condoleezza rice

  1. R

    USrael: The ‘New Middle East’ project is derailed

    In June 2006, former US secretary of state, Condoleeza Rice unveiled America’s ‘New Middle East’ project in Tel Aviv. The project’s blue-print was prepared in Washington-London-Tel Aviv. Its agenda was to redraw Muslim East map with regime changes by creating military conflicts, chaos, division...
  2. R

    GOP: ‘Condi Rice for first Black VP’

    Early this month, the only Black GOP presidential hopeful, Herman Cain, suspended his campaign facing allegations of infidelity and sexual harrassment. In March, in order to gain some extra points with the pro-Israel GOP caucus, Cain told Christian Today: “Based upon the little knowledge that I...
  3. R

    McCain: ‘Kim Jong II has gone to Hell’

    The pro-Israel US political and religious leaders are never shy of showing their mental sickness and their Judeo-Christian hatred toward their imaginary US-Israel enemies. The death of North Korean leader, Kim Jong II 69, gave some of these Israel-Firsters another opportunity to show their...
  4. R

    Condi Rice: ‘I’ve a deep affinity with Israel’

    Former US secretary of state, Dr. Condoleeza Rice visited Israel in 2000 for the first time. Later she gave an interview to Israeli daily Yediot Aharnot saying she “already then felt that I am returning home despite the fact that this was a place I never visited”. She also told the daily, “I...
  5. Lady of Light

    Charlie Vietch does a 360 turn - No Emotional Attachment to 9/11 Theories - The Truth is Most Important

    "Uploaded by cveitch on Jun 29, 2011 My anarchism and libertarian mindset has strengthened. So I've spent 5 years listening to the conspiratorial view - then I got the opportunity to grill the historical/accidental view of 9/11 proponents. Where I stand now is that America's defences got...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Activists Confront Condoleeza Rice at Stanford University

    If you ask me, I think this really Terrific! Good for this women...
  7. R

    Ahmadinejad and the ‘New Middle East’

    Iranian President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during his speech at Tehran’s Azadi (Freedom) Square, honoring the 32nd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution (1979) said that Western plan to shape the Middle East in order to maintain US-Israeli dominance of the region is collapsing. Watch a video...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Israel destroyed Syrian nuclear reactor in 2007, leaked cable reveals

    AFP Friday, December 24, 2010 Israel destroyed a Syrian nuclear reactor in an air raid just weeks before it went online in 2007, said a US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks and published on Friday in an Israeli daily. “On September 6, 2007, Israel destroyed the nuclear reactor built by...
  9. Truth Vibrations

    Report: Belarus president wins vote

    Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has won re-election with 79% of the vote, state media said Monday -- citing preliminary voting results. The country's Central Election Commission told the state-run Belarusian Telegraph Agency (BelTA) that the voter turnout was 90% and that it had not...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Condoleeza Rice: Everyone Thought Flight 93 Had Been Shot Down

    Daily Mail Monday, September 6, 2010 Miss Rice revealed that the bunker underneath the White House where she was sheltering with Vice President Dick Cheney began to run out of air. And she said Mr Bush was forced to resort to an unsecured phone line to talk to Washington because the...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Showdown Health Care Vote Likely This Weekend

    Laura Litvan and Kristin Jensen Bloomberg News Friday, March 19, 2010 March 19 (Bloomberg) — U.S. House Democrats, who cleared a big hurdle in their effort to overhaul the health-care system by producing compromise legislation, picked up fresh support for a likely showdown vote this weekend...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Chairs of Both the 9/11 Commission and the Joint Intelligence Inquiry into 9/11 Said

    Washington’s Blog March 19, 2010 As I detailed previously, both the Joint Intelligence Committee and 9/11 Commission investigations into 9/11 had government “minders” intimidating witnesses into not saying anything the government didn’t like. You may assume that the issue of “minders” is...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Ex-Pfizer Worker Cites Genetically Engineered Virus In Lawsuit Over Firing

    EDMUND H. MAHONY The Hartford Courant Thursday, March 18, 2010 Medical experts will be watching closely Monday when a scientist who says she has been intermittently paralyzed by a virus designed at the Pfizer laboratory where she worked in Groton opens a much anticipated trial that could raise...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Wharton: If Spain Goes Down, The ENTIRE Global Economy Is In Trouble

    Vincent Fernando, CFA Business Insider Thursday, March 18th, 2010 Wharton is warning markets to keep a very close on Spain right now. That’s because while a Greece or Portugal financial melt down might be manageable, a Spanish one could have massive negative repercussions for both Europe and...
  15. Unhypnotized

    UK Government Global Warming Ads Banned For Exaggerating Risks

    Sara Nelson Daily Mail Sunday, March 14, 2010 Two government advertisements which use nursery rhymes to warn of the dangers of climate change have been banned for exaggerating the threat. Commissioned by Energy Secretary Ed Miliband, the adverts are based on children’s poems Jack and Jill...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Another WWF assisted IPCC claim debunked: Amazon more drought resistant than claimed

    Watts Up With That? March 12, 2010 Via Eurekalert – New study debunks myths about Amazon rain forests – They may be more tolerant of droughts than previously thought The Amazon, Brazil – Credit Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC* (Boston) — A new NASA-funded study...
  17. Unhypnotized

    You Can Pick Your Doctor AND You Can Pick Your Nose

    Why do babies naturally pick their nose? Written by Alan Bellows on 18 September 2006 This is a classic Damn Interesting article which was originally published on 17 December 2005. In the scientific and medical communities, the technical name for using one’s finger to extract boogers is...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Over 130,000 cases of diabetes now linked to soda consumption, HFCS

    Mike Adams Natural News March 10, 2010 For years, advocates of natural health have been hammering away at the message that soda causes diabetes and obesity. The soda industry, meanwhile, has remained in denial mode, mirroring the ridiculous position of the tobacco industry that “nicotine is not...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Jenny McCarthy: Who’s Afraid of the Truth About Autism?

    Age Of Autism March 10, 2010 Please read the full post and comment over at Huffington Post HERE.* Jenny will welcome your support and you know the “machine” has gone into overdrive to beat her up – and our kids. Don’t let them. Go comment at HuffPo. KS Parents of recovered children, and I’ve...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Are Traders Demanding US Credit Default Swaps Payable in Gold?

    Jesse’s Café Américain March 9, 2010 If another author had said this I might not pay it so much attention. Lately some have been given over to a tabloid approach to overstatement and sensational headlines to attract attention. This is a strong temptation as the blogosphere expands, similar to...