
  1. Unhypnotized

    Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath

    It may seem impossible to stop Monsanto, but here is an idea that can work! Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath Thursday, July 28, 2011 by: Ronnie Cummins Learn more: (NaturalNews)...
  2. Unhypnotized

    TSA Searches Woman’s Hair

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Thursday, July 7, 2011 The TSA insisted on searching a woman’s hair at the SeaTac airport in Washington, according to a report by King 5 News in Seattle. After going through a radiation emitting naked body scanner, a screener demanded to rifle through Laura Adiele’s...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Libertarian Party Asks Florida Sherriffs To Arrest TSA Agents

    “We turn to you, our Constitutional Sheriffs, to enforce the law in accordance with your sworn duty”* Steve Watson July 5, 2011 The Libertarian Party of Florida has written to the sheriff of every county in the state demanding that they arrest any TSA agent who conducts an...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Ron Paul Goes After The TSA

    Congressman to re-introduce American Traveler Dignity Act this week Steve Watson July 4, 2011 In the wake of last week’s demise of the effort on behalf of Texas lawmakers to criminalize TSA transgressions, Congressman Ron Paul has taken up the cause, once again proving he...
  5. Unhypnotized

    King George III Won: Happy Fourth of July!

    David Sampson Activist Post July 4, 2011 The Declaration of Independence is best remembered as a declaration of war, a war declared on the grounds that we wanted our own flag. The sheer stupidity and anachronism of the idea serves to discourage any thoughts about why Canada didn’t need a bloody...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Rupert Murdoch’s Failing Attempts to Control the Internet Reformation

    Anthony Wile The Daily Bell July 4, 2011 Rupert Murdoch lost nearly his entire investment in MySpace the other day when he sold the failing social network to musician and actor Justin Timberlake and an ad agency he backs for some US$30 million. This was a good deal less than the US$500...
  7. R

    Rep. Kucinich steps on Lobby’s toe, again!

    Last night Ziocon CNN blasted eight-term Congressman Dennis Kucinich for praising Syrian President Bashar Assad whom he met in Dmascus on June 28, 2011. The CNN ‘expert’ wondered who paid for Dennis’ visit to Damascus? Certainly, it could not be paid by one of 50 Jewish lobby groups campaigning...
  8. R

    The real Obama, please stand up!

    The other day, I read two conflicting Op-Ed views of Barack Obama. One from former Republican Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, a well-known ‘Islamophobe, and the other from former US ambassador Stuart E. Eizenstat. One thing both writers agreed that the Islamic Republic is the greatest...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Nasa emails all employees to be prepared

    Nasa emailed all their employees to be prepared. They say they are responsible for their employees on earth and ( wait for it) OFF EARTH. COPIED FROM VIDEO LINK QUOTE: Page Last Updated: June 9, 2011 Page Editor: Mary Shouse NASA Official: Brian Dunbar...
  10. R

    Israel’s phantom of Muslim Brotherhood

    Lately, the Zionist mafia sees phantom of Egyptian ‘moderate’ Islamic religious-political organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, in every coner of the Muslim world and beyond. Lately, the Jewish-owned mainstream media is full of scary predictions of Muslim Brotherhood’s expected rise to power in...
  11. R

    Obama shuffles cabinet for the Lobby

    On Thursday, Obama administration got a facelift for Barack Obama’s bid for the second term in November 2012. It’s mainly to regain his lost popularity among the powerful 2% American Jewish minority. Obama has picked the CIA Director Leon Panetta to replace retiring Defense Secretary Robert M...
  12. Unhypnotized

    The 5 Words Used to Control / Enslave You

    Steven, Æ, Contributing Writer Activist Post April 17, 2011 Note: Many well-known freedom movement spokesmen/women have not been willing to fully discuss and expose this subject for reasons known only to them. Why? Because, they either think it is too trivial, they do not fully understand...
  13. R

    Obama: ‘Jewish President, Messiah or G-d'

    When Senator Barack H. Obama was campaigning for the White House, former Jewish Congressman and judge from Chicago, Abner Mikvaner, had said: “I think when it is all over, people are going to say that Barack Obama is the first Jewish President”. In August 2008 – during a fundraising event in...
  14. R

    American Muslims, terrorism and Israel Lobby

    “Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, I’m telling you, you’re not my brothers,” Robert Bentley, Governor of Alabama, January, 19, 2011. However, after being booted by the Jewish Lobby – Bentley apologized for his bigotry ahead of his scheduled meeting with...
  15. R

    Ed Koch: ‘Afghanistan is not a country’

    “I don’t believe that we should fight them the way they want us to fight them. I believe we should bomb them with drones. Afghanistan – it’s not a country,” Edward Irving Koch 86, former Jewish-gay Congressman (D-NY, 1969-77) and Mayor of New York city (1978-89) tells in an interview with Andrew...
  16. CASPER

    General ordering probe into report of mind tricks

    The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan is ordering an investigation into charges that an army unit trained in psychological operations was improperly told to manipulate American senators to get more money and troops for the war. A senator allegedly targeted said Thursday that he's confident...
  17. R

    Washington cannot say ‘NO’ to Jewish Lobby

    When you read American political system from objective sources, you discover that the Jewish lobby groups have major influence in shaping America’s foreign policy. Last year, Hollywood filmmaker, Oliver Stone, in an interview with British daily Sunday Times – in response to why there was “such a...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Terrorist Who Trained London Bombers Was Working For US Government

    Listen up Glenn Beck: “Radical Islam” is a creature of the US military-industrial complex Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, February 14, 2011 While talking heads like Glenn Beck continue to invoke the threat of radical Islam, they habitually ignore the blindingly obvious...
  19. Truth Vibrations

    Man convicted in Chandra Levy killing to be sentenced

    -- Ingmar Guandique, who was found guilty of murder in the 2001 death of Washington intern Chandra Levy, will be sentenced in D.C. Superior Court on Friday morning. Levy, a 24-year-old California native, was in Washington working as an intern for the Bureau of Prisons when she was last seen on...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Wikileaks Bombshell Points To 9/11 Stand Down

    Able Danger program confirmed hijackers were identified before attack, CIA allowed them to enter America Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Newly released Wikileaks documents concerning the activities of three Qatari men who conducted surveillance of the World...