Linda Brown – Daughter of Thomas Townsend Brown (TTB)

Many bows still to you Hobbit for all the good you do but I believe that I owe Mark a thankyou for finding that super book about Dad on Ebay...( no less!) ( or did both of you message the same message at the same time? Stranger things have happened on the Cosmic-Token! Yes for just 68.00 ( as Rose says on her blog)...... it can be all yours!

Mikado you kept asking if I knew what you had sent Lady of Light. Of course not.
Your paranoia is running away with you now. Linda
Again, are you saying that Lady of Light shared with you the PM I sent her?


I know this is going back a few days now, but I'm just going over things now.

I can assure you, Mikado, that I have shared nothing with anyone. That PRIVATE message is just that, PRIVATE. I am not on either side here. I am on the side of resolve, that is why I let you folks continue. :)
And I appreciate that we have this place.

I can not speak for Mikado.....

for me.... having this spot where I could respond to the things that were being said on Zorgons Forum and being able to respond to Mikado himself has been an enormous help in getting me to the point where I am now. I have been able to say what I needed to say in response to what others have put out and this was a safe spot for that........

Folks are contacting me now that may never have reached out to me before........some of their responses have been generated as a result of the conclusions that they have reached by reading the words on this particular Forum..... so I thank you very much for this spot.

You have supplied a " shelter from the storm" that was very important.....I thank you for that. Linda
I'm happy to hear that things have moved along for you since being here. :) I'm also glad that I have been able to provide a place for things to be said freely, for all. :)

Although others may disagree, arguments are healthy. It doesn't matter whether things said are relevant or irrelevant; eventually, things are said that make sense. Sometimes, those relevant things become irrelevant, and the irrelevant things become relevant. It's all about communication, not as much about WHAT is said as it is about BEING SAID. :)
I'm happy to hear that things have moved along for you since being here. :) I'm also glad that I have been able to provide a place for things to be said freely, for all. :)

Although others may disagree, arguments are healthy. It doesn't matter whether things said are relevant or irrelevant; eventually, things are said that make sense. Sometimes, those relevant things become irrelevant, and the irrelevant things become relevant. It's all about communication, not as much about WHAT is said as it is about BEING SAID. :)

I am also very grateful that Lady of Light allowed me to bring my debate to this forum, My exchange with Linda Brown has given me the interaction I needed to refine my argument, which has been invaluable.

My intuition may be my strongest sense, and it is to me what a tail is to a cat. Without it, I would be blind because my entire life I have always been able "see" the path in front of me.

Six months before my partner was killed, I told him our lives were in danger. I would have told him that MY life was in danger, except my intuition was causing me self-doubt which made me self-conscious because I didn't know how to communicate how I didn't feel my life was in danger, I knew it was in danger because I kept seeing danger across the path directly in front of me.

Linda Brown thinks I'm "crazy" for being able to see into the future and I am the first one to admit how crazy it might sound, but without that ability, I would still be going in circles in a dark room of insanity not knowing which way was up. I've been playing a cat and mouse game against the BEAST and the fact that I have completely resurrected myself from the ashes of destruction, says a lot and the last thing I need is someone telling me what I already know.

Nonetheless, I'm been completely blacklisted and forced into social isolation because my opposition knows me well enough to understand how how dangerous it is for them, to have me interacting with society. I am aware of what has been preventing me from finding legal representation which has something to do with how my character has been attacked with defamation and every law firm in the country has already heard of the "crazy guy who thinks his name is 'Alejandro Estrada' that sends law firms around the country bogus letters about someone named "Michael 'something'" because the people who own that building in Santa An, also own a twelve story corporate high rise in Newport Beach. They don't just own media companies and mortgage companies, but they also own law firms and the the "Boss" is a marketing guru. He owns an entire network of law firms throughout the country. They have been spreading complete disinformation regarding my case, which has been been effective because legal professionals have a fallacy regarding the justice system, perhaps it's an excuse, either way I don't sound logical because if someone was murdered, then the District Attorney should have found probable cause to investigate. So if the DA hasn't investigated, then there must not have been probable cause.

Up until a month ago, I had no way to respond to that line of thinking. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, my own "friends" that I went to college with don't even have the time to read my book, and most of them are oblivious to what I've been struggling with; and half of them have become lawyers. Except they have families, wives and children and it's not fair for me to put them at risk, especially since pornography and everything that goes along with it, was a decision I made for myself because having a family wasn't in my cards.

Before I joined this forum YouTube had banned me forever, I had a viewer count of a couple hundred and my best video clip was horribly offensive.

