
  1. Unhypnotized

    Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attacks? Where is the Evidence?

    David Ray Griffin Infowars November 2, 2009 The idea that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks has been an article of faith for public officials and the mainstream media. Calling it an “article of faith” points to two features of this idea. On the one hand, no one in these...

    A sudden outbreak of domestic terror threats

    An extended period of relatively little news about domestic terrorist threats was shattered this week. A spate of arrests and reports of fearsome plots have Americans back on edge and struggling to make sense of the suspects and continuous headlines. Below, the recent developments: -- Last week...

    Gadhafi's colorful UN speech rouses and confuses

    Controversial Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi addressed the United Nations General Assembly and his speech made waves online. In his long and at times dramatic address to the UN today, Gadhafi aired varied and eyebrow-raising complaints. Among his targets: -- The international body's Security...
  4. R

    David Icke: Do not riot! That is exactly what "they" want

    David Icke: Do not riot! That is exactly what "they" want Tuesday, September 22, 2009 The power and the strategy behind the credit crisis As I tour America, it is clear that this country on the brink of economic disaster as it staggers has never seen. And this of course, not alone because a...
  5. R

    Info links 9 / 11

    Info links 9 / 11 September 19, 2009 NOTE: Some video links are in Dutch with no translation Here is a list of very convincing evidence and information to prove that the official story about 9 / 11 NOT true: The Bush and Bin Laden families TOGETHER earned tens of millions of dollars in...

    Iran's supreme leader warns opposition in sermon

    TEHRAN, Iran – Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned the country's reformist opposition on Friday it would face a "harsh response" for confronting the Islamic establishment. Khamenei's tough warning, in a nationally televised Friday prayer sermon, comes as security forces have...

    Israel cuts 1948 'catastrophe' from Arabic texts

    JERUSALEM – The Israeli government will remove references to what Palestinians call the "catastrophe" of Israel's creation from textbooks for Arab schoolchildren, the education minister said Wednesday. The reference to "al-naqba," the Arabic word catastrophe, as Palestinians call their defeat...

    The Black Magicians

    The secret societies, controlled by the Illuminati, have secret grades of initiations - a pyramid structure where people on one level of the pyramid do not know what the people on the level above them know. Throughout history (although the rules have been less strict recently in an effort to...
  9. R

    A prediction from the 7th century is out ...

    A prediction from the 7th century is out ... Thursday, May 28, 2009 Does prediction from the 7th Century cover Barack Obama? Ali ibn Abi-Talib, a person who in the 7th century was central to the Shiite Islam, the end of the world as we know it have predicted. A "Long black man" leader of...
  10. R

    Senators Push For War With Iran

    Senators Push For War With Iran Jim Dawson OpEd News Thursday, March 12, 2009 National Intelligence Director Blair had his first meeting with the Senate Armed Services Committee, where he was much more reasonable than most of the Senators. Both NID Blair and Defense Intelligence Agency head...
  11. R

    Mainstream media demonizes religion and reports news with NO proof?

    Mainstream media demonizes religion and reports news with NO proof? Islam group urges forest fire jihad | AUSTRALIA has been singled out as a target for “forest jihad” by a group of Islamic extremists urging Muslims to deliberately light bushfires as a weapon of terror. US...
  12. Denise

    List of Secret agencies

    Some International Agencies: NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization Echolon – Electronic Espionage, eg: phone, fax, mobile phone, email and more. All are recorded…. Agencies by country: A Afghanistan * President's Office * National Directorate of Security (NDS) – ریاست امنیت ملی...
  13. Aragorn

    Strange Creatures

    Bizarre Creatures from around the World #1 Mysterious mermaid mummy The mummy’s origin is unknown, but the collector says it was found in a wooden box that contained passages from a Buddhist sutra written in Sanskrit. Also in the box was a photograph of the mermaid and a note claiming it...