraced former International Monetary Fund chief, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, or strolling behind President Nicolas Sarkozy as he goes for a summer dip in swimming trunks.
