claim of right

  1. Unhypnotized

    "Claim of Right"

    This is the title of a document that was brought to my attention on Alex Studer's blog in a post entitled "Reader Feedback on the Bob Chapman Article on Fed's Potential for Hyperinflation". The reader in question is somebody by the name of John Harris, who is associated with a website called...
  2. Rumas

    Claim of Right on Security of the Person Stock in the Corporation of Canada

    How to claim your person stock created at your live birth. You would think that once born your Registered birth would go to the Census Bureau, but the first place it stops is at the Treasury so they can set a bond up in your name and generate millions of dollars of revenue in your name for THEM...
  3. Rumas

    Notice of intent / Claim of Right

    If you have ever wondered what these claims look like or how to go about writing one up here is a blank version of one based on Ontario Canada. be advised you will no longer have a last name after submitting this . ex . if your name is JOHN DOE SMITH in the blanks where your name goes it will...
  4. Rumas

    With Lawful Excuse - Robert-Arthur: Menard Freeman-on-the-land Robert-Arthur: Menard 2007 Seminar Ontario, Canada Focus is on Student Loans and Using a Claim of Right as a lawful excuse. ThinkFREE is dedicated to helping achieve a...
  5. Rumas

    Think Free : Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception - Robert-Arthur:Menard Robert-Arthur:Menard gives a seminar on The Illusion of the Person, what Words in Law mean, Consent, Acceptance, Honor & Dishonour, Bills of Exchange, and more...