
New member
There was no planes.. The buildings just exploded.. How can there be cameras when camera phones and youtube didnt exist then.. and how are people going to get the videos on tv and online? Look at this.. Youtube was created in 2005 and camera phones didnt exist until like 2005 ish.. The memorial for the people who "were" on the plane was fake.. I mean where are their families.. The people who experienced the explosions were actors and they were fake.. if you look at the news videos they all have the same video footage.. it was like it was taken before it actually happened.. a doctored footage.. DONT BELIEVE THE MEDIA PEOPLE BECAUSE ALMOST EVERYTHING THAT PEOPLE SAY IN THE MEDIA IS ACTUALLY FAKE AND LIES...WAKE UP!

Fake! It was a ruse to move gold from underneath the wtc to the largest reserve bank thats right down the street.. it was all about money.. thousands of people died becase of some greedy money loving people

It's all a faked thing to make us go to war and expend our people so that the elite can get their rocks off. It was a huge ploy that is STILL working on the brainwashed people in the military and those who still want to JOIN the military.

I've watched controlled demolitions on tv, and this one was just that, CONTROLLED DEMOLITION!!!!! Along with the explosions on the different floors of course.

It's all a bunch of crap and people need to wake the F*** UP!!!!

It's all a faked thing to make us go to war and expend our people so that the elite can get their rocks off. It was a huge ploy that is STILL working on the brainwashed people in the military and those who still want to JOIN the military.

I've watched controlled demolitions on tv, and this one was just that, CONTROLLED DEMOLITION!!!!! Along with the explosions on the different floors of course.

It's all a bunch of crap and people need to wake the F*** UP!!!!

yep so true
Makes you wonder once you realize that 9/11 was faked, how many other major and non-major 'supposed' news worthy fiascoes were shown to us as reality when in fact they were faked? They blew up them buildings!
its sad but what will it take for people to wake up out of their dream? would a world disaster be enough or can it be something small?
It will take a BIG mistake. WTC 7 was a small mistake.

The group of people we are talking about rarely makes mistakes. When they do, they can cover them up by silencing the media and have everybody else be called "conspiracy theorist". That stops the discussion about the issue, just like calling somebody "Racist" does.

Obama is eloquent but he is not skilled at political subtleties and and managing staff. He may blow, but if he keeps control we will be a secret police state.
It will take a BIG mistake. WTC 7 was a small mistake.The group of people we are talking about rarely makes mistakes. When they do, they can cover them up by silencing the media and have everybody else be called "conspiracy theorist". That stops the discussion about the issue, just like calling somebody "Racist" does.Obama is eloquent but he is not skilled at political subtleties and and managing staff. He may blow, but if he keeps control we will be a secret police state.

Sad aint it...
We can stop this from happening if we could wake up enough people to the true nature of these people and return our planet to the utopia it should be.
We can stop this from happening if we could wake up enough people to the true nature of these people and return our planet to the utopia it should be.

I agree, but there re so much people stuck in their own world that they cant or are unable to open their minds at the time.. i mean the only thing that we can do is show love appreciation and our own sense of awareness and through these actions whoever sees our actions and hears our words of kindnesss and awareness will go out to who they are connected to and do the same thing.. and so on and so forth like if you are nce to one person then that one person is nice to someone else and so on.. thats how you create peace i mean yea itll take a while but its worth it.. :)