With Lawful Excuse - Robert-Arthur: Menard


Staff member

Freeman-on-the-land Robert-Arthur: Menard 2007 Seminar Ontario, Canada Focus is on Student Loans and Using a Claim of Right as a lawful excuse. ThinkFREE is dedicated to helping achieve a freer and more just society, where authority is achieved without deception and exercised with restraint, understanding, accountability and compassion. We employ educational seminars, guerrilla videography, Notarial justice, advocacy, public action and dance. (Seriously, never doubt the power of dance) Recognizing that justice is truth in action, we champion not only human rights but human dignity and firmly believe there is more than enough for everybody. Using the power of truth and simple questions we shine a light on those who seek to deceive and subjugate and once identified, we do not shy from the duty to peacefully and lawfully.