
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Ancient Aliens: Alien Operations

    Source: Ancient Aliens: Alien Operations Full Episode - Ancient Aliens - H2 on
  2. New UFO Hunter

    Andrey Sklyarov - Ancient Advanced Technology

    Unquestionable proof?
  3. 100th Monkey

    Iran Already Has Free Energy That Could Render Military Industrial Complex Obsolete

    '21WIRE reporter Patrick Henningsen investigates the groundbreaking free energy science and advanced space ship technology brought into the public domain by Iranian nuclear physicist, Dr M.T. Keshe, head of the Keshe Foundation in Belgium. Keshe’s recent lecture on Jan. 30, 2013 at Imperial...
  4. R

    Michio Kaku: Will We Ever Be a Galactic Civilization?

    Michio Kaku: Will We Ever Be a Galactic Civilization? Sunday, April 26, 2009 Asked the biggest question that he would like answered, Physicist Michio Kaku answers: Will we survive long enough as a species to evolve into an advanced "type 1" civilization? Source: youtube Translated...
  5. R

    Video of world’s most advanced robot?

    Video of world’s most advanced robot? VIDEO: Rollin’ Justin Robot. March 5th, 2009 in Breaking News, Technology