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An Open Letter to the Revolutionaries

I want to talk to all You revolutionaries. You, who now are looking around You and thinking this is not how it should be. You who, regardless of who You blame for the problems of this planet, know that something is about to break.

Maybe You are tucking food and ammunition away, preparing. Most likely You are just going about Your day, watching the web, and saying, “We have to do something.”

Something is VERY wrong with the picture.

I watch as this solution to that problem is suggested – and yeah, maybe that might bandaid that problem – but there are other symptoms that crop up, and then We, to mix metaphors, have to put that fire out. Quick! What size bandaid do We need, and what shape, what contour? And underlying virtually all of these sores in Our society, diverse as it is, on this planet I see a common infection.

Point blank, the infection that drains Humans of creative – and yes, loving – behavior is the need for money. I see People behave badly in so many ways, trying to find ways to enhance Their money. Most don’t, as a rule, making do but maybe contemplating what it would be like if They robbed a bank and got away with it. What would They do with all that money?

So not only do We have to come up with bandaids, We have to be able to afford them – which leads to wrong sized bandaids, or no bandaid at all. And within this the need for money, We have a very few on this planet sucking Us for all We are worth. Add to that there is evidence that They also are not interested in the global welfare of Humanity.

So… Let’s take a look at money. Is there a way to eliminate the need for it?

Let’s ask the question, what function does money play in Our social interaction? Surely We measure “success” by the quantity One can accumulate of it. Its main function, however, is to allow Us to conveniently move the products of Human and “external” energy between Us.

Human energy is used in services, in labor, and in what I call documenting – dealing with red tape, creating receipts, keeping books, accounting for this currency. “External” energy is, of course, all the other sources of energy: coal, gas, oil, wood, etc.

This makes sense if You think of the first hunter, gatherer, fisher, farmer, miner, builder… In each case, Human energy is put forth in a meaningful way and the product represents that energy, with the meaning giving it value. Everything They used was free – the bows, the baskets, the rods, the seeds and soil and sun and rain, the picks – were created with free stuff through Human energy meaningfully expended so as to collect the free goods (with more meaningful energy expended).

Because the product of meaningful energy expended was scarce, compared to all One might want to accomplish, We placed the value We did on what We produced. Out of this grew the exchange of the products – whether services or tangible. From this We can see that 100% of the cost of anything is the cost of energy, whether Human or “external.”

When trade and barter became too cumbersome, tokens began being used, and more convenient tokens were devised as time went on. Shells, beads, coins, bills, checks, electronic funds – all tokens of this meaningful energy expended.

Throughout the history We have on this planet, there has been the presumption that energy is scarce. This has affected the way in which Our society has grown. For instance, when Humans began to be used as the energy source along the assembly line, the “work ethic” sprouted up to keep Us believing that a handful of tokens was Our just due for doing Our duty to the system, keeping it going. In fact, We have become slaves of this system.

Until recently, the energy scarcity has been a yoke on Humanity, in the form of money, and the symptoms of wearing that yoke are many. Poverty and privilege, oppression, wage/debt slavery, greed, a banking system that is out of control, and war profiteering. With accumulations of money comes power – in fact, power over Others is merely another form of money, leading Us to the equation, money=power=energy.

Now, for the first time in Our given history, We have access to the energy pool We swim in – the so-called “Dark” Energy, also called zero point energy, radiant energy (Tesla), orgone (Reich), “vacuum” energy, plenum energy, and other such names. The methods of extracting this energy, however, have been hidden and suppressed.

Because the power “elite” know Their power depends on energy scarcity – which begs for a system to account for it, and thus money (and thus power over Others) – They hide any technologies that offer free energy. If we had free energy flowing, the cost of things would be vastly cheaper as the cost of “external” energy is removed all down the production line.

Another development We are just now seeing is the great advancement in robotics. We are at the point where all necessary work no One WANTS to do can be done by robot. If free energy took the bulk of the cost of things away, making robots affordable, and We built robots for all the necessary work no One WANTS to do (or not enough People), We can remove the cost of Human energy – and this will make everything…free.

We Humans will readily do things We WANT to do for merely the social currency it brings Us: appreciation, thanks, lauds, fame, recognition, attention, and Self-satisfaction. Yes, We CAN get rid of the need for money.

