
  1. 100th Monkey

    Large asteroid heading to Earth? Pray, says NASA

    NASA says an asteroid is coming in three weeks and to pray! More:
  2. Unhypnotized

    Dawn Reaches Milestone Approaching Asteroid Vesta

    3 May 2011 - Dawn Reaches Milestone Approaching Asteroid Vesta NASA's Dawn spacecraft has reached its official approach phase to the asteroid Vesta and will begin using cameras for the first time to aid navigation for an expected July 16 orbital encounter. More...

    A look into Vesta's interior

    Researchers from the University of North Dakota and from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany have discovered a new kind of asteroid using NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The mineralogical composition of 1999 TA10 suggests that, unlike many...

    [Wow!] Strange Mini-Asteroid Born by Huge Space Rock

    Astronomers have discovered a new kind of asteroid — a strange mini-world with a unique and violent history that could reveal more clues about the early solar system. The asteroid, called 1999 AT10, is a miniature space rock born when a collision blasted it out of its rocky parent Vesta, which...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Russia in secret plan to save Earth from asteroid: official

    AFP Wednesday, Dec 30th, 2009 Russian scientists will soon meet in secret to work on a plan for saving Earth from a possible catastrophic collision with a giant asteroid in 26 years, the head of Russia’s space agency said Wednesday. “We will soon hold a closed meeting of our collegium, the...
  6. R

    Small asteroid close to Earth rages over

    Small asteroid close to Earth rages over Wednesday, March 18, 2009 A small asteroid is today around 24,000 km per hour along the divorced upgraded beyond Earth. This is the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA in Pasadena reported. Object 2009FH passed at 13.17 am, Brussels time, on only...