
  1. R

    Zionists condemns Beirut University for honoring UN Envoy

    On April 30, 2013, the American University of Beirut (AUB) hosted the anti-Zionist American Jewish professor Richard Falk, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights for the Palestinian Territories. He was a guest speaker in the “Bill and Sally Hambrecht Distinguished Peacemakers...
  2. R

    Jewish group forces UN to drop 9/11 Truth Teller

    Under pressure from Israel advocacy group, B’nai B’rith International (BBI), United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Swiss ambassador at the UN Paul Seger have decided to cancel Annie Machon’s address at a June 6 briefing jointly organized by the UN Department of Public Information...
  3. R

    British Archives: “Zionists were Terrorists, Nazis and Savages”

    The British National Archives released last week, contains an intelligence report dated April 30, 1948 – two weeks before David Ben Gurion unilaterally declared the establishment of Israel. In the report, Sir Alan Cunningham, the last High Commissionar of the British Mandate authority in...
  4. R

    Richard Falk: ‘Israel behind Boston bombing’

    Jewish professor Richard Falk, special UNHRC envoy for Palestine, in an Op-Ed published in the Foreign Policy Journal on April 21, 2013, has claimed that the Zionist regime was behind the Boston Marathon bombingon April 15, 2013. “As long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American...
  5. Lady of Light

    Just Because You Believe it Doesn't Make it True - Lady of Light

    "Just because you assume or believe something to be true does not necessarily make it true." - Lady of Light Beliefs are not truth. You can assume something and believe it, but no matter how much you want it to be true, you can't make it true; it either is or it isn't. Take this image for...
  6. R

    Hugo Chavez leaves ‘Free World’ orphan

    “For my brother Chavez, that Olympic champion of new socialist ideas,” wrote former Cuban revolutionary President Fidel Castro to Chavez in the dedication of a book given to him in Havana in 2006. Yesterday, hundreds of millions of victims of western colonial powers around the world, mourned...
  7. R

    Syria’s election to UN decolonization committee upsets Israel

    Inspite of the US-Israel bloody campaign to topple Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian government – last week, Syrian representative at United Nations, Bashar Ja’afari PhD, was unimously re-elected rapporteur of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization. This shows that everyone at the UN doesn’t agree...
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    Lebanon and Israeli exclusiveness

    Israeli leaders have proven again and again that they’re not answerable to the world community for their immoral actions. They believe that with United States covering their backs, they have dominance over the world. In July 2010, Lebanon complained to the UN Security Council on Israel’s covert...
  9. R

    The first Black Pope!

    Americans got their first Black President in 2008 after over three centuries. Now, some pundits are predicting that Ghanian Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson (born 1948) could be the first Black Pope of the Catholic Church in 2000 years. Both Obama and Turkson have one thing in common – both...
  10. R

    Jordanian King disappoints US Jewish delegate

    On Sunday, a 16-member delegate from Israel advocacy group, the American Jewish Committee (AJC), paid a visit to King Abdullah II of Jordan and his foreign minister Nasser Judeh in Amman. The delegate was headed by AJC president Robert Elman. Elman also met with ambassadors from Washington and...
  11. R

    HRW expels UN envoy Richard Falk

    Dr. Richard Anderson Falk (born 1930) was fired as director of the US-based Human Right Watch (HRW) on December 17, 2012 without proper notification. It was the result of a letter sent to Kenneth Roth (Jewish), executive director HRW by Hillel C. Neuer, executive director UN Watch, an Israeli...
  12. R

    UNHR Envoy: ‘UN must boycott Israel’

    On October 25, a frustrated UN Human Rights special Rapporteur for Israel and Occupied Territories, Richard Falk (Jewish), in his latest report to the UN has urged the member nations of the UN General Assembly to boycott companies that do business with the Zionist entity. Washington’s envoy at...
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    Israel captures Gaza-bound Zionist ‘Estelle’ vessel

    Today, Israeli troops intercepted and took control of Gaza-bound Finnish-flagged vessel ‘Estelle’ carrying 16 human rights activists from several western countries including a former Israeli pilot and former Canadian MP Jim Manly. Interestingly, the leader of this ‘provocation’ against the...
  14. Lady of Light

    Linda Brown's "Rain On The Windows Papers" - A Continuation

    This is a continuation for Linda Brown and her “Rain on the Window Papers” thread that she had started over on The Living Moon. Since I no longer have access to that thread, I am going to continue with what visions and messages I get, here on Unhypnotize in this thread. Linda, I started to...
  15. R

    Israeli agent pays visit to Ayatullah Khameini

    The former US ambassador in Lebanon and most senior diplomat at the US State Department, Zionist Jew Jeffrey Feltman, accompanied United Nation secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, to meet Iran’s Supreme Leader. Currently, Jeffrey Feltman is Ki-moon’s Under Secretary for Political Affairs. See Feltman...
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    NAM: ‘The end of US-Israel imperialism’

    Today, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenie addressed the leaders and Presidents from over 100 nations assembled at the 16th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran. In his speech Ayatullah Khameini reminded his audience that “Islam teaches us that inspite of their racial, linguist...
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    Ahmadinejad arrives in Saudi Arabia

    On Monday, Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad arrived in Medina on King Abdullah’s invitation to attend the extraordinary meeting of Ordanization of the Islamic cooperation (OIC) representing 57 Muslim majority countries. The meeting is scheduled for August 14-15 in Makkah. President Ahmadinejad...
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    Israel’s covert wars in Egypt

    With the rise of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the Zionist regime has begun its covert terrorist operations in the region to invade and reoccupy Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. Israel created similar situation ahead of the 1967 war with its Arab neighbors - as result of which Israel captured Sinai...
  19. woodfoe

    [Shocking Truth:] Calculations for Nibiru

    There’s been a lot of information and disinformation about the the celestial body know as Nibiru, the destroyer, wormwood, planetX, or a number of other names that it goes by. Of course ancient carvings on rock walls and the like only goes to add more evidence that this celestial body did visit...
  20. Truth Vibrations

    New Horizons Halfway to Pluto

    "In 2006, NASA dispatched an ambassador to the planetary frontier. The New Horizons spacecraft is now halfway between Earth and Pluto, on approach for a dramatic flight past the icy planet and its moons in July 2015. After 10 years and more than 3 billion miles, on a historic voyage that has...