art bell

  1. Truth Vibrations

    David Icke - Crazy People

    "Listen to the whole of this and you will be absolutley amazed! The, copy & Paste into YouTube:"David Icke on Art Bell - Bloodlines & Control part 1-11" and listen to it all the way through to part 11-11 and you will be absolutely amazed! It is a radio broadcast from November the 11th 1998...
  2. Denise

    David Wilcock 5/13 - Fulford, New Madrid etc...

    Hello everyone. DW also offers links to tunes of the interview with Benjamin Fulford which i haven't listen too. Heres a hyperlink towards the article if you'd rather. David's November interview with Fulford is finally...
  3. Unhypnotized

    2012 - the 3 secret of fatima coast to coast am

    Excerpts off Malachi Martin on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell in 1997 & 1998, discussing the prophecy of Fatima, aka the third secret of Fatima. What can one do? free online ebooks
  4. N

    Could it be possible that the earth is hollow?

    I know, I know, this goes against everything we've ever been taught, but have you heard about the Hollow Earth Theory? I don't have very rigid beliefs about anything so I go where my research takes me and I find this theory very captivating. There is some serious scientific evidence coming...
  5. Unhypnotized

    MICHIO KAKU ~ Invisibility & Teleportation

    Invisibility & Teleportation Possible! Michio Kaku Explains From: MoxNewsDotCom | March 19, 2010 MSNBC VIDEO (4:24): The Physics of the Impossible By: Michio Kaku Coast to Coast AM 1/29/2010 ART BELL A Conversation...
  6. day

    Near death experience with Betty Eadie on C2C

    NDE -Betty Eadie on C2C 1/13/04 Betty Eadie on C2C Tuesday, January 13, 2004 with George Noory :feathers: Betty J. Eadie is Lakota :Fire: part 1 of 11 double click for playlist...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Electromagnetic Pulse Attack...WILLIAM R. FORSTCHEN

    Art Bell spoke with Prof. William Forstchen for the entire program about how an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack by a rogue nation could disable America's power grid and communications infrastructure, and lead to an inconceivably high death. On Coast to Coast. Part of this is fear...

    Introduction to chemtrails

    Introduction to chemtrails If you are unfamiliar with the subject of chemtrails, you should first read this general overview of the chemtrail spraying operations which began in earnest in late 1997. Without first reading the introductory overview, it's difficult to understand the later...

    Contrails do count

    Cue "X-Files" music: Maybe we do need to worry about those contrails snaking through the skies overhead. For years, contrail conspiracy theorists have competed with UFO sighters and alien abduction survivors for air time on late-night radio's "Art Bell Overnight." Their claim: Those puffy, white...
  10. R

    Common sense - The Spiritual IS Waging wars Sunday, March 8, 2009

    Common sense - The Spiritual IS Waging wars Sunday, March 8, 2009 James Bartley, February 17, 2009 This story is called "common sense" and that I wear to Thomas Paine when he tried the facts of life to explain to the colonists before the Revolution. There is this story a rebuttal of the...