
  1. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Excellent Amazing catch of weird kind an unknown creature!

    Do you think this is real?
  2. New UFO Hunter

    Uncut video of Balloon or UFO splitting into 5 orbs June 2013

    An amazing daytime sighting of orbs that seem to split:
  3. Boiling Frog

    Bigfoot Vocalizations

    Amazing Bigfoot vocalizations Here is more evidence from the you tube user.
  4. New UFO Hunter

    Daytime spheres over Los Angeles, California

    Amazing daylight UFO spheres:
  5. New UFO Hunter

    Girls camping trip captures amazing UFO footage.

    The women in the video seem to portray an authentic event and the footage is amazing. The object changes shape and other objects come out from the main source and then move back into the source it also produces metal spine like objects and morphs shape.
  6. New UFO Hunter

    UFO over Los Angeles 10-8-2012

    Wow this one is amazing!
  7. New UFO Hunter

    Amazing UFO Close to the Ground in Bolivia, 7/7/2012

    This looks amazing, but can it be something other than a UFO?
  8. New UFO Hunter

    Amazing UFO filmed in Moscow Russia 2011 March-April

    Amazing UFO filmed in Moscow Russia 2011.. red orby type craft that lets out an orange orb.. in Spanish.. with English subtitles..
  9. Denise

    Carly Fleischmann - Carly's Voice, Changing the world of autism

    Carly Fleischmann is just amazing girl. Her blog is here:
  10. Denise

    Look at yourself after watching this

    Amazing such a very inspiring guy.
  11. New UFO Hunter

    Ufo fleets of wwii amazing new footage

  12. Lady of Light

    Breaking AMAZING News caster tells people,goverment satanists exposed..

    Amazing, MSM are starting to wake up!
  13. New UFO Hunter

    Rotating Cloud over Canada

    This is amazing, what is it? who knows...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Army optical camoflage technology (filmed)

    This footage is amazing!!!!!
  15. New UFO Hunter

    Chemainus UFO Video

    amazing ufo video
  16. Unhypnotized

    Dr. Wolf's (a.k.a. Dr. X) Amazing Radio Interview!!!

    More about Dr. Michael Wolf here Dr. Wolf's Amazing Radio Interview-Part 1 [3 MB file, allow time to open, needs to be played with RealPlayer, available from] Part 2 - Dr. Wolf's Amazing Radio Interview [3 MB file, allow time to open, needs to be played with RealPlayer, available...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Father and son film outer space, do-it-yourself style Like many youngsters, and those young at heart, seven-year-old Max Geissbuhler and his dad dreamed of visiting space -- and armed with just a weather balloon, a video camera, and an iPhone, in a way they did just that. The father-and-son team from Brooklyn managed to...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Kseniya Simonova's Amazing Sand Drawings - You MUST see this!!!

    Kseniya Simonova's Amazing Sand Drawing A mindblowing and uplifting 8 minute clip. Start watching it and i guarantee you will still be watching it right thru to the end! Way cool! Enjoy!
  19. R

    Still Unnamed Clouds (Amazing Photos)

    Still Unnamed Clouds (Amazing Photos) Wednesday, June 3, 2009 Source:
  20. R

    VIDEO: Why isn’t mainstream television showing you this?

    VIDEO: Why isn’t mainstream television showing you this? - Amazing Firefight At Night-Afghanistan. Amazing Firefight At Night-Afghanistan May 25th, 2009 in Breaking News, Commentaries, New World Disorder - Amazing Firefight At Night-Afghanistan