
  1. feihung1986

    Subconscious communication tutorial

    This is a tutorial on how to communicate with your subconscious. It is not as complicated as it sounds. By doing (feeling) it right it is possible to learn it within a week. Well, there was a client who took me a year, but it is never the less achievable. Just don’t try to complicate, the easier...
  2. feihung1986

    Subconscious communication tutorial

    This is a tutorial on how to communicate with your subconscious. It is not as complicated as it sounds. By doing (feeling) it right it is possible to learn it within a week. Well, there was a client who took me a year, but it is never the less achievable. Just don’t try to complicate, the easier...
  3. J

    John Lennon an idealist

    I heard his song imagine and often think what if every body believed in his idea(lyrics of his song-imagine) . Imagine all the people Living life in peace... You... There will be no wars and every body can enjoy peace and freedom equally. But in real life we are all slaves to something!
  4. Truth Vibrations

    8 Toxins Hiding In Your Vaccines - Why Take Chances with Your Health?

    I hope you don't want to get any future vaccines after reading this list: Source: 8 toxins hiding in vaccines
  5. P

    [Bombshell!] Buddha GrandMaster talks about Aliens

    < Just a quick preface, I'm a noobie so I can't post links so instead I hope it is ok to direct people to the pertinent information in my posts with google search queries :tennis: > Hi All, I have some lecture excerpts that you might be interested in. It's from a Buddha Master from the Falun...
  6. G

    hey im new

    i bring my methods of recognizing the difference between real life stalking, and what is called schizophrenia, but is not. And how to block the brain computer effects in a room or house and in your body.
  7. Atehequa

    Sleepy eyes, pen in hand

    Hours before dawn welcomes the day My dreams of soaring free Vast vistas of forest and rolling hills As far as my eyes can see Riding aloft upon warm whispering winds Blowing westward they carry me During the balmy midday calm of my dream I am grateful for what they allow Sometimes seeing you...
  8. New UFO Hunter

    Alien Body And Technology Recovered In Mexico

    Alien Body And Tech Recovered In Mexico Meteor Crash Forces Locals To Consider UFO Crash Caused Power Outage, UFO Sighting News. October 1, 2013 Date of sighting: September 28 or 27, 2013 Location of sighting: Ichmul, Yucatan, Mexico Huge Fireball Explosion Creates Power Outage in Yucatan...
  9. Denise

    25 Best Ways to Detox From Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Environmental Pollutants, and Metabolic Waste

    Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times July 18, 2013 If you are endlessly tired, irritable, have trouble losing weight, or feel depressed, you might be suffering from the environmental onslaught of toxins being poured into our air, water and soil by greedy corporate monopolies. If you...
  10. Denise

    [Tutorial:] How to make Aloe-vera juice

    This thread is centered on Aloe-vera juice and its health advantages. Below is a brief article detailing a few of the essential advantages of ingesting Aloe-vera juice: Source: Below are two videos that demonstrate exactly how simple it...
  11. 100th Monkey

    Mystery 'beast' washes up on Wales coast - Montauk monster

    This looks a lot like the Montauk monster. It's the mystery beast of South Wales and it has washed up on a beach on the Pembrokeshire coast. The creature which appears to have the face of a horse, the body of a pig and the claws of a bear was spotted by local Peter Bailey as he walked his...
  12. 100th Monkey

    Naked-Image Scanners to Be Removed From U.S. Airports

    The invasive process of going through today's U.S. airport safety checkpoints are no longer simply a matter of removing your shoes and submitting to Transportation Security Administration gropings. Controversial new body scanners have turned every flight into an opportunity to have a naked scan...
  13. D


    hi to every body out there:pride:
  14. F

    Natural Fat Burning Foods

    Burning fat and losing body weigh is a need of many people. Here I want to share some good natural foods that are very effective to burn the extra body fat quickly and lose body weight. Garlic, Ginger, Psyllium Husk Mushroom, Fig, Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Strawberry, Egg, Fish, Salad...
  15. Truth Vibrations

    [Inspiring] The power of one!

    There is power in non-violence: each one of us has the power of one. At 3.45: "They may torturer my body, break me bones, even kill me, then they will have my dead body NOT my obedience!"
  16. Denise

    Conspiracy: Mermaid Body Found Documentary - Animal Planet - Body Found - Mermaids

    Has anyone seen this and if so do you think its real? Animal Planet - Body Found - Mermaids:
  17. Unhypnotize

    Michael Teachings: JP and Mike on Colorado killer James Eagan Holmes

    I just read a thread from The Michael Teachings Community. I think you might be interested. Here is the quoted below: This is what JP and MIke channeled on their conference call. It's a very unusual and strange story involving two walk-ins. This is my paraphrasing of what they said. The...
  18. Denise

    The 10 Indian (Native american) commandments

    This is a great code to live by: Remain close to the Great Spirit. Show great respect for your fellow beings. Give assistance and kindness whenever needed. Be truthful and honest at all times. Do whatever you know to be right. Look after the well-being of mind and body. Treat the earth...
  19. White Rabbit

    Strange Sounds Heard Around World Solved - Navy VLF: Responsible for Animal Deaths and Strange Noises?

    Dutchsinse uploaded a video that may explaining many of the unusual sounds that have been heard around the world. Here is the complete footage of the movie Body Found Mermaids which was aired on Animal Planet a week ago: More info: The Navy utilizing a new sonar weapon put ultra high...
  20. CASPER

    New Dress

    New Dress Hello, lovely disguise. Come swing short and loose around my thighs. Cowl my neckline, let my throat rise out of your yellow folds like a virgin. Cup my shoulders; cling to my breasts so closely that my skin accepts you, sister, knit and pieced by strangers' hands, but closer to my...