[Wow!] The Earth is Groaning - Unknown sound phenomena occurring 2011

Wow, this thing is huge! I wonder what's REALLY going on. I suppose the theory of solar flares seems plausible.
Is it also possible that we're just now starting to HEAR.......... wait for it.......... HAARP? after all, it's no coincidence that it's named for a musical instrument.
HAARP has the capability of hitting many frequency ranges. I'm sure some of them are on the spectrum that we can hear as humans. However it is called High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. High-frequency... That an indications not in bassy sound.

They talked about this on coast-to-coast recently. They basically they said they believe it's coming from the sky. But they also stated that some people can't really tell were it's coming from and it seems like it's coming from all around them.
HAARP has the capability of hitting many frequency ranges. I'm sure some of them are on the spectrum that we can hear as humans. However it is called High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. High-frequency... That an indications not in bassy sound.

They talked about this on coast-to-coast recently. They basically they said they believe it's coming from the sky. But they also stated that some people can't really tell were it's coming from and it seems like it's coming from all around them.

Ok, so HAARP, just the name alone, and what we are told about it, is supposedly JUST higher frequency. Granted. BUT, what if, and I dont' think i'm stretching this one, but what if it's NOT just high frequencies that they are able to output. I think they are using it for lower, bassy, frequencies as well. Either with the same device tuned differently, or with a separate device, maybe called something else then. What do I know.

How do we know that these "solar storms" are even real and not just another elaborate hoax generated to keep us in fear and keep us in line? We don't. You can look at the pictures from NASA and through your own telescope even, all you want, but that doesn't PROVE that any of teh activity seen is actually affecting the earth. At least not in the way they tell us it is.

I'm sorry, but I just don't believe anything that is said anymore. One lie to cover another to cover another. I'm not in fear of what might happen if these "solar storms" are in fact real. I just believe there is a higher agenda to the cover story, that's all.
Worldwide HAARP Hum and Strange Cloud Movements Caught on Tape!
The Strange Worldwide HAARP Low-Pitched ’Hum’ with interviews and from Windsor - Then Strange Videos with Weird Cloud Movements Caught on Tape - Is HAARP Creating the Strange Hum? Weather Warfare, Vibrational Noise, Ionosphere Hum with Cloud Reactions.Have You Heard This Hum? Have You Seen the Clouds React to the Hum? Have You Seen Strange Fast Cloud Movements? Let Us Know!
Unslaved Media - Worldwide HAARP Hum and Strange Cloud Movements Caught on Tape!
Just a quick update,

I am currently trying different methods for picking up the sound of the earthy rumble. I'm recording over consecutive nights and analyzing afterwards to see if there is anything usable. Once I complete enough samples, I will post anything that can be heard.

It is unfortunate that up to now, I have been unable to capture the sound on any recordings and that the sound is only audible to the naked ear. With any luck, I will have something within the next week or so to post.

Sounds have been constant low rumble, with flare-ups that are extremely powerful (loud and can be felt). There isn't a night that goes by that there is silence from this earthly/unearthly rumble.

I will keep everyone updated on what is happening here in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, (at least from my end of town).

Lady of Light
More noises to add tot his thread....

Strange Noises Reported Around North Battleford 2012:

There's been a lot of buzz over the last few weeks about strange sounds being heard in the atmosphere. People around the world and here at home have reported hearing some bizarre noises. The latest were recorded in the Battlefords last weekend.

Ian Hamilton, North Battleford's mayor, says he can't explain it. "What I experienced was a scraping sound, like a snowplow."

Mike Halstead, a North Battleford resident, was lying in bed when his phone rang. Calls and text messages came in from his friends, each reporting strange noises. "That's when the goose bumps got me and I thought 'that's awfully strange'."

It's now days after and the city is still abuzz with talk about the sounds. Everyone has his or her own theory. But the phenomenon has stretched beyond North Battleford. Similar experiences were reported in Saskatoon, northern Saskatchewan, and parts of the USA and Europe.

