
  1. R

    Murdoch favors break-up of United Kingdom

    The discredited multi-billionaire and Israel-Firster media tycon, Rupert Murdoch, has come down with Jewish ‘vengeance’ against United Kingdom for dragging him into ‘hacking mud’ (Murdoch’s 226-year-old ‘Time of London’ is also being investigated now). Last month, Murdoch threw his...
  2. White Rabbit

    Oz "HAARP Proof" That Will Blow Your Mind..!

    January 6, 2012 Flanders388 on youtube brings us this strong evidence of HAARP use in Port Hedland, Western Australia and how it is affecting weather patterns. This is a Pretty Obvious Example of how HAARP and Chemtrails are being used to distribute Weather, Earthquake’s, Sinkholes, and a...
  3. White Rabbit

    New Extraordinary Claims Of A Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough In Australia

    A secretive new fusion startup based in Australia is claiming to have developed a working 1 MW fusion reactor the size of a rice cooker, and is now working on a 10 MW reactor. The company claims to generate a 1 MW output from a 40 W input, and claims to be working with both the Australian...
  4. Boiling Frog

    Facebook's privacy policy is stealing your cookies!!!

    Is Facebook's privacy policy's hand is in your cookie jar? For all of us that do not pay attention to Facebook's never standing still privacy policy, it's got new worrying revisions. Possibly the most startling of the modifications to their internet "privacy" statement is the method Facebook is...
  5. 100th Monkey

    Aussie 'Penis Pranksters' deface Google Street View..!

    September 9, 2011 A stretch of rural Victoria in Street View is scarred with penis graffiti Pranksters have been playing tricks on Google's Street View cameras ever since the mapping tool was first launched in 2007, but miscreants in Victoria have delivered a low blow. Street View images of...
  6. New UFO Hunter

    Space 'DNA' Discovery - Aussie 'Meteorite' shows we may be Aliens..?

    Australian meteorite behind 'space DNA' discovery August 10, 2011 Researchers have discovered some of the building blocks of DNA found on meteorites actually came from space. Picture: NASA A METEORITE which crashed in Australia more than four decades ago has led to a major new discovery...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Screaming Match 'Confronts' Aussie PM JuLIAR Gillard on Carbon Tax..!

    Screaming match confronts Gillard A FIERY slanging match between shoppers outside a Brisbane supermarket has overrun Prime Minister Julia Gillard's campaign to sell her government's carbon tax. "It's running our small businesses down the drain mate," he said. "Think about it." As the...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Did Australia's Obsession with Global Warming Contribute to the Brisbane Floods?

    01-16-2011 06:31 AM 'Who, if anyone, is to blame for the terrible flooding in Brisbane? Commentators are pointing their collective finger at the usual suspects. For the extreme green magazine Grist, the floods expose mankind’s arrogance in believing that he can build settlements anywhere he...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Australiagate: Now NASA caught in trick over Aussie climate data

    John O’Sullivan CLIMATEGATE Thursday, February 11th, 2010 In this article we look at the findings of two independent climate researchers who analyse climatic data used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to show warming of two degrees per century for Australia without...
  10. R

    Aussies see them fly

    Aussies see them fly Wednesday, April 22, 2009 In Australia a woman from Palmerston strange stains found on a photo she took with her mobile phone. The mother of three and only her first name in the newspaper Kym...