
Truth feeder
This story begins on March 3, 1972 when Karl Bruggar, a German journalist, met an Indian chieftain named, Tatunca Nara. After Brugger tape recorded an interview with him, he accompanied Tatunca Nara into the Amazon jungle in an attempt to return to the secret city of Akakor. (Bruggar's story can be read in his book, The Chronicle of Akakor.) Tatunca Nara was a tall man with long dark hair and brown eyes that gleamed with suspicion, and for good reason - he was a Mestizo, a half-breed, the stigma that would one day come to haunt him.

Tatunca Nara told Brugger the tale of his tribe, the Ugha Mongulala, a chosen people by the Gods 15,000 years ago, long before academia says the first humans set foot on the North American continent. He said the language they spoke was Guechua, a written language of 1,400 symbols, each yielding a different meaning depending on their sequence. According to Tatunca Nara, the tale of Akakor was recorded in a tribal book entitled Chronicle of Akakor (not to be confused with Brugger's book THE Chronicle of Akakor), and begins at the year zero, which corresponds to the year 10,481 BC on the Gregorian calendar. He went on to say that during year zero "

...the Great Masters left the Ugha Mongulala...Before the year zero, men lived like animals, without laws, without clothing..." and that the Great Masters brought "the light" (here we have shades of Prometheus' story of bringing light, or knowledge, from the heavens to humankind.) Before year zero, the continent was "...still flat and soft, like a lamb's back...the Great (Amazon) River still flowed on either side." He continued to explain that sometime before year zero (Tatunca Nara guessed about 3,000 years before) "...glimmering golden ships appeared in the sky. Enormous blasts of fire illuminated the plain. The earth shook and thunder echoed over the hills."

The strangers in the golden ships looked like humans with fine features - white skin, bluish-black hair and thick beards. "They (the Ugha Mongulala tribe) had no tools as they did which, as if by magic, SUSPENDED THE HEAVIEST STONES, FLUNG LIGHTING AND MELTED ROCKS." These strangers civilized the tribe and built three great cities of stone called: Akanis, Akakor, and Akahim. The city of Akakor was built up the Purus River in a valley of mountains between Brazil and Peru. Likely locations are the Madre de Dios Province of Peru and the Acre Province of Brazil. "The whole city is surrounded by a high stone wall with thirteen gates...The gates are so narrow they give access only to one person at a time, and the plain in the east is guarded by stone watchtowers where chosen warriors are always on the lookout for enemies. "Akakor is laid out in rectangles. Two intersecting main streets divide the city into four parts corresponding to the four universal points of our Gods...

The Temple of the Sun and a stone gate sit on a wide square in the center. The temple faces due east, toward the rising sun, and is decorated with symbolic images of our Former Masters..." Tatunca described the city in great detailed - temples of artfully hewn stones, golden mirrors, life-size stone figures flanking the entrance to the temple, the temple's interior walls covered with relief, and that there is a large stone chest sunk into the front wall of the temple where the first written laws of their Former Masters is located. He said there were another 26 stone cities around Akakor, the largest being Humbaya and Paititi in Boliva, Emin (near the lower reaches of the Great [Amazon] River) and Cadira in the mountains of Venezuela. "...all these (cities) were completely destroyed in the first great catastrophe 13 years before the departure of the Gods."

"...The ancient Fathers also erected three (3) sacred temple complexes: Salazere, on the upper reaches of the Great River, Tiahuanaco, on the Great Lake, and Manoa, on the high plain in the south." A giant pyramid was erected in the center of these sacred temple complexes and a broad stairway led up to the platform where ceremonies were conducted. Interestingly enough, Tiahuanaco is the only place named that is known today and does indeed have a pyramid located in its center.

Tatunca Nara said he had seen only Salazere with his own eyes, which lies at a distance 8 days journey from Manaus at a tributary of the Great River. Its palaces and temples have now become completely overgrown by the Liana jungle. Only the top of the great pyramid rises above the canopy of the forest. According to Tatunca, there are also underground cities inside the mountains we call the Andes. Tunnels link "lower Akakor" with the underground cities. These tunnels are large enough to accommodate for five men walking upright and they are so extensive that it takes many days to reach one of the other cities. Tatunca said these underground cities were artificially illuminated by vertical shafts that ascended up to the surface where an enormous silver mirror dispersed light over the whole city.