Since then I have been able to release my emotional demons, which were preventing my recovery. I have been able to organize my data and evidence and my Youtube viewer count has gone from a couple hundred to over 70,000.

On that note, I don't want to give Ms. Brown any ammunition to use against me as being a "delusion of grandeur." Thank you again.
Alejandro, I am also pleased that you have also made some headway in your endeavors. I will, for as long as I am able, provide a place for everyone to allow them to have free say over whatever it is they need to talk about, even if it is something as controversial as what you're discussing. :)

I think we can all learn a lot from each other here, "delusional" or not. :) After all "delusion" is, like everything else, a matter of perspective. :) Not everyone can see all sides of anything at any given time; that is where we are limited being in this human form.
Oh Ianchris.... you don't have to worry about giving me any additional ammunition.... I usually come into a situation pretty well armed. You should know that by now about me! <g>

You recently messaged...

"Linda Brown thinks I'm "crazy" for being able to see into the future and I am the first one to admit how crazy it might sound, but without that ability, I would still be going in circles in a dark room of insanity not knowing which way was up. I've been playing a cat and mouse game against the BEAST and the fact that I have completely resurrected myself from the ashes of destruction, says a lot and the last thing I need is someone telling me what I already know.

Show me where I said that you were " crazy" for being able to see into the future? I never discussed " seeing into the future with you.... if I had gone into that topic we would have had a much longer conversation! I said that in many instances you " deluded" yourself when trying to make connections between what you WANTED to have happen and what actually occurred in the natural course of things.... taking credit for world events which actually had NOTHING to do with you. Its too much credit placed in the wrong areas.

I am not saying that the human mind is not capable of " manifesting" things....and you are probably right on the front line of sensing that can happen....and you have seen some changes that you have " wrought", but that doesn't make you the all powerful force that you have been claiming to be here.

I have felt that you needed to rein in your rhetoric a little bit so that others did not have so much ammunition ( that you yourself supplied to them) to use against you. Look at your past. Can you see what I mean?

Its like watching someone shoot themselves in the foot and then complain about the fact that others made him limp.

First of all I would like to suggest that you have never understood my interaction or even my interest in you....

You said "Up until a month ago, I had no way to respond to that line of thinking. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, my own "friends" that I went to college with don't even have the time to read my book, and most of them are oblivious to what I've been struggling with; and half of them have become lawyers. Except they have families, wives and children and it's not fair for me to put them at risk, especially since pornography and everything that goes along with it, was a decision I made for myself because having a family wasn't in my cards.

Take heart....You have chosen your route.... just don't let others convince you that the negative reaction is the only path.

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Linda has no problem with trusting a person's intuition, including her own. And she's reasonably familiar with the signals of feline appendages. I usually compare my intuition to whiskers rather than a tail. A cat can learn to funcction quite well without a tail. Whiskers, not so much. That's more like a submarine without radar.



That whole strange excercise from your crew at Zorgons " Pegasus research Group"....what was that REALLY all about. You wrote regarding me....

"I just want the truth. I would find this much MORE INTERESTING if she really was TT Brown's daughter."

Well apparently you have found it interesting enough to fall off the side of the earth when it comes to your participation here. and I am still waiting for that apology. It seems that you have proven to yourself who I was alright and now you are avoiding the issue here. Why is that? I thought you and those like you were gentlemen of your word. Is there an expiration date on that quality? Linda
Linda, put on your ptent leather shoes and frillt white socks, get you hat and your proper white glives. Then let's head for the Cheesecake Factory and indulge in sinful desserts. And some lovely Earl Grey tea.

Hang onto your whiskers CAT.

I got a very strong message yesterday... In fact the whole day was simply overflowing with various messages... I finally went to bed at about 7pm because I had reached my limit... but I woke up this morning with my Dads Voice simply saying " Stash this in a safe place".

What stuff? What place.... but I suddenly found some of it... and I have been shown the place here... The place that I had called the " Shelter from the Storm" and someone else here had told Lady of Light that this Forum should be called the Sanctuary. So this is it.

But what.....then I found this set of information from my particular forum and I am struck with the thought that I need to copy it over .... to keep it safe.... and its not the first of the information....that needs to be handed to you Lady of Light... I hope that you don't mind. I have the feeling that your response is going to be " Thats why I am here..." If it is NOT then please tell me and I will shift this flow of information to another place. I am under the directive remember to " Stash this in a safe place." Far as I am concerned... this is it.