And so… Rather than Us dividing on the issues of what bandaid in what shape, size and contour We should be placing on what societal sore, I call for a solidarity in doing all We can to strip the “elite” of Their power over Others – by working to release free energy extraction methods from secrecy, and building robots.

Let’s break out of the old paradigm and institute simple societal seeds for a healthy society to emerge from.

For more detail please see:

1. The Foundation: The End of Entropy: A Look at Our Entropic World and the Evidence Supporting How We Could Change This - 12160 Social Network
2. Governance: Stigmergic Governance Via the Web - 12160 Social Network
3. A Plan: T.A.P., You're it! - 12160 Social Network
4. Another approach: If You Control the Gold, and Money is Tied to Gold, You Control the Money Supply - 12160 Social Network
5. Info about one hidden free energy method: Electrogravitics - A Simplified Description - 12160 Social Network
6. The Ethical Planetarian: The Ethical Planetarian Party Platform - 12160 Social Network

Let Us go a new direction on this planet and solve all issues related to money – which is at least 98% of the problems We see. First step: Spread awareness of this solution to the tipping point.

The root of all evil is the LOVE of money. Remove the soil in which the root grows....

About the author:

Amaterasu Solar is a multidisciplined economist, social engineer, and layman physicist, also studying emergence, fractals, chaos, complexity, and other elements of science, who has spent the bulk of Her 50+ years on this planet seeking solutions to the problems that beset Humanity. Her father was deeply involved in the study of electrogravitics, teaching Her, describing His successful experiments in gravity control and overunity (“free energy”), and painting a picture of flying cars, floating cities, and all the energy We can use as the world She would grow up in because of His work. When the technology of electrogravitics became highly classified, Her father never mentioned His work again.

Twitter: @AmaterasuSolar
Amaterasu.... you recently posted

"Amaterasu Solar is a multidisciplined economist, social engineer, and layman physicist, also studying emergence, fractals, chaos, complexity, and other elements of science, who has spent the bulk of Her 50+ years on this planet seeking solutions to the problems that beset Humanity. Her father was deeply involved in the study of electrogravitics, teaching Her, describing His successful experiments in gravity control and overunity (“free energy”), and painting a picture of flying cars, floating cities, and all the energy We can use as the world She would grow up in because of His work. When the technology of electrogravitics became highly classified, Her father never mentioned His work again."

I appreciate the energy that you have put into your presentation here . I do however feel that it is only right that I would be able to challenge the credibility of some of the statements that someone has made here in your " biography" Its always nice to know about the author and many use those bits of information to bolster their opinion and regard for the words that you have used.

. I hope that you might be able to address some of my concerns. Your " bio" says that your father was " deeply involved in the study of electrogravitics"... and that he taught you things about her and discribed his " successful experiments in gravity control and overunity. ( Free energy). It was added...... " when the technology of electrogravitics became highly classified....her father never mentioned His work again.

I don't accept what has been written here about your Father. Where is more verifiable proof that your father ever worked in the field of electrogravitics?.... ever even mentioned the field to you at all?. With the time element involved and your admitted age you must have been about three years old when you had these discussions with him.... or younger!. How can this be? How do you expect anyone to take you seriously here?

Talking about the " construct" of the moon being towed into place is one thing in your particular Forum but discussing Electrogravity is entirely another.... in my opinion. Its nice to know where reality tails off and fantasy begins.

Its interesting to me that you would say that his experiments were successful in " gravity control and overunity". This is something that your father told a three year old?

I am trying to not be rude or sarcastic but I have been treated dismissively on the Forum where you are a moderator. If all of you expected me to prove that I was Townsend Browns daughter........ then I think it only right that a certain burden of proof be put on the words that you have flung out there regarding your expertise and history in " electrogravity".

These statements certainly imply that you have a certain standing in the field that my Dad in fact " coined". If your Father was working with " electrogravity " in the early fifties... in Southern California... he had to have been working with Townsend Brown. You know that this has always interested me and I am sure that you can understand that more information from your side of things would only help clarify the situation for all of us ...

