
  1. Unhypnotized

    NBC’s ObamaVision: ‘Law and Order’ — ‘This Is Why We Need Health-Care Reform’

    Michael S. Rulle Jr. Big Hollywood Thursday, Nov 19th, 2009 NBC’s “Law and Order” is in its 20th season. The economy is weak, so they have devolved to converting White House talking points into weekly shows. Last week, “Doped” was a farcical equivalent of “” Pharmaceutical companies and Doctors...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Law & Order Shills for Obamacare

    Michael S. Rulle Jr. Big Hollywood November 17, 2009 NBC’s “Law and Order” is in its 20th season. The economy is weak, so they have devolved to converting White House talking points into weekly shows. Last week, “Doped” was a farcical equivalent of “” Pharmaceutical companies and Doctors...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Vaccination: Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americans

    Richard Gale and Gary Null, Ph.D Progressive Radio Network November 12, 2009 I have no doubt whatever that vaccination is an unscientific abomination and should be made a criminal practice. G. Bernard Shaw Under normal circumstances, when a public health measure is advocated or mandated...
  4. Unhypnotized

    The Reversal of Reality: Publicizing H1N1 Vaccine Facts as Myths and Myths as Facts

    Prevent Disease November 4, 2009 How deflating it must be, for conventional medicine and public health officials to feel the noose tightening around their unscientific balloon of unfounded vaccine principles. Dovetailing media reports which...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Vaccines cause autism: Supporting evidence

    Mike Adams Natural News Tuesday, Oct 6th, 2009 Rates of autism have skyrocketed 1000% since 1990, yet defenders of vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry keep scratching their heads in confusion: What could be causing this? Lots of clues point to vaccines as one of the primary contributing...
  6. R

    Chickens Not Fooled by GM Crops

    Chickens Not Fooled by GM Crops Sunday, September 6, 2009 Pic source: SUSTAINABLE CHICKEN Chickens refusing to eat the maize they had been fed has led to the discovery that their feed had been genetically modified to include a well-known weed and insect killer. Strilli Oppenheimer's...
  7. R

    The Genetic Conspiracy (1/3) - about Monsanto

    The Genetic Conspiracy (1/3) - about Monsanto Monsanto & GMOs - The Truth
  8. R

    The Dangers of Vaccines - Autism H1N1 Gardasil HPV BMR Thimerosal

    The Dangers of Vaccines - Autism H1N1 Gardasil HPV BMR Thimerosal - Friday, July 17, 2009 Part 1 Part 2 The government maintains that vaccines are safe and infectious diseases. But this is refuted by statistics and medical studies. Immunization Studies: Adverse Vaccine Reactions...


    Causes of headache Headaches Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet Allergies, stress, eye strain The common causes of headaches are allergy, emotional stress, eye strain, high blood pressure, a hangover, infection, low blood sugar, nutritional deficiency, tension, and the presence of poisons and...
  10. CASPER

    Causes of Allergies

    Allergy is an indication of disharmony caused by dietetic errors and a faulty style of living. Refined, processed foods and stress It is also caused by excessive consumption of refined and processed foods, loaded with numerous chemical additives, many of which cause powerful reactions...
  11. CASPER

    Meet America's 100 'asthma capitals'

    Springtime and the breathing isn't easy - particularly if you have asthma and live in Knoxville, Tenn.; Little Rock, Ark.; St. Louis; Madison, Wisc.; or Louisville. That's the conclusion of a new survey from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America that ranks the 100 largest U.S. cities by...
  12. CASPER

    Greens call for action to combat allergy epidemic

    The Green Party is due to launch a campaign today calling for action to combat an impending allergy epidemic. The party claimed half of all Europeans would suffer from some sort of allergy by 2015. Asthma is one of the main allergies affecting Irish people, with Ireland's asthma rates ranked...
  13. CASPER

    Meditation as a therapy

    Meditation has not only been used as an important therapy for psychological and nervous disorders, from simple insomnia to severe emotional disturbances, but lately physicians have also prescribed it for curing various physical ailments as well. It is useful in chronic and debilitating diseases...
  14. R

    Oil of Oregano

    Oil of Oregano Nature's Versatile Healer Oregano comes from the Greek, and means "mountain of joy." Hippocrates used Oregano for curing various diseases such as stomach pain and respiratory diseases. In the 15th century, Paracelsus used Wild Oregano to treat diarrhea, psoriasis, vomiting...
  15. R

    The Dangers of Vaccines

    The Dangers of Vaccines Sunday, April 19, 2009 The government maintains that vaccines are safe and infectious diseases. But this is contradicted by research, statistics and medical studies. The side effects of vaccines autism, dyslexia, brain damage, cot death, learning disabilities...
  16. R

    Cuba begins in silence with transgenic maize (corn)

    Cuba begins in silence with transgenic maize (corn) Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Without much ado is Cuba began with the cultivation of transgenic maize. Academics store alarm. According to the State Juventude Rebelde newspaper, there are 60 hectares of...
  17. R

    Children Now, Tuesday, March 24, 2009

    Children Now Tuesday, March 24, 2009 The Children of Now. Early seventies there were many children born who otherwise are. Children with a certain sensitivity and a goal in their life later reflected. Meanwhile, these children mature and it's time for a new generation of children to...
  18. R

    Put your windows open to prevent diseases Wednesday, 2009

    Put your windows open to prevent diseases Wednesday, 2009 Your house is filled with fungi that may be harmful to your health. Recent research shows that you can prevent your house dry and good ventilation. Health The disease caused by fungi in buildings was called the 'Sick Building...
  19. R

    Pet Foods Ingredients Revealed

    he following list of pet food ingredients and ratings was created by a cooperative effort between pet food formulator Dr. Lisa Newman, ND, Ph.D. (Welcome to Azmira), Mike Adams (Health Ranger Homepage) and the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center ( Mike Adams and the...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Apple cider vinegar: amazing stuff!!!

    Apple Cider Vinegar In all likelihood, you have a bottle of sparkling clear apple cider vinegar in your kitchen. Most probably you have also heard of all the health benefits of this wonder vinegar . You use it for marinating the meat, chicken and fish. Almost all the salads that you make...