Here are the series of posts on the cosmic token that I was talking about.

by Linda Brown » Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:59 am

I had a discussion recently with the man we call Twigsnapper and had a lovely time talking with him and remembering what I have dubbed a " PJ Party" we shared while we were on a road trip in Pa. (This was the time that I first learned that my Dad had parachutted into Germany and some of the harrowing events that happened later.)

The name Howard Campaigne came up then and he just mentioned recently that I might stash this little bit of information for future studies. Not sure what this means yet but like any information from my dear mysterious friend... sometimes you have to look at it sideways.

Anyway ...."Put this somewhere safe" he said... so I am starting a folder.... and sharing it also with you guys. What does all this mean??? I am sure something will bubble to the surface eventually.

Search - NSA/CSS ... rrestrials

Any comments? Linda
Linda Brown

Posts: 4260
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:08 pm Top

Re: Beginning the Research for the NEW BOOK
by Linda Brown » Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:35 am

Of course the most obvious question here is.... if this is relatively recently declassified material. Just what was important enough to keep its classification? And we are talking about Extraterrestrial Communications here folks.... or at least thats what they are calling them. Signals if not communications. What did the signals mean?

And for me of course.... Why am I being shown Howard Campaigne again after the story that Twigsnapper told me years ago about being " stood down" by " Campaignes Group".... its a complicated and multilayered cloth.... but I have the feeling that some of the pieces are getting ready to fall into place.

Linda Brown

Posts: 4260
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:08 pm Top

Re: Beginning the Research for the NEW BOOK
by Linda Brown » Fri Dec 14, 2012 5:44 pm

And you can see here that Jan was galloping well ahead of me on this information... Here is a copy of what she wrote on her Blog


note the dateLinda has reminded me that Twigsnapper once pointed toward Howard Campaigne, sayingit was he who had sent him away from Townsend's side before his (TTB's) WWII mission imploded. Supposedly, Campaigne objected to Townsend's bodyguard and escort being a Royal Marine.

Mr./Dr. Campaigne's own recollections of that time, if not of that particular event, are posted here as a downloadable .pdf.

To sum up: As a newly minted (1938) Ph.D. and faculty member at the University of Minnesota with a degree in mathematics, Campaigne liked to play around with crytoanalysis systems. When he offered up one of his designs to the Army, they told him all of their crypto work was co-ordinated with the Navy, and he should go through them.

Shortly thereafter, war broke out in Europe and he was offered a commission in the US Navy. Toward war's end he was at Bletchley Park working with the Brits on TUNNY, a machine intended to help break the German High Command's FISH code. His particular area of interest was in learning how to replicate the FISH technology.

From there he was sent on one of the very first Technical Information Commitee (TICOM) missions to collect classified crypto information before it fell into the hands of the Russians.


Colonel George A. Bicher, the director of the U.S. Signal Intelligence Division in Europe, conceived of TICOM in the summer of 1944. The organization was so secret that even today, more than half a century later, all details concerning its operations and activities remain classified higher than Top Secret by both the American and British governments. In 1992, the director of the National Security Agency extended the secrecy order until the year 2012, making TICOM probably the last great secret of the Second World War.

Campaigne was in Paris on May 2nd, and on his assignment the next day which was the day the war ended. He says:

A. Now there some other teams in northern Germany and I never did find out what all they got, but they did get things.
Q. Was it a combined British/American team?
A. Yes. Yes. Joint combined, my team when we went over the second time I had a British solider, an Intelligence Corps officer, and I had a British Navy officer and six or eight enlisted men ot various types.
This narrative seems to place his first trip at the opposite end of Germany from Townsend's concurrent northern expedition. However, Mr. Twigsnapper has also been known to give out [wrong] information just to point someone in a desired direction.

And...(Or, rather) not understanding the joint services situation (until his second tour) is it possible that Campaigne simply heard about Twigsnapper's presence and had him removed via transmittal of a radio order from London? But why? Linda's hypothesis is that he somehow knew in advance that the meeting ahead was compromised (he was after all, connected to Bletchley's big ears) and ordered Twigsnapper away before he could fulfill his mission directive of killing Townsend rather than allowing him to fall into enemy arms.

head hurts now.
moving on...

Anyway Campaigne retired as a reserve Captain with the Naval Security Command, but spent the bulk of his professional career in the crypto end of signals intelligence, working on progressive and sophisticated computer systems from the ATLAS forward.

Although he missed out on Lil Abner, "the brute'. Campaigne says that the Lil Abner program was conducted in parallel with ATLAS development by a (censored) organizational counterpart. He would have been referring to the bifurcation in design of the first computers commissioned for the newly born twin INTS: COM and SIG.

