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“I don’t believe that we should fight them the way they want us to fight them. I believe we should bomb them with drones. Afghanistan – it’s not a country,” Edward Irving Koch 86, former Jewish-gay Congressman (D-NY, 1969-77) and Mayor of New York city (1978-89) tells in an interview with Andrew Marantz, published in Jewish magazine Tablet, March 4, 2011. The mazazine banned me after I debunked Islamophobe articles on the site.

On Pakistan, the wise Jew has this to say: “Pakistan is not a friend anymore. These are not countries you can depend upon. We shouldn’t have people there, and we shouldn’t give them the billions that we’re giving. With respect to that area, India is our true ally, not Pakistan”. Yes, those billoins of dollars (30 billions in last 60 years as compared to $3,000 billions to Israel in the same period of time). Koch has special take against Pakistan because he has engraved Daniel Pearl‘s last words “My father is Jewish, my mother is Jewish, I am Jewish” on his headstone epitaph. Daniel Pearl, an Israeli citizen and investgating reporter with the Wall Street Journal was kidnapped and later killed by his contacts in Pakistan when they found out Daniel was working for Israeli Mossad.

Koch, who never married and claims to be very proud of being “a conservative Jew (whatever that means!)” says that he supported Sen. Barack Obama against Sen. John McCain in 2008 election – because Obama is more pro-Israel than McCain. He gave the same reason for supporting the re-election of George Bush against Sen. John Kerry, whose grandparents were Jewish – because he considered “John Kerry was not good on Israel”. Koch admitted that he supported Bush, though “I don’t agree with him on a single domestic issue. But on the issue of fighting Islamic terrorism – which, to me, is more important than any other issue, not just because of Israel; it is because Islamic terrorism is seeking to destroy Western civilization”. In Koch word’s his loyalty is not to his party (Democrat) or to the US, but to the ‘one who is good for Israel’.

While so-called Islamic terrorists (currently the Turks) rescued 100,000 European Jews from Nazis - Koch admits that “there was no nation that would take them – including the United States. And all you have to do is remember the USS St. Louis, which was turned away”.

Koch also believes that only a militarily strong Israel can protect Jews around the world as it did in Entebbe (Israel faked a hijacking to Kenya, and then pulled a rescue, portraying themselves as elite commandos). The self-denying Jew doesn’t want to acknowledge how that ‘strong Jewish army’ was humiliated by a bunch of Hizbullah fighters in Summer 2006.

Koch believes in the so-called ‘Two-State Solution‘ for Palestine. “I believe in a two-state solution. I believe that Bibi Netanyahu should throw out Lieberman and all those arch right wingers and form a broad cabinet with the center, and that you can have an Arab capital in Jerusalem along with a Jewish capital in Jerusalem. You should have boroughs in the Arab area and the Jewish area where they elect their own local leadership. It’s doable!,” said Koch.

I wonder how Ed Koch would comment on a fellow Jewish gay, Simon Jones, who believes that Jews and gays are birds of the same feather. “They have full, equal rights now in the advanced countries, have gained unprecedented control of these societies, and yet continue to support their own racist, outcast state, persecuting and displacing millions of Muslims. Any criticism of them and this shitty little country (French Jewish ambassador to UK, Daniel Bernard, coined that phrase in December 2001) is simply dismissed as anti-Semitism; they refuse to recognize that they are in fact to blame”.

Koch said he has no problem with Sarah Palin’s using the term ‘Blood Libel’ while talking about the Tucson shooting resulting in the death of six people and wounding another 15 including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (watch video below). Luckily, the shooter Jared Lee Loughner is not a Muslim for sure.

Ed Koch: ‘Afghanistan is not a country’ | Rehmat's World
Tyrants and Muslims are birds of the same feather, if you don't agree with them they just want to kill you....
Your Brother,
Kike Moses