
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Egypt faces anti-government protests

    -- Egypt's security agencies are bracing themselves for anti-government protests Tuesday, with thousands expected to demonstrate against corruption and failing economic policies. Protest organizers said they hope to capture the regional momentum for political change set by Tunisians, who 10...
  2. Truth Vibrations

    U.S. citizen returning home after being detained in Kuwait

    - A Virginia teen who said he was detained in Kuwait after his name appeared on a no-fly list is returning to the United States on Friday, according to his lawyer. Gulet Mohamed, 19, of Alexandria, Virginia, is a Muslim-American. He is suing the U.S. government over the alleged detention...
  3. R

    Study: ‘Nasrallah sways Israeli opinion’

    The results of a study (reported by Israeli daily Haaretz, July 12, 2010) conducted by Colonel Ronen, the chief intelligence officer for the Central Command of the Israel Occupation Forces (IOF) – showed that Lebanese Islamic Resistane Hizbullah’s leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah is the first...
  4. Truth Vibrations

    Fleeing Tunisian president arrives in Saudi Arabia Tunis, Tunisia -- The president of Tunisia landed in Saudi Arabia on Saturday, a day after he fled massive demonstrations calling for his ouster in the northern African country. A plane carrying President Zine El Abidine...
  5. R

    The West, War and Islam

    by Ernst ZÜNDEL If the typical Islamic person could perceive what the typical Westerner thinks about him - his traditions, culture and religion - he would be amused, shocked or perhaps even frightened. To the Western mind, the Islamic world is inscrutably bemusing - an exotic enigma, part fairy...
  6. Truth Vibrations

    Tunisian protests fueled by social media networks -- The protests that have gripped Tunisia in recent weeks are, to say the least, unusual. Organized dissent in the streets is rarely tolerated in Arab states, and human rights groups say the Tunisian government has had a...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Assange Threatens To Out CIA-Linked Arab Leaders If Killed

    MOBIN PANDIT & AHMED EL AMIN The Peninsula Friday, December 31, 2010 DOHA: Top officials in several Arab countries have close links with the CIA, and many officials keep visiting US embassies in their respective countries voluntarily to establish links with this key US intelligence agency...
  8. Truth Vibrations

    Where raped women can be jailed

    Nouakchott, Mauritania -- Mahjouba was raped in March on the nighttime streets of Mauritania's capital, but she will not bring charges against the man she says did it since she may be the one who ends up in prison. The 25-year-old says the legal advice she received was to not go to court...

    [Breaking news!] merican tourist stabbed to death in Israel

    By Jeffrey Heller Jeffrey Heller – 31 mins ago JERUSALEM (Reuters) – An American tourist was stabbed to death and another woman wounded while hiking in foothills outside Jerusalem, Israeli police said on Sunday. "We are examining whether this is a nationalistic stabbing, but other leads are...
  10. Truth Vibrations

    Police: Sweden blasts 'an act of terror' The explosions that killed one person and wounded two others in central Stockholm, Sweden, were "an act of terrorism," a Swedish police official said Sunday. Two explosions occurred within minutes of each other Saturday in...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Clueless Patsy Set-up by FBI in Christmas Tree Bombing Plot

    Kurt Nimmoo Prison Saturday, November 27, 2010 They not only hate us for our freedom, but also for our Christmas trees – or at least that’s what the FBI and cops in Oregon would have you believe. They not only hate us for our freedom, but also for our Christmas trees.“The FBI...
  12. buttman302

    [Awesome!] This Day in History November 5

    This Day in History November 5 This Day in History November 5 309th day of 2010 - 56 remaining Friday, November 5, 2010 GUY FAWKES DAY The year was 1605. Eleven men, led by one Guy Fawkes, came together to find a way to return England to the Catholic faith. It seems that King James had been...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Global Warming Alarmism is a Grave Threat to our Liberty

    Václav Klaus President of the Czech Republic March 9, 2010 Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for giving me the chance to address this distinguished audience and for asking me to speak on one of the issues I consider absolutely crucial. I am convinced that the ideology of...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Healthcare – Get Ready to Fight Again

    Wake Up 1776 Monday, February 22, 2010 Dear fellow Americans – please fight this tooth and nail and don’t be distracted by what the media throws at us – Tiger Woods, Van Jones, or some other distraction.* Also keep fighting the good fights we are already engaged in – electing Debra Medina in...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Terror Scares A Boon for Security Grifters

    Tom Burghardt Global Research Monday, February 22, 2010 Call them what you will: bottom feeders, corporate con-men, flim-flam artists, peddlers of crisis, you name it. You can’t help but marvel how enterprising security firms have the uncanny ability to sniff-out new opportunities wherever...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Year of the Rat ? I Mean, Census

    Becky Akers Campaign For Liberty Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010 “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers. . . ,” says Article I, Section 2 of the United States’ Constitution. “The...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Intelligence sources: Plane incident a false flag involving trinity of CIA, Mossad, a

    Wayne Madsen Online Journal Monday, January 4th, 2010 The Christmas Day attempt by the son of a prominent Nigerian banker and business tycoon connected closely to top Nigerian leaders to detonate a chemical improvised explosive device aboard Delta Airlines flight 253 from Amsterdam Schiphol to...
  18. CASPER

    Yemeni forces raid al-Qaida hideout, clashes erupt

    SAN'A, Yemen – Yemeni forces raided an al-Qaida hideout and set off a gunbattle Wednesday as the government vowed to eliminate the group that claimed it was behind the Christmas bombing attempt on a U.S. airliner. The fighting took place in an al-Qaida stronghold in western Yemen, haven for a...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Before Obama escalates the Afghan war, he must tell us who we are fighting

    Peter Chamberlin Online Journal Friday, Nov 27th, 2009 Who is “al Qaida,” that we must continue killing and destroying entire nations to eliminate them? The world has too much riding on this war to abide Obama blindly continuing it without a valid mission. Defining an “exit plan” is not the...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Army Says 12 dead, 31 Injured at Fort Hood; Shooters Were US Soldiers

    Texas Fort Hood in lockdown after shooting Star-Telegram November 5, 2009 A shooting at Fort Hood prompted the base and nearby schools to order a lockdown, according to news reports. KCEN-TV in Central Texas said seven people were killed and 12 wounded. The station said there were two...