Lil Abner still seems to be a well-hidden topic; however, I seem to recall that someone claimed that it was created for ECM/ECW (electronic countermeasures and warfare) purposes. This makes complete sense. Those elements are at the the heart and soul of the SIGINT functions. As a result, this particular section of the good Dr. Campaigne's story is more heavily redacted than the rest of his tale.
One other activity Campaigne was quite proud of was his contribution (in the very early fifties) to the selection of optimum radio intercept locations around the world. He was working on this project at the same time Brown's Pearl Harbor demonstration was being held.

History says that Truman's meeting with General MacArthur was set for Wake Island at the General's convenience. Since when do generals dictate to Presidents? Truman flew from San Francisco to Hawaii, for an overnight stay. The pilots' logbooks in the Truman libary mention that that they had used an impressive new com system to remain in constant in touch with the Naval and Coast Guard ships (and submarine) strung out across the Pacific on the first leg of the journey.

Campaigne's mention of the power of antipodal reception points makes me wonder if even the pilots of the President's plane knew the full range of the new system that was being demonstrated for them.

And finally, Campaigne delivers this juicy tidbit:

One of the things that happened in '57 to '59 is that we gave some money to a joint program on satellites. And it got down to the Pentagon, they said what in the hell is NSA doing with satellites? And they wouldn't leave it alone,

And THAT wrangle ended in the NRO compromise/spin off. Which is .99999 percent likely to be the reason why Townsend was attending regular meetings in Chantilly, Virginia in the summer of 1960.

All in all, .06 degrees of separation between the Townsend and Howard, I'd say.


And I would say that by telling me at that PJ Party on that single evening of " disclosures" with Mr. Twigsnapper that when he said that he had had the " Misfortune" of running into a group controlled by Howard Campaigne that he would know I would remember the name for later. And I believe that the inference that Jan has made is correct... if Campaigne was not there personally his influence certainly was.... and he would have known that Twigsnapper was sworn to "shoot Townsend Brown in the head" if capture seemed imminent. So he was removed. Simple as that.

We still have to figure out how Dr. Sarbacher figures in all of this because he was the operating influence here....and that story needs to be told properly... in the best way that we can....

No one has proven to me yet that Sarbacher was not there during that time..... no matter what some call " due diligence" it hasn't stood up.... in fact all it did was open more doors.... Anyway... as Twigsnapper has said.... stash this somewhere safe. I note that the declassification of SOME of this material is beginning to happen but it all had a declass date of 2012 on it so maybe we have been delayed simply because we had to wait for this new material to surface. I am bound not to be caught flat footed though so we have alot of work to do.....Thanks Jan for reminding me of your excellent blog here. Linda
Linda Brown

Posts: 4260
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Re: Beginning the Research for the NEW BOOK
by Linda Brown » Fri Dec 14, 2012 5:56 pm

Notice what Campaigne has actually said here Jan

. Now there some other teams in northern Germany and I never did find out what all they got, but they did get things.
Q. Was it a combined British/American team?
A. Yes. Yes. Joint combined, my team when we went over the second time I had a British solider, an Intelligence Corps officer, and I had a British Navy officer and six or eight enlisted men ot various types.

"MY team when we went over the SECOND time"..... had he mentioned the FIRST?

The second time was AFTER the war had ended. Dad was recovering in a military hospital by then and would be there most of the spring and into the summer. Twigsnapper never did identify the location exactly of the hospital... In my own strange way I came up with the vision of a nurse in a brown and white seersucker uniform... carrying Dads meal to him....I noticed especially the flowers in a silver vase on the tray which to me... meant my Mothers influence. Did she actually have a line directly to that hospital from HER connections with Stephensons group? I have no way of actually knowing but the vision was strong and I could smell the roses.... which as some of you know already.... has a big significance to me.

Stash all of this in a safe place he said.

Linda Brown

Posts: 4260
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:08 pm

And there is the code phrase again STASH THIS IN A SAFE PLACE.

tHE POSTS above were drawn from

• View topic - Beginning the Research for the NEW BOOK

I appreciate any thoughts from those of you who are military history buffs too. This generally is way beyond my capacity to know about all by myself.

And yes.... I am sure that the green troll will come out from under a bridge and try to knock all of this information in the dirt.... because thats just what he is missioned to do.... I have learned to take his attitude and his mission and bend it into a helpful path. Why not do that?

