Posted by benjamin
June 24, 2014
Full Report:
This a a great video filled with information.
Some of the topics covered:
ET's made genetic manipulations - to produce containers.
Incidents show: other realities, high strangeness: resurrection technologies.
The praying mantis: sadness, and as old as our solar system.
Preying mantis can...
I know there has to be a reason for everything,, just in a big funk, about things. Like how do you all get out of a funk if you get into one? Any sugesstions?
With all the cyber spying going on, this makes for an interesting article.
Finspy - Big Brother software spying on your computer?
Published on 22 Aug 2013
Foreclosed Homeowners Arrested While Demanding Banker Prosecution
Realities Behind Prosecuting Big Banks
New York Times:
Are banks too big to jail?
If there was any doubt about the answer to that question, Eric H. Holder Jr., the nation’s attorney general, last week blurted out what...
Now what is going to happen on Sept. 9th 2012? Any ides? I thought Dec 21,2012 was the big date.
Could this be another distraction? Hoax or real sure is odd.
(NaturalNews) Those of us who have long been describing the pharmaceutical industry as a "criminal racket" over the last few years have been wholly vindicated by recent news. Drug and vaccine manufacturer Merck was caught red-handed by two of its own scientists faking vaccine efficacy data by...
This could be a big breakthrough in the limb regeneration!
A man lost his finger he uses an experimental 'magical powder' and his entire finger grows back.
Joe Rauch
April 13, 2011
Big banks like*Bank of America Corp*and*Citigroup Incshould be reclassified as government-sponsored entities and have their activities restricted, a senior Fed official said on Tuesday.
The 2008*bank bailouts*at the height of the financial crisis and other...
H.A.A.R.P site is down for the first time ever expect some possible big event in Japan or some were seismic and i mean really big...................................
Apparently there are several of he ionospheric websites down at the present moment this is very strange the only one still up...
There are many facts that medicinal fasting helps to overcome even fatal diseases. But it is a big stress for the whole organism. What do you think about using of the medicinal fasting?
Big Pharma to begin microchipping drugs
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of
(NaturalNews) The age of pharmaceutical microchipping is now upon us. Novartis AG, one of the largest drug companies in the world, has announced a plan to begin...
James Slack
UK Daily Mail
Monday, Dec 28th, 2009
As many as 20,000 town hall snoopers have assumed powers to enter people’s homes without a warrant and search for information, a survey revealed last night.
The research details for the first time how a raft of intrusive laws has allowed...