University of Saskatchewan professor Jean-Pierre St. Maurice says there is a natural explanation. "Somehow they are picking up noise from an electrical antenna that is there. That is electromagnetic noise. "

St. Maurice says its normal and there is nothing to worry about. Whether a scientific explanation will satisfy all the people who heard something they can't explain is up in the air.

...and more here:

Mystery Noises and Booms Shake Clintonville:
I am presuming this really is Clintonville Wisconsin because it's not mentioned. This video informs of mystery noises which no-one can give reason a for behind, brought this local region a small amount of un-comfort.
A well known Youtuber Dutchsinse feels the strange earth sounds in Wisconsin can be dormant volcano. That doesn't explain why its being heard all over the world!

This thing just seems to keep growing and growing. It's kinda weird that one side of a town can hear it but not the other. Strange. Makes you wonder what it really is. In the case of Clintonville, if it's the Yellowstone volcano, then why is it consistently at 5 am? That part makes that theory not make any sense. Like stated above in another post, it sounds like excuses to calm the public, not answers.
So according to Dutchsinse the volcano only makes sounds at night and can be heard in the ukraine and Canada ...at night, and complies with international time zones. I am not buying it!
Oh, yeah, that logic is so totally flawed. Sure, it's just the volcano in yellowstone, sure. Naturally occuring ANYTHING doesn't generally have timings so precisely. And ya, how can THAT volcano be heard EVERYWHERE? But, you know, they'll just blame it on multiple volcanos around the world erupting all at the same time, and THAT'S now what the cause is. It's the easy way out, to just dismiss it all as being natural disasters causing the sounds.

But....... think about this.......

If a volcano causes the sounds that are being heard all over the world, then why oh why are these sounds NEW and not heard before, yet other volcanos have erupted in our lifetimes? Never before has a volcano made the sounds being heard around the world?

So then, it can't possibly be vocanos around the world causing these sounds. There is something else going on.

The big question would then have to be WHAT or WHO is causing it? Is it coming from someone here causing it? Is it coming from our atmosphere? Does it have to do with the sun? Or the solar flares/solar storms? What about this energy rift that's supposedly headed for us? (I'll place my money on that one if it turns out to be NOT haarp.)

Regardless of what's going on, it's growing. It's happening in more and more places around the world. More people are hearing it. There seems to be 2 types of sounds: The low rumble which sounds like it's from the ground; And... The air-based sound of what I call a sinking ship. 2 very distinct types of sound. Well, I guess I should say there's a 3rd type of sound: The explosive sound, like the one in clintonville. All over the world, different times of day, all year round. Some people are just starting to experience it, others have been experiencing it for much longer. I doubt there will EVER be a decent explaination for it. Everything so far has just been cover stories, either covering what they know is REALLY happening (doubtful), or the cover for the ignorance of not knowing what it is just to calm the public.
If anyone is to believe that cover story the US Navy put out about these sounds, then 1) Why haven't they stopped? and 2) Why are they being heard worldwide?

The sounds are and have been continuous here. They have not stopped. They have their usually breaks/pauses, but are happening all day and all night. The cover story does not fit, and we should all still be looking for the real explanation(s) for these sounds.

I'm sure the navy had weapons they were testing, but they are surely not causing every one of these sounds.
Underground drilling WOULD provide explanations to all the sinkholes. And they could be drilling anywhere, the sound would resonate for miles so you wouldn't be able to pinpoint it by ear. They could have many many sites set up where this takes place all over the world.

But I still don't think it's ALL taking place underground. There are places where the sound is much different, and those I think are airborn. Why they're doing it, only the people that are at the top of the chain know for sure, right?

Either way, there's something big going on, and it's being covered up.
Yes some very good theories there, too bad we have to have to come up with theories, though the public should be informed to what is going on.
Yes some very good theories there, too bad we have to have to come up with theories, though the public should be informed to what is going on.

Exactly, all we have is theories on this. Though it's fun to wonder what's really going on I want to know the truth.