So Mikado.... in all of your ranting about the little girl with the patent leather shoes.... stomping and carrying on.... get used to her.... she is not going away....white gloves, hat and all.

About Dr. Sarbacher and all the information that your " Due Diligence" provided.... can't you see that you are just providing information that otherwise would not be known....instead of hobbling my efforts you have actually enhanced them? Linda
I got a very strong message yesterday... In fact the whole day was simply overflowing with various messages... I finally went to bed at about 7pm because I had reached my limit... but I woke up this morning with my Dads Voice simply saying " Stash this in a safe place".

What stuff? What place.... but I suddenly found some of it... and I have been shown the place here... The place that I had called the " Shelter from the Storm" and someone else here had told Lady of Light that this Forum should be called the Sanctuary. So this is it.

But what.....then I found this set of information from my particular forum and I am struck with the thought that I need to copy it over .... to keep it safe.... and its not the first of the information....that needs to be handed to you Lady of Light... I hope that you don't mind. I have the feeling that your response is going to be " Thats why I am here..." If it is NOT then please tell me and I will shift this flow of information to another place. I am under the directive remember to " Stash this in a safe place." Far as I am concerned... this is it.

A safe place indeed. :)

A lot of information is flowing right now, and that is quite obvious. Now, we need to go forth with all this new information, piece it together so that we can gain more pieces. :)
Thank you. Your continuing permission to have this place available to me makes all of the difference in the world to me. Linda
Just a note about information FLOWING.
The flows I detect are presently going into reversal....I expect them to be fully reverse at 7.00pm GMT.
The moon will be at full quarter then.
My head is buzzing.
The moon is smack dab above Me right now, and the flows are fully reversed, it's a clear sky and half the moon is fully visable at aprox 80 degrees due south of vertical.
Mr. Twigsnapper called you the Navigator Hobbit..... and I know that you will be given the proper course because you can feel the path. Linda
Now this is extremely interesting. All this time Mikado has been harping on me about somehow " duping poor Paul Schatzkin by sending him messages that were " faked by me".... to be Morgan. I am not sure those are the words that he has used but that has certainly been his inuendo. Poor duped Paul... Right?

Why is it then that I have just discovered a packet of messages that are apparently Pauls copies of what he was sending Morgan while they had this several months long conversation going... Interesting questions.... very interesting answers but I notice at the top the address very plainly says

Linda A. ( my married name) < and a Email address which is not the one that I use>
From The Perfessor <driverat49chevydotcom>

Now look at that carefully. Paul knew that Email was coming from my IP..... didn't he? It would have been no shock to him that the name would have shown up as being mine.... its right there in the address..... so there was no subterfuge there at all..... Yet Paul is carrying on a very detailed conversation with this person he had called...." Morgan".... and looking over the conversation now... it makes me sad because obviously they both were developing a sort of easygoing friendship......

For Mikado to invent the story that Paul DID NOT KNOW that the Emails were coming from that IP is just ludicrous. He KNEW.... He also knew that he was talking to an individual who was a very special person.... He responded to one message by saying

" So, if you can tell me. Just how large is/was this group? I assume the number is elastic over time. How large was it when Brown was " recruited? How large is it now? Dozens, Hundreds? Thousands? How many countries does it operate in? How far back does it go? Obvious questions I hadn't thought of until now to ask... not sure the answers are as obvious or readily available but I 'm very much in " can't hurt to ask" mode these days and mostly liking the answers I'm getting.

So there it is

The address with my name on it is right at the top... So Paul recognized the channel that this message was taking. He didn't care.

My point now is this. Why does it make so much difference to Mikado? Why did he take it upon himself to delve into his ( which seems to be) a vendetta against me and what was his agenda?

He has ( with my help) established the website which he has used as a platform to spew all kinds of negative information in my direction. I had over 6000 messages there to encourage others to look in my Dads direction... Mikado had muddied up that Forum entirely, locked much of the interactions away behind a special password and has discouraged other members so much that no one has put a single message up since the end of December ( last time I looked.) Take a look at the website Folks.... what do you see there.

And of course for reasons only known by Mikado... he has not allowed me to have my name removed from the membership though I have continuously asked and even demanded its removal.

He does not prove anything he says..yET HE CONTINUALLY BARAGES ME with assaults on my character..... and I think its time for him to start putting facts where his mouth has been.

. He can start by naming the classmates that he was supposed to have contacted.... the ones that came back with such negative information about me. Mikado can start proving himself there. If they can be found and they were not a figment of his imagination ( and his slanderous agenda) then I hope that they will step forward here. It will help me remember better what those years were really like.

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