
  1. R

    well known people call for depopulation

    So, after looking up the bilderbergers I thought who else should we know about that has, for lack of a more concise word, "evil" intentions. Since I started looking into the NWO I have realised that I know nothing and the people that I once respected now I find repugnant. It is difficult to have...
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    An impressive vision of 1980 on the Great oppression

    An impressive vision of 1980 on the Great oppression Wednesday, March 18, 2009 There have been over the years, many Christians who believe dreams and visions of God to have had on the end. Ken Peters' dream-like vision "of 1980 that jumps in my opinion, not only because his story is...
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    NATO's Drive Into Eastern Europe Tenth Anniversary

    NATO's Drive Into Eastern Europe Tenth Anniversary by Rick Rozoff Global Research, March 14, 2009 Stop NATO March 12 of this year marked the tenth anniversary of NATO expanding into Eastern Europe and incorporating former members of its Warsaw Pact rival. Nine years after the George H.W...
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    Durban II: Politicizing Racism

    Durban II: Politicizing Racism by Ramzy Baroud Global Research, March 13, 2009 Many countries are set to participate in the Conference against Racism, scheduled to be held in Geneva , April 20-25. But the highly touted international meet is already marred with disagreement after Israel ...
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    The Deep Politics of Hollywood In the Parents` Best Interests

    The Deep Politics of Hollywood In the Parents` Best Interests by Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham Global Research, February 26, 2009 - 2009-02-21 Tom Cruise – “the world’s most powerful celebrity” according to Forbes Magazine – was unceremoniously sacked in 2006. His dismissal was...
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    Coming Antichrist could well open the door Wednesday, February 25, 2009

    Coming Antichrist could well open the door Wednesday, February 25, 2009 Dirk van Genderen, former editor and columnist of EO's Vision, thinks that the advent of the Antichrist may be in the offing. "I expect that this will happen at the time of serious crisis. We would sometimes close to...
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    Camera viewing shall adopt bilboard

    This is weird. Camera viewing shall adopt bilboerd Thursday, February 12, 2009 Advertisers have found a way to determine how much and how long people watch commercials. Small cameras in or around the screen to make, it is sex, age and even ethnic origin mapping and using it to change the...
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    secrets' of the world bankers!

    Jonathan May reveals the 'secrets' of the world bankers! Last updated: Saturday, January 31 to 01:57, 131 views Groningen, Saturday, January 31, 2009 DECLARATION OF JONATHAN MAY Jonathan May, worked in the past for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in England. In the early eighties...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Timeline Of How Hitler Took Over Germany & How It Parallels With Our Modern World

    Time line of how Hitler took over Germany & how it parallels with our modern world. Nov 8, 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm told to abdicate Mar 13-17, 1920 Kapp Putsch Mar 31, 1920 Adolf Hitler mustered out of the military. Aug 11, 1920 National Disarmament Law takes effect; disbanded civil...