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Mahmoud al-Zahar, the co-founder and senior member of Palestinian Islamic resistance ruling the Gaza strip, Hamas, met Iran’s President Ahmadinejad in Tehran on September 9, 2012. He discussed with his host issues concerning a united Islamic Resistance front (Iran, Hizbullah and Hamas) against the Zionist entity. Mahmoud al-Zahar had met Hizbullah leader Sheikh Nasrallah before arriving in Tehran. After the meeting in Beirut, Sheikh Nasrallh said: “The contradiction with the Islamic resistance factions in Gaza is not due to their ideological, religious, or intellectual affiliation. It is, however, due to the program of the resistance.”

It’s obvious, that since Hamas moved its headquarter from Damascus and paying verbal support for the anti-Assad armed insurgents – the relations between some of Hamas leaders and the ‘Axis of Resistance (Iran, Hizbullah and Syria)’ are not cozy as used to be.

Ahmadinejad warned his guest that leaders of Islamic movements should not downplay and underestimate the plots and actions of the enemies, because they are seeking to save the Zionist regime with more sophisticated plots. To that effect, they may pretend to rebuke the Zionist regime, but their main objective is to save this regime.

“We have to be more vigilant in a bid to be able to neutralize their conspiracies,” said Ahmadinejad.

The latest US-Israeli conspiracy was the murder of US ambassador in Libya, Christopher Steven, blamed on Libyans protesting against an anti-Islam movie produced by an Israeli Jew producer. According to Canadian Jewish academic, Henry Makow PhD, the murder of the ambassador was an Israeli false flag operation to draw US into war with Iran.

If not realized as yet – Hamas leaders will soon find out that they were fooled by the Saudi, Qatar, Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood on moving out of Damascus. Qatar’s $350 million promised aid was meant to isolate Hamas from its three long-standing supporters, Iran, Hizbullah and Syria. Hamas’ closing its headquarter and military training operation in Syria – was its greatest strategic blunder.

Mahmoud al-Zahar, while conveying Hamas’ appreciation of Tehran’s financial and moral support – told Ahmadinejad: “Yes, our leaders have some differences on the conflict in Syria. Someone is distancing himself from Bashar Assad, others seek closer ties with the Gulf monarchies. But these nuances won`t prevent us from creating ‘single forces of Islamic resistance’.”

There is no indication that Hamas has received $350 million bribe from Qatar ruler. However, the new ruler of Egypt, Dr. Morsi has closed down the underground tunnels used by Hamas to bring in food and building material from Egypt – and put restriction on Palestinians crossing the Rafah crossing.

I believe, Tehran’s support for Hamas and Syria is ‘one sided’. It’s good foreign policy to cultivate friendship with its neighboring countries – but in case of a joint US-Israel attack, both Hamas and Syria will not come to Iran’s aid. Hamas is too weak military-wise and Syria has not fired a single rocket since Jewish army occupied Golan Heights in 1967.

And finally a ZOG joke. The Zionist Jew David S. Cohen, Obama’s Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, issued a statement: “The U.S. Department of the Treasury imposed on Thursday sanctions against Hizbullah’s leadership in Lebanon, further exposing Hizbullah’s active support to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, as well as its role in terrorist activities. ‘Hassan Nasrallah, Hizbullah’s secretary general, is being designated today pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13582, for providing support to the Syrian government,’ said the Treasury in a statement. ‘By aiding Assad’s violent campaign against the Syrian people and working to support a regime that will inevitably fall, Hizbullah’s ongoing activity undermines regional stability and poses a direct threat to Lebanon’s security“.

Cohen’s worry about “Lebanon’s security” reminds me Lebanese President Michel Suleiman’s response to Bibi’s threat to “wipe Lebanon off map”.

“Lebanon, despite not enjoying the military and financial support similar to that Zionist entity receives, is the only country that defeated Israel militarily. which the Zionist entity is still suffering from the consequences to this day,” said Suleiman.

Hamas calls for a ‘United Resistance’ against Israel | Rehmat's World