Linda Brown
Linda, My memories start at age one. And You know what... If You don't want to believe it...I'm not overly concerned. I do not imply I have ANY "standing..." If You want to infer that, nothing I can do. I tell it like it is, and if that's not good enough, whatever. And besides, I recommend You address the article and not make it about Me, eh? Shill tactic, THAT one...
So as to not pull away from the Opening statement here and trying to give you the respect that each thread deserves I will try to address the main body of your statement Ameratsu.... I have to admit that I am certainly no economist.... and I wish that we had the wisdom of John Nash here with us. I think that he might have a few comments that would be better placed than mine.

My first reaction to your theory is of course that you blame the use of a monetary system to trade time for goods and services.... as if somehow you feel that humans should be better..... freer than that.That we would do so much better if we had more time... didn't have to spend our energies keeping alive.... You keep saying that humanity would be then allowed to do the things that they WANT to do.... instead of the things that they HAVE to do.

I am wondering if perhaps your concept of humans is a bit idealistic. Its been my studied opinion that MOST humans only do what is the bare minimum to keep themselves going....Those in the NorthEast traditionally had a historical stronger work ethic than tropical islanders, for example........ simply because they HAD to work hard.... chop wood for winter etc etc etc.....whereas an islander could nap until noon.... fish for his dinner and wonder what else to do the next day.....Frankly I am not sure the world that you want for us isn't a bit like that Islander lifestyle..... its not bad <g>....... but.... does it encourage grand and wondrous inventions?????? techniques?????

You might ask around and see if a little bit of natural stress may actually more be beneficial for human and mental stimulation?

I think the jury might still be out on that.... but I suspect that the people from the North would be better at using their brain a bit more........ because they HAD to.

If your system was in operation and we all had robots doing the manual labor.... would we be better for it ? Or worse? You seem to think that we would be better but I wonder how you draw that conclusion?

Just a displaced islanders point of view <g> Linda
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I see your response Amy. How about answering it?

"If You want to infer that, nothing I can do. I tell it like it is, and if that's not good enough, whatever.

Well Amy.... thats just the problem. Its not good enough..... WHATEVER is a teenagers answer to the response. You are going to have to be more resilient.... I am not an economist.... and the responses I had were just from a personal viewpoint....

When you make statements and present them the way you have.... you DO infer that you have a certain standing in the understanding of Electrogravitics. Now you are saying that I can accept what you have said or not.... that its not your problem? But IT IS YOUR PROBLEM if you are serious about what you are doing,

I asked what you based your understanding of electrogravitics on. Your answer was what your Dad told you. But as far as I can see you can not state how or where he happened to have worked in this field EVEN if you as a ONE YEAR OLD... remembered what he told you properly.

Its a house of cards Amy unless you can find some concrete somewhere. Linda
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"[B]Linda, My memories start at age one. And You know what... If You don't want to believe it...I'm not overly concerned. I do not imply I have ANY "standing..." If You want to infer that, nothing I can do. I tell it like it is, and if that's not good enough, whatever. And besides, I recommend You address the article and not make it about Me, eh? Shill tactic, THAT one... [/B]It was not a shill tactic. I suggest that if you are really serious about your work that you should learn not to be so quick to be defensive. I responded to what was in the body of your opening statement.

Are you actually trying to tell us that you base your expertise on the memories of a one year old?

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Sorry You're not an economist and (I guess) struggle with what I show here. Perhaps other readers will grasp better.
I am going to repeat what you have written with my comments included in parenthesis.

Amaterasu Solar is a multidisciplined economist,( Do you have a degree in economy Amy... from what school? What does " multidisciplined actually mean in this case?) social engineer( Now thats a handy title), and layman physicist, ( Layman Physicist? Is that the same as an armchair scientist?) also studying emergence, fractals, chaos, complexity, and other elements of science,( Good for you.... I don't understand half of all of that and I will be the first to admit it) who has spent the bulk of Her 50+ years on this planet seeking solutions to the problems that beset Humanity.( And thats a noble mission).......... and we have already covered the comments about your Dad) Her father was deeply involved in the study of electrogravitics, teaching Her, describing His successful experiments in gravity control and overunity (“free energy”), and painting a picture of flying cars, floating cities, and all the energy We can use as the world She would grow up in because of His work. When the technology of electrogravitics became highly classified, Her father never mentioned His work again.

Did you write this? If you had maybe it would have been better put in the first person.