These tunnels and subterranean cities were built by the Former Masters. From Tatunca Nara's memory - quoting the written Chronicle of Akakor: "And the Gods ruled from Akakor -- They ruled over men and the earth. They had ships faster than birds' flight, ships that reached their goal without sails or oars and by night as well as by day. They had magic stones to look into the distance so that they could see cities, rivers, hills, and lakes. Whatever happened on earth or in the sky was reflected in the stones. But the underground dwellings were the most wonderful of all. And the gods gave them to their Chosen Servants as their last gift. For the Former Masters are of the same blood and have the same father." In year zero, the Former Masters left, but before they left there was some kind of "War between the Gods." This war was horrible and devastating. Afterwards, the Former Masters left and a global catastrophe ensued. The Ugha Mongulala and the surrounding tribes lapsed into 6,000 years of barbarism. In the year 13 (10,468 BC) the course of the rivers was altered, and the elevation of the mountains and the strength of the sun changed. (Could this be an account of a polar shift - with massive amounts of volcanic ash in the sky?) During this time, "...Continents were flooded.

The waters of the Great Lake (near Tiahuanaco?) flowed back into the oceans. The Great (Amazon) River was interrupted by a new mountain range and now flowed swiftly toward the east (and into the Atlantic Ocean.) Enormous forest grew on its banks. A humid heat spread over the easterly regions...In the west, where giant mountains had surged up, people froze in the bitter cold of the higher altitudes..." All this would be known as the "First Great Catastrophe." After this first Great Catastrophe, the empire was set in ruins. Many of the passages that linked the borders of the empire were blocked; the mysterious light that illuminated the subterranean dwellings was extinguished; the twenty-six cities were destroyed by a tremendous flood; and "the sacred temple precincts of Salazere, Tiahunanaco, and Manoa lay in ruins, destroyed by the terrible fury of Gods." This would NOT be the last. In 3166 BC a second catastrophe occurred. This catastrophe ended the "Years of Blood" - the 6000 years of barbarism that had ravaged the land since the First Catastrophe. Just after this 2nd catastrophe, the Gods returned to Akakor, but only a few.

Their stay was short. Only two brothers stayed: Lhasa and Samon. Lhasa stayed with the Ugha Mongulala and Samon flew off to the east. Lhasa, now king of the Ugha Mongulala, fortified the kingdom and supposedly had Macchu Picchu built as an outpost of the empire. "Lhasa was the decisive innovator of the Ugha Mongulala Empire. During the 300 years of his rule, he laid down the basis for a powerful empire. Then he returned to the Gods. He convened the elders of the people and the highest priests and passed his laws on to them. He ordered the people to live according to the Gods' bequest forever and to obey his commands." After establishing this powerful empire, "he ascended the Mountain of the Moon, which looms over Machu Picchu, and in his flying disk forever withdrew from the humans.

So what happened to Samon? Tatunca Nara explained that Samon's empire was a mirror image of Akakor, located by a mighty (Amazon?) river. Lhasa often visited his brother with his flying disk to form a strong link between the two nations. In 3056 BC, he commanded the construction of a great city at the mouth of the Amazon River named, Ofir. Ofir became a powerful seaport. Here, Samon's empire docked with their valuable cargoes of gold, silver, ancient scrolls, rare woods, fine fabrics, and unknown green stones. Soon, Ofir became one of the wealthiest cities of the empire and also a target for attacks from the tribes in the East. In repeated attacks, these eastern tribes stormed the city, raided the ships at anchor and disrupted the communications with the interior.

One thousand years after Lhasa's departure, the empire disintegrated. The savage tribes of the East had succeeded in conquering Ofir and burned it to the ground. Subsequently, "the Ogha Mongulala yielded the (Atlantic) coastal provinces in the east and withdrew into the interior of the country. And the connection to Samon's empire was severed." Believed to be located on the borders of Brazil and Venezuela, Akahim was/is "a gigantic stone city shaped like an outstretched finger" that lies behind a great waterfall. It has "lain in ruins for 400 years, though it was in close alliance with Akakor for thousands of years." When the "White Barbarians" began to advance into their territory, the former residents of Akahim sought refuge underground. Apparently, Akahim and Akakor were/are linked together via a subterranean passage... Tatunca Nara goes on the say that circa 2470 BC the Inca founder of legend; Viracocha (an Ugha Mongulala who apparently had been banished from the tribe for breaking some law) founded the Inca dynasty and built Cuzco. (The Inca Empire would later become a sister nation of the Ogha Mongulala.)

