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Today, Israel Jewish protester, Moshe Silman 58, was announced dead at the Sheba Medical Center as result of self-immolation. Following in the steps of Mohammed Bouazizi, who set himself and Tunisia on fire for USrael last year. During a rally in Tel Aviv marking the first anniversary of mass anti-government protests, Moshe Silman doused himself in gasoline and set himself alight. His friends say Silman did it as he could not cope with country’s high cost of living and social injustices.

According to local police over 10,000 Israelis attended the event. Before, self-immolation, Silman distributed few copies of his suicide letter in which he had detailed his financial, housing and health problems along with his anger at the the Zionist regime for the humiliation that disenfranchised citizens go through day in and day out, that take from the poor and give to the rich.

The English translation of Silman’s suicide letter is below (posted by Israeli magazine +972 on July 14, 2012).

“The State of Israel has stolen from me and robbed me, left me with nothing and the Tel Aviv District Court blocked me from getting justice. Registrar at the Tel Aviv District court, broke the law, disrupted legal proceedings, out of condescension. It won’t even assist me with my rental fees. Two committees from the Ministry of Housing have rejected me, despite the fact that I have undergone a stroke and was granted 100% work disability. Ask the manager of Amidar, in Hafia, on Hanevi’im Street.

I blame the State of Israel. I blame Bibi Netanyahu and (Minister of Finance) Yuval Steinitz – both scum for the humiliation that disenfranchised citizens go through day in and day out, that take from the poor and give to the rich, and to public servants those that serve the State of Israel.

The National Health Insurance, especially, the manager of their operations, and the manager of their claims department, on Lincoln Street in Tel Aviv, who illegally seized my work equipment for my truck. The Haifa National Insurance Institute branch, which abused me for a year until I was granted disability – That I pay NIS 2300 per month in Health Insurance taxes and even more for my medicine.

I have no money for medicine or rent. I can’t make the money after I have paid my millions in taxes I did the army, and until age 46 I did reserve duty

I refuse to be homeless, this is why I am protesting – Against all the injustices done to me by the State, me and others like me“.

According to American Jewish writer, Stephen Lendman , 1.77 million (out of total Jewish population of 4.7 million) Israelis are poor. About 850,000 children live in poverty. As a result, 75% of those affected miss meals, a 21% increase from 2009. Moreover, 83% of poor children lack proper dental care, most getting none. Some beg for money. Others steal to eat.

How sad! Not to mention that the US Senate okeyed a new $9 billion soft loan (S.2165) to the Zionist entity on June 29, 2012. Zionist Jew Senator Barbra Boxer who introduced the bill, said: “I am so pleased that the Senate moved quickly to pass this important bill, which reaffirms the important bond between the United States and Israel and helps ensure that Israel has the necessary tools to defend itself in this time of dynamic change in the Middle East.”