If you didn't write this...... then you might be right in saying that YOU never inferred that you were an expert in certain fields but THIS PERSON.... whoever it is.... certainly is trying to make you look good.

Maybe thats fine have already proven that YOUR words can paint exciting pictures..... but without concrete to keep them solid.... is it worth the effort? Remember that your readers are not stupid.

Many on my Forum say that your heart is in the right place and I would like to believe that. If you are up for any well intentioned advice...... don't let others write stuff that " INFER" things for you.....And try not to call another persons attempt at actual communication with you a" Shill" tactic. Linda
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I am trying to not be rude or sarcastic but I have been treated dismissively on the Forum where you are a moderator. If all of you expected me to prove that I was Townsend Browns daughter........
No Linda, I asked you to prove who you are, it wasn't, "all of you." You didn't do that.

To prove who you are would:-

End the drama;

End the drama OR

End the drama!

Fat chance of that....
If there are any who would like to discuss the content of My piece, designed to show what We, Humanity, can do at this UNIQUE point in time, I will be happy to discuss it.
I agree AMY. It is a unique point in TIME, indeed.

Ah Pimander. I was wondering when you would show up.

AMY says that she would like to discuss this and thats what I felt I was doing here...." Fat chance " indeed..... if you think its all about drama, which it is not.... I have " called her to task" in my own way.... and Presto.... here you are!

Interesting that, as Exterminator might say.

I have told Amy what my opinion was. Whats yours on her " system?" Linda
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Misdirection much? We are not talking about me here Pimander, if you failed to notice that. This was AMYS piece and my comments were aimed at HER PROVING not only who SHE was but who her Father was. She chose to make statements which opened that door and I don't think that its overly dramatic of me to ask how she got to her conclusions.

I don't think that we need your comments about me proving or not proving anything at all. Its not relevant. I agree with AMY.... lets talk about her system.... unless she has decided that she doesn't want to put forth the kind of effort that it might take to stand up against some tough language in her direction?

I believe that her system is not workable and I have called upon her to tell us more about how she came to believe that it was. Trying to tell me that she knows about electrogravitics because her Dad woke her in the middle of the night to tell her that he could not tell her any more about it.... well.... I am sorry.... but does AMY realize how ridiculous that sounds?

My question is.... does she even want to use that story? Because I don't think that it helps her. And as I have said.... I don't believe her ( which .... the last time I looked.... is my right?)

I asked what kind of training she has had in economics. Is that an insult?


Or is it just difficult to answer?
AMY..... I have a serious question to ask of you.

If someone gave you two million dollars.......

What would your opinion of money be THEN?

Thats a SERIOUS question. Would that experience shift the conclusions that you have reached here?

And how would that happen?

We are all a product of our environment.

In reading what you have said in some of your papers I sense that you have a resentment for the way the monetary system actually works now.... could that be because you have been more on the OUTSIDE of the system than on the INSIDE? If suddenly all that changed..... would your theory then change too?

If someOne gave Me large sums of money I would use it to further awareness of the fact that just now in history We can eliminate the NEED for exchange and allow ALL of Us on this planet to survive richly. My opinion of it would not change, however. The scarcity paradigm, which allows poverty and privilege, starvation, oppression, wage/debt slavery, greed, class conflict, war profiteering (and therefore war) to emerge is still in place, and for Humanity's sake, I aim to instigate the abundance paradigm with or without money at My disposal.

Because We now - and JUST now - can do that, because I see what a better planet this would be with these recently acquired resources (plenum energy and programmed machines), I am driven. Period.

EDIT to add: I am not "resentful," love. I just understand the Human misery it allows to emerge and I aim to do something about it.
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Well, not to try to butt heads here, but I feel with or without the free energy bit, the idea of ridding ourselves of the money and slavery tied to it is viable. The only problem I can see with it, is EVERYONE, or at least the vast majority NEEDS to change their way of thinking and get rid of the fear of "being without". It CAN work, but we need to do the work to get it there.

That's just my two cents.

Oh, and I suggest a NEW thread for arguments on WHO Amaterasu is and WHAT she knows, and leaving this one to the topic, like we did for the argument on Linda. For knowledge in relation to the article at hand of course can remain. :) We don't want things to get mixed and lost. Thanks. :)
Amaterasu said:
Point blank, the infection that drains Humans of creative – and yes, loving – behavior is the need for money.

