Lady of Light
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  • Hello i hope all is well and cannot wait until we start distribution of free suppressed video's soon with Rumas and Roba i hope you are alright with this? it is a very good thing to try to spread the word at no cost to the end user this makes me very happy.
    Thank you for all your time, and this great site that is ever growing in recognition as a great source of information and a place to heal your soul.. take care and have a great Saturday........ricklbert
    Hello, sorry to have our first chat be about an issue, but... I accidentally unsubscribed to a post. WHat should I do? Also, this morning I could not post. DId I do something wrong?
    Thank you.
    And Thank you for such a great website-keep up the greta work
    I seem to have double posted accidentally is is possible to remove one of these Next: Bailout for Mainstream Media Liars
    by CHARTING STOCKS...thanks ......ricklbert
    Good morning or should i say good afternoon to you in Ontario how are you today it is good to see that your site is now receiving new post from other participants as well as more people joining daily.Have a great day and take care.....ricklbert
    Its great to see many people on the your site today it is great to see people are getting more in tune with what is going on in our world lately.thank you for letting me post on this site. take care.......ricklbert
    Hello how are you it has been a crazy day for me in news and the home front i was sitting down to eat supper with my wife and kids and the next thing you know a truck with a camper on it just drove into the liquor store across the street from my house it was crazy to say the least. the truck was literally in the liquor store,fortunately the older gentlemen driving the truck was not hurt nor anybody in the store at the time....take care ricklbert......
    Hello and how are you has been very sunny the past few days on the west coast but unusually cooler than normal.
    I just want to thank you for letting me post on your website as you may know most of my post are from other news sources and websites i am just trying to help people to see thing you would not see in the mainstream media. Thank you for your time ricklbert.
    Hello this is ricklbert can you please check out this site is is incredible this is also listed under ascension.thank you ricklbert Starchild Global
    Thank you for the Poetry Corner section in the forum. I moved the material from the prior posts to the new section and left messages that they had been moved to the new Poetry Corner section in the forum. I could not see how to delete the old postings though and thought to let you know that they are in the off topic section. Have a great week!
    Thank YOU! for creating this site with your vision-- absolutely love it! I dont know much about the responsibilities of a moderator but understand that it is overseeing ...and would love to learn
    posted some articles for the forum, love it very much and look forward to new members input.
    I found this site through a post you left on project avalon

    thank you for posting
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