Believed to be located on the borders of Brazil and Venezuela, Akahim was/is "a gigantic stone city shaped like an outstretched finger" that lies behind a great waterfall. It has" lain in ruins for 400 years, though it was in close alliance with Akakor for thousands of years." When the "White Barbarians" began to advance into their territory, the former residents of Akahim sought refuge underground. Apparently, Akahim and Akakor were/are linked together via a subterranean passage... Tatunca Nara goes on the say that circa 2470 BC the Inca founder of legend, Viracocha (an Ugha Mongulala who apparently had been banished from the tribe for breaking some law) founded the Inca dynasty and built Cuzco. (The Inca Empire would later become a sister nation of the Ogha Mongulala. Then, in 570 AD, white, bearded strangers sailing in long ships with a fierce dragon at the bow came up the Amazon River. They called themselves "Goths" (Goths?) and allied themselves with the people of Akakor. Their sailing ships consisted of iron armor, black sails, and colorful dragon heads and could carry up to 60 men. But the Germanic tribe of Ostrogoths (a warrior race that conquered Italy within 60 years) were defeated by the East Roman General Narses at the battle of Vesuvius in 522 AD) and the last survivor of this tribe had disappeared without a trace. Linguists claim to have found traces of their language in Southern France and Spain, but there is no definite proof where they migrated.

Well, according to Chronicle of Akakor, the Ostrogoths made an alliance with bold sailors of the north (North?) and ended up in South America. The subsequent union of the Goths and the Ugha Mongulala again strengthened Akakor. The Goths built new defenses and showed the Ugha Mongulala how to make iron and armor. Eventually, "The White Barbarians" invaded South America and conquered the Incas. Five years later, the Ugha Mongulala withdrew into the inner recesses of Akakor, and according to Tatunca Nara, they departed from Macchu Picchu and ordered their frontier cities abandoned and destroyed. This helps explain Macchu Picchu.

As more and more Spanish and Portuguese landed at the mouth of the Amazon and continued to conquer more and more of South America, Akakor's sister city, Akahim (note the similarity of the name with city of Arakim in Siberia, Russia?), was attacked by hostile tribes and abandoned. While the men wanted to retreat, the women insisted on fighting the White Barbarians. And so the legend of the Amazons was born. According to Tatunca Nara, in 1920, the Spanish captured fifteen Inca nobles and held them prisoner in Lima.

Tatuncas father, Sinkaia, sent 80 worriers through the Lhasa's underground tunnels in an attempt to free them. For three moons they stealthily made their way to the capital of the White Barbarians. When dawn broke, they stormed out from hiding and attacked the White Barbarians. An ensuing battle raged. 120 White Barbarians were killed. But the White Barbarians were overwhelming. None of Sinkaia's warriors returned to Akakor. All had given their lives "as faithful servants of the Gods for the Chosen People." Later, in 1932 AD, the Ugha Mongulala attacked a white settlement on the upper reaches of the Santa Maria River. They killed all the men and took four women captive. Three of the women drowned in their attempt to escape, but one survived. Her name was Reinha, a German missionary. Reinha found her way to Akakor and grew fond of the city and its people. She eventually married Prince Sinkaia and gave birth to Tatunca Nara.

NOTE: The main points in the story from the records of Slavic Aryan Vedas:
1. The Ugha Mongulala means Mongolian Ear (but does not relate to modern Mongolian races in ancient Slavic Aryan language), a chosen people by the Gods in that area 15,000 years ago.

2. The language Gods spoke was Guechua in Slavic Aryan the neuro-lingual meaning of word Guechua is RECHA (means - LANGUAGE).

3. Guechua (RECHA), a written language of 1,400 symbols, each yielding a different meaning depending on their sequence SLAVIC ARYAN RUNIC ALPHABET consists of ~1400 RUNES, each yielding a different meaning depending on their sequence.

4. Ugha Mongulala tribal book entitled Chronicle of Akakor begins at the year zero, which corresponds to the year 10,481 BC on the Gregorian calendar (after the Great Masters started new calendar system and left the Ugha Mongulala tribe). IN SLAVIC ARYAN VEDAS THIS IS A TIME OF GREAT COOLING - 10908 BC.

5. At ~ 13000 BC glimmering golden ships appeared in the sky. Enormous blasts of fire illuminated the plain. The earth shook and thunder echoed over the hills." The strangers in the golden ships looked like humans with fine features - white skin, bluish-black hair and thick beards in Slavic Aryan Vedas there is a description of such people and also a description of the year 10908 BC as TIME OF GREAT COOLING.

6 .The Ugha Mongulala tribe had no tools as Gods did, which, as if by magic, SUSPENDED THE HEAVIEST STONES, FLUNG LIGHTING AND MELTED ROCKS." These strangers civilized the tribe and built three great cities of stone called: Akanis, Akakor, and Akahim (AS RUSSIAN ARAKIM).