Did you mean this to be all "inclusive" of every human? My take on this statement is one that is biased. Money is essential to a church or organization that will feed starving children, help the homeless, provide surgery for those misfortunate children born with a cleft palate and the list goes on. These organizations become very creative in finding ways to raise "money". I would call those acts "loving".

Amaterasu said:
Surely We measure “success” by the quantity One can accumulate of it.

"We"? Shouldn't that be "You"? So when someone creates a device and it functions, isn't that success? If you are so skilled, as led to believe in your posts here and elsewhere, then what did you feel when you created an electrogravitic device and turned on the switch? Was that feeling of "success" worth more than any amount of money?

Amaterasu said:
Another development We are just now seeing is the great advancement in robotics. We are at the point where all necessary work no One WANTS to do can be done by robot. If free energy took the bulk of the cost of things away, making robots affordable, and We built robots for all the necessary work no One WANTS to do (or not enough People), We can remove the cost of Human energy – and this will make everything…free.

What a simplistic answer along with a bit of callous disregard for those that spend their time building the "robots". So, let's look at it a bit more in depth. There will be those that "build" (we can insert the word "create") the "robots" that will perform the work that "no One WANTS to do" which will remove the "human energy" that makes "" for everyone else. So, who decides who builds the robots? Wouldn't this mean that there would be those who "work" to provide robots for "those" that don't? I suppose that these individuals would be magnanimous by just doing all that work while there would be those who just sit at home?

Now I can anticipate the response. Robots would do the construction, robots would free mankind of the drudgery of all those jobs that no one wishes to do. This is the recipe for the creation of an antipathetic society and a society that will sink into non-creativity. Agreeing with a part of what Linda has said, creativity is stiffled when there is no need. How many individuals would really take advantage of this removal of drudgery and expand the human condition? How many generations would it be until there would be those increase of the antipathy where society in general would be considered stagnant?

I don't agree that we are at that stage. We are in a society in the United States of America that provides so much for so many that cannot provide for themselves. How much creativity is created in these individuals when so much is provided for them? "Social engineer"? Entitlements are doing just that, they are engineering a society dependent upon others and what you are proposing would be the seed that would grow into a dormant society.

We are not there yet and have a long way to go. Maybe the barter system would be better for then at least, individuals would have to do "something" to eat and not just sit and wait for someone to bring the food to them.

My opinion,

Amaterasu said "If there are any who would like to discuss the content of My piece, designed to show what We, Humanity, can do at this UNIQUE point in time, I will be happy to discuss it.

And this is the perfect place.
In fact... in all the world at this moment... this couldn't be a more perfect place.
This is indeed a UNIQUE POINT IN TIME.

Lady of Light... I appreciate your concern about this discussion shifting to a detailed examination of WHO Amaterasu is... and I agree with you that this is not the time or the place for that discussion. I think all of us have heard the life history that she has presented here and elsewhere. I am very willing to contain the discussion to exactly what she has said here regarding her Program.

Mikado brings up many good points.

There are responsibilities involved in moving into the future... and those who work so hard to develop the technology ( whether its robots or electrogravitics) deserve credit for what they have done. And they also deserve a society that recognizes their contribution and appreciates it....

People like AMY find themselves " driven" along a certain path....and I respect that more than they will ever know..... but its obvious nothing is going to be simply GIVEN to anyone.

AMY.....Mikado makes good points about charities. Have you ever donated your time to a charity? Or spent quality time with someone who has to make decisions about where their vast sums of money should go? I wish that experience for you... Those folks COUNT on having the funds to facilitate the good that they do. Without it.... today.... NOTHING happens.

We can all THINK of a Utopian future.... and we can talk forever.... but AMY.... is what you have in your head.... the vision that you were " Given".... is it actually the future that would be best for Humankind as a whole?

This is an important question. Would we simply stagnate?... or just wait until we find something " inspiring" to do with out time

What happens then if the " Inspiration" ..... Like the " inspiration" that is driving you so hard right now..... Just suddenly..... goes away. Then what? If that happens has this all been a ruse then to drive us down a one way street of oblivion? There are forces at work here that none of us understand and maybe its good that we consider all of the possibilities.

And this is indeed a special Time and place to talk about all of this.... Linda
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