
  1. R

    Israel: An outlaw state

    Rachelle Marshall, a free-lance Jewish editor living in Mill Valley, CA, wrote an interesting review about the Israel’s elections in January 2013 – titled Israeli elections come and go, but Israel remains an outlaw state. During his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Barack Obama, twisted...
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    Ron Paul’s New Year Resolutions for Congress

    Veteran US Congressman Ronald Earnest Paul (born 1935) who is retiring soon has come-up with New Year Resolutions for American Congress which he knows hiself – is controlled by the Jewish Lobby. I’m sure his resolutions will bring the Israeli hasbara hounds chasing him for the rest of his mortal...
  3. R

    Kosher Rice drops out

    Abe Foxman’s Israeli Gladiator, Dr. Susan Rice, US ambassador at the United Nations, was Barack Obama’s first choice as country’s next secretary of state to replace outgoing Hillary Clinton. However, like Gen. David Petraeus, Rice also became victim of powerful Israel Lobby (AIPAC). Several...
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    John Adams, Qur’an and the Muslim World

    Muslim trading communities existed in Americana before Christopher Columbus found the continent by accident in early 16th century. Muslims came from Africa and Muslim Spain. The American Constitution that framed the USA, was drafted in September 1787. Muslim Morocco was the first nation to...
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    Now, the paranoid Benjamin Netanyahu really needs his psychiatrist Moshe Yatom, who committed suicide , leaving a suicide note for Bibi, saying: “You sucked the life right out of me. I can’t take anymore”. Reader may have noticed that Bibi has recently stopped threatening Iran with an Israeli...
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    600 Rabbis declare Obama ‘kosher’!

    The campaign to re-elect Barack Hussein Obama is becoming more ‘Jewish’ every passing day. Obama’s campaign office has just released a list which shows that nearly 600 Rabbis support Obama for re-election in November 2012. Ten of them happens to be among the Newsweek’s ’2012 America’s top top 50...
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    Jill Stein: ‘First Jewish woman presidential candidate’

    “I think it’s a great commentary on American political life when a person who happens to be Jewish is mentioned as a possible presidential candidate,” said Rabbi Joseph Potasnik of the New York Board of Rabbis in 2007. In March 2012 – Fred Karger 61, the openly Republican Jewish gay politician...
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    Rep. Bachmann: ‘MB has infiltrated US government’

    US Congresswoman, Michele Bachmann has dropped her dirty Zionist skirt once again. Lately Bachmann and her four Israel-Firster friends (Rep. Trent Franks, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Tom Rooney and Rep. Lynn Westmoreland) have asked Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security, State...
  9. Denise

    FDA Deletes 1 Million Signatures for GMO Labeling Campaign!

    ~support: ~credits video: 93% of Americans want the FDA to label Genetically Engineered Foods ~more info: While the Food and Drug Administration has seemingly reached the limit for unbelievable behavior, the...
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    Russell Simmons praises Farakhan, irks Foxman

    Abraham Foxman, leader of powerful Israel lobby group, ADL, has called Russell Simmons, America’s recording industry mughal, “a bigot” for praising Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farakhan, who believes Jews run US government, Wall Street, Federal Reserve and Hollywood. Foxman in a...
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    Zionist Jews against Muslim Sudan

    On Friday, several pro-Israel rabbis, Jewish activists and their local and South Sudanese Zionist Christian collaborators, held a protest rally at the Sudanese embassy in Washington DC. They raised anti-Khartoum slogans and rants. When the police told them to leave the embassy scene – the...
  12. Denise

    George Clooney Arrested At Sudan Protest

    Police have arrested George Clooney during a protest outside the Sudanese embassy in Washington DC. The actor, who is president of United to End Genocide, was arrested and handcuffed along with several Democrat politicians and other human rights and faith leaders for civil disobedience. The...
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    Republican ‘Holocaust denier’ for Congress

    Vietnam War veteran, Arthur Jones, 64, from Lyons (Illinois) is seeking Republican Party ticket to run for the 3rd Congressional District of Illinois against Israel-Firster Rep. Dr. Daniel William Lipinski (D). Dan Lipinski is anti-Castro, Anti-Qaddafi and anti-Ahmadinejad. Israel Hasbara...
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    Zionists target AL observation mission in Syria

    The whining western ZOGs and their Arab poodles have now turned against the leadership of the Arab League Observation Mission (ALOM) in Syria which they choose themselves. They’re expecting that the director of ALOM, Mustafa al-Dabi, a former Sudanese general, like IAEA director general Yukiya...
  15. R

    ‘Ron Paul loves Jews but hates Israel’

    You got to love the Zionist propaganda creeps. They have put a new video on U-Tube showing a teenage girl getting upset by a passage from Rep. Dr. Ron Paul’s latest book ‘Liberty Defined‘ which she claims call Israel an apartheid state. Interestingly, Ron Paul’s former senior Jewish aide, Eric...
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    Ron Paul: ‘Bush boys were happy after 9/11

    Rep. Ron Paul is the only GOP presidential hopeful, who is not competing with his opponents (Romney, Gingrich, Cain and Bachmann) to prove “who loves the Jews the most and hates Iran the most“. On Thursday, speaking at the Iowa State Campus in Ames, Iowa – Ron Paul claimed that Bush...
  17. Denise

    "Magick" is Illuminati's Most Potent Weapon

    "By Henry Makow Ph.D. If you asked Genghis Khan for his formula for world conquest, you'd expect to hear "overwhelming force" or "terror." You would NOT expect to hear, "'Make-believe.'" "Make-believe?" Who is this tyrant? Walt Disney? Yet in the First Protocol of the " Protocols of...
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    Haqqani group was once CIA’s ‘blue-eyed boy’

    Last week Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton said her department will designate Haqqani group a ‘terrorist group’. However, on Thursday, Washington faced with very hostile reaction from Islamabad pulled back from its earlier threat and put symbolic sanctions against some individuals (Abdul Aziz...
  19. Truth Vibrations

    Chemtrails Explained

    Now this throws just a little light about them: by Dan Eden for viewzone The word "chemtrails" is a knock off of the word "contrails." Contrails are trails of condensation that can be seen in the sky when a jet airplane is traveling at above 30,000 feet altitude. Up there, almost 6 miles high...
  20. Denise

    545 People vs. 300,000,000 people

    Charley Reese's final column as a journalist for 49 yrs. Be sure to read the Tax List at the end. 545 vs. 300,000,000 People - By Charlie Reese Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them. Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and...