7. In year zero (10,481 BC), the Former Masters left, but before they left there was some kind of "WAR BETWEEN THE GODS." This war was horrible and devastating. Afterwards, the Former Masters left and a global catastrophe ensued.

8. In 3166 BC a second catastrophe occurred. This catastrophe ended the "Years of Blood" - the 6000 years of barbarism that had ravaged the land since the First Catastrophe. Just after this 2nd catastrophe, the Gods returned to Akakor, but only a few - Lhasa and Samon.

9. Lhasa supposedly had Macchu Picchu built as an outpost of his empire.

Four years after Tatunca Nara was born, Reinha (his mother) returned to Germany as an ambassador to Hitler's Third Reich. A year later she returned with three German leaders and negotiated an agreement with the Ugha Mongulala. The Ugha Mongulala and the Germans would be allies in a plan that would rule Brazil. The Nazis would invade Brazil in 1945, occupy the large coastal cities and the Ugha Mongulala would attack the white settlements in the interior. After the expected victory, the Germans would rule the eastern provinces along the coast and the Ugha Mongulala would reclaim the region of the Great (Amazon) River.

According to Tatunca Nara, the first Nazi soldiers reached Akakor by U-boat in 1941; the last soldiers arriving in 1945. For years the Germans lived with the Ugha Mongulala, arming them and training them for a war that never came. But in 1963 fighting erupted between the Germans and the Ugha Mongulala and Peru. The Germans and the Ugha Mongulala killed a number of white settlers in the Madre Dios region, but when the Peruvian government counter-attacked, the Ugha Mongulala retreated back to Akakor. In 1968, a plane crashed near Akakor.

Sinkaia ordered his son, Tatunca, to go to the crash site and kill the survivors, who were being held captive by another tribe. But instead of slaying the survivors, Tatunca was able to release them from their captives and led them to Manaus. As it turned out, the 12 survivors were officers of the Brazilian government. Tatunca Nara eventually became the new tribal leader of the Ugha Mongulala and in 1972 he went to Manaus to negotiate with the White Barbarians in an effort to secure peace with them (he felt it was useless to fight them any longer.)

It was during this trip that he met Karl Brugger, the German journalist who documented the story you are reading here. Karl Brugger checked out what elements of Tatunca Nara's story he could and found them to be true. For example, Natunca claimed he saved the lives of 12 Brazilian officers (whose plane had crashed in the jungle) by obtaining their release from the Haisha Indians who had held them captive. He then led them to Manaus, where he originally met Karl Brugger. According to Brugger, Nara's story has been documented in the archives of Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Manaus, and Rio Branco. Independent newspaper documentation of the tale is available beginning in 1968, which mentions "a white Indian chieftain who saved the lives of 12 Brazilian officers by obtaining their release from the Haisha Indians and leading them to Manaus. Witnesses said he spoke broken German, a number of Indian languages from the upper Amazon, and a little Portuguese."

It was during Tatunca and Karl Brugger's second meeting that Brugger accepted Tatunca's offer to accompany him up into the dangerous and forbidden rainforest to see the secret city of Akakor for himself first hand. On September 25, 1972, with a Winchester rifle, two revolvers, machetes, food, hammocks, jungle attire, medicine and other provisions and equipment, Tatunca Nara, Karl Brugger and a Brazilian photographer departed Manaus by river and motored up the Rios Purus to the secret city. Once they reached the Rio Yaku, their plan was to continue by canoe as far as they could and then proceed on foot through the foothills of the Andes to Akakor.

Tatunca estimated that it would take six (6) weeks. Once they reached the Rio Yaku, their plan was to continue by canoe as far as they could and then proceed on foot through the foothills of the Andes to Akakor. Tatunca estimated that it would take six (6) weeks. On October 5, ten days after they left Manaus, Brugger reported they had abandoned their boat at Cachoeira Inglesa (english waterfall) and began their final journey to Akakor by canoe. As they neared their destination, Brugger and the photographer became uneasy. Tatunca Nara began painting red stripes on his face and yellow stripes on his chest and legs, as if he was preparing to return to his people. The snow-capped mountains of the Andes mountains towered before them.
At this point they must have traveled far up the Rio Yaku and into Peru. On October 13, they lost their canoe over dangerous rapids. Most of their food and medical supplies were lost, and their camera equipment was destroyed. This was the excuse Brugger and the photographer needed to abandon the expedition and return to Manaus. They were only 10 days away from Akakor. But Tatunca Nara did not follow. With a bow, a small quiver of arrows, and a hunting knife, Natunca Nara disappeared into the forbidden jungle. Tatunca Nara was never seen or heard from again, or so the story was written.