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Abraham Foxman, leader of powerful Israel lobby group, ADL, has called Russell Simmons, America’s recording industry mughal, “a bigot” for praising Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farakhan, who believes Jews run US government, Wall Street, Federal Reserve and Hollywood.

Foxman in a column in New York Jewish Week, March 13, 2012 – praised Russell Simmons for his interfaith work at the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, founded by Russell Simmons and Rabbi Marc Schneier. However, he also compared Simmons with some of ADL’s famous bigots like White conservative author Patrick Buchanan and Louis Farakhan. Some of Russell Simmons’ crimes against Jews mentioned by Abe Foxman include:

1. “I know him well, I have heard his heart and know how beautiful his higher intention is. I understand that not everyone feels that way about him, but I hope that one day, they will appreciate him the way that I do,” said Simmons about Minister Farakhan in a 2011 interview.

2. In 2009, Simmons wrote an article praising Farakhan and referring to him as his “second dad” and the “man who helped hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of Black people to love themselves“.

3. In 2007, Simmons played a supporting role in the Nation of Islam’s annual Saviour’s Day event in Detriot, apearing at the stage with Farakhan during his keynote address and making a sizeable donation.

Russell Simmons (born 1957) is the third richest person ($350 million) in hip-hop business. Last year, when Lowe decided to stop advertising at the ‘All-American Muslim‘ TV show as result of pro-Israel lobby groups – Simmons promised to pay the Learning Channel for the revenue lost. This year Simmons supported eight-term Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s re-election. Dennis Kucinich lost his bid due to his support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, criticsm of Federal Reserve and his opposition to Washington’s military threats against Iran on behalf of Israel.

On March 14, Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU) held a discussion on ‘Combating Islamophobia’ between Rabbi Marc Schneier and Shamsi Ali, prayer leader at the Islamic Cultural Center, New York – which was moderated by Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Muslim hater US secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Chelsea married to Jewish banker Marc Mezvinsky in 2010. My advice to Chelsea, a Christian, for having a successful interfaith marriage – she should get in contact with Mrs. Marilyn Mohsin, an Orthodox Jewish wife (from Bronx) of Pakistan-born owner of a financial advising agency, Jamal Mohsin. Both Marilyn and Jamal have been happily married for the last 32 years.

Russell Simmons praises Farakhan, irks Foxman | Rehmat's World