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    Talmud goes Arabic – Jewish groups hit ‘The Wall’

    Several pro-Israel Jewish groups lead by Abraham Foxman have urged Jordanian government to take action to ensure that the recent Arabic translation of Jewish Talmud is not used to teach hatred of Jews and Israel among the Arabs. A group of some 90 Jordanian Muslim and Christian scholars and...
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    Israel: ‘Hizbullah has 60,000 rockets’

    Brig. Gen. Itay Baron, head of Israel Occupation Forces (IOF) Military Intelligence research section told Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday that Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizbullah has 60,000 rockets and missiles as compared to 6,000 during the 34-day war in 2006. Baron...
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    Turkey seeks life for 4 Israeli generals

    On Wednesday, ahead of second anniversary of Israeli attack on Gaza flotilla, Turkish press reported that İstanbul Specially Authorized Prosecutor Mehmet Akif Ekinci seeks life imprisonment for four Israeli top commanders, involved in a 2010 Israeli attack on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that left...
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    Isreal Army hunts 4500 Jew deserters

    Israeli soldiers are welknown for hunting down Palestinian youth throwing rocks on them and sometime using these young natives as ‘shield’ to capture the so-called ‘Arab terrorists’. However, the Zionist-controlled mainstream media will never report that Israeli army have long been hunting down...
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    ‘Israel’s Right To Exist,’ Really!

    French Catholic Pastor Abbe Pierre (d. 2007) was a member of French resistance against Nazis. He was honored both in France and Quebec for his religious and political views. However, he was hounded by the powerful French Jewish lobby groups for believing that European Jews have no right to...
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    Lobby: ‘Canada an influential player in ME peace talks’

    The president of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), Ronald S. Lauder, was in Canada last week. During his visit, he held private talks with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Foreign Minister John Baird in Ottawa on Wednesday to discuss the situation in the Middle East, as well as rise in...
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    Dr. Finkelstein: ‘Farewell Israel?’

    On May16, Dr. Peter Lavelle, host of Russian Today (RT) ‘Cross Talk’ interviewed controversial American Jewish academic, author and activist, Dr. Norman Finkelstein, Daniel Pollak, co-director of Zionist Organization of America and Mouin Rabbani, an Amman-based independent political analyst and...
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    Alan Hart: ‘Jews must fight Zionism’

    British veteran journalist and author, Alan Hart, in his latest article, entitled Never ending Nakba has warned the Jews around the world to fight the evil of Zionism before it’s too late. “If the rising global tide of anti-Israelism is not to be transformed into anti-Semitism, making another...
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    Bachmann: ‘Why I can’t have dual citizenship?’

    I don’t understand why the Zionist mainstream media is making Rep. Michele Bachmann’s US-Swiss dual citizenship a big issue these days. After all there are hundreds of American Jews and some Christians who carry US-Israel dual citizenship while holding some of most powerful posts in US...
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    Sarkozy haunted by his past crimes

    The defeated Crypto-Jewish French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, will be out of the Élysée palace on Tuesday after he handed over the Presidency to the newly elected Socialist Jewish president François Hollande. Sarkozy is looking forward to manage the music empire of his millionaire model-turn-pop...
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    US picks anti-Israel Egyptian presidential candidate!

    An opinion poll conducted by the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, released on Monday, projected Egyptian diplomat Amr Moussa as the frontrunner with 39% backing – followed by former Muslim Brotherhood member Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh (24.5) and former prime minister Ahmed...
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    Israel sabotages NPT conference on ME

    Israeli Hebrew daily Arutz Sheva reported on April 11, 2012 that the UN facilitator, former Finish ambassador to Washington and London, Jaakko Laajava, paid a secret visit to Israel to discuss Israel’s participation in the NPT conference to occur in Helsinki late this year or next year. He did...
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    Sarkozy hits the bucket: ‘Iran wins?’

    Socialist Party’s Jewish candidate Francois Hollande defeated his half-Jewish opponent UMP’s Nicolas Sarkozy on Sunday to become the next President of France. Sarkozy is the latest victim of a wave of European voters’ anger at wars, government spending, bailouts for the privileged 1% and...
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    Alan Hart: ‘Israel needs a military coup to survive’

    Polls in Israel have predicted a comfortable victory for the warmongering Benji Netanyahu in the coming elections called 18 months ahead of the schedule. Lately, both Netanyahu and Ehud Barak have come under fire from former heads of country’s military and secret services – and former opposition...
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    Helen Thomas missed Obama’s political jokes

    The Zionist-occupied White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) did not let its past president Helen Thomas (1975-76) purchase a table, at its 2012 gala dinner on April 28, 2012. The keyspeaker at the dinner was Barack Obama (watch two videos below) and was attended by over 2,000 pro-Israel...
  16. 100th Monkey

    Important! American War Criminals Can Now Be Prosecuted! US Rejoins ICC!

    by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor In a surprise move, President Obama signed an executive order rejoining the International Criminal Court, an organization established originally by the United State to enforce international law and punish war criminals. The US left the court under Bush in...
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    Horowitz: ‘BDS supports new Holocaust’

    Israel-Firster David Horowitz’s Freedom Foundation put an Israeli propaganda ad in the Zioncon-owned New York Times (April 24, 2012), which invoked Holocaust against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). Racists and bigot Zionist Jews like David Horowitz – have never interested me...
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    Riyadh breaks diplomatic relations with Cairo

    Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Egypt left Cairo on weekend after Riyadh announced the breaking of diplomatic relation with the most populous Arab nation of Egypt. Riyadh has closed its missions in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez. The Kingdom took the action after hundreds of Egyptian protested in front...
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    Bin Laden to help Obama’s re-election

    As the first anniversary of the Hollywood-style killing of Osama Bin Laden on May 1 (May 2 in Pakistan) approaches – the White House is planning to use the occasion as a reminder to the American public of Obama’s top accomplishment during an otherwise keep ‘throwing Israel under the bus‘ three...
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    Holocaust Day, Iran and Muslim Holocaust survivor

    This year’s Holocaust Day was no different than the last year’s event. The Israeli, American, German, British, French and Canadian Zionist leaders who attended this year showcase event – all gave speeches about the Islamic Republic and its nuclear program being an ‘existential’ to the Zionist...