
  1. R

    Palestine and the ‘Parallel states’

    In the past I wrote my thoughts on three ‘options’ to resolve the Zonist-Palestinian conflict based on the One State, Two-State and Helen Thomas’ Third option. The recent showdown between the leader of world’s sole military power, Barack Obama and Benji Netanyahu, the leader of world’s sole...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Fears Over UK Fluoride Plans

    'Ministers have triggered a major health row by unveiling plans to allow fluoride to be added to all drinking water in England and Wales. Water companies will be forced to add fluoride if local health authorities order it, despite controversy over the long-term effects on health, the Government...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Aviso's Free Energy Circuit Revealed

    Aviso's Free Energy Circuit Revealed Ismael Aviso has developed multiple variations of a technology that collects free energy from the ambient environment. Due to a massive number of emails asking for more information, Aviso has posted a series of YouTube videos that provide details and a...
  4. New UFO Hunter

    Benjamin Solari Parravicini, Aliens and Quartz Men

    Benjamín Solari Parravicini (1898–1974), born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on August 8, was an artist. He was professor at the Liceo de España, manager of the Department of Arts at the Banco Municipal of Buenos Aires and director of the Exhibition Gallery of the Municipality of Buenos Aires...
  5. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Armada Over Canada

    Shocked witnesses video what appear to be an Armada of something over Surrey, BC Canada recently. Warning, there are a few F bombs and some other words that could offend. But the use of language simply demonstrates the amazement and even fear of the witnesses.
  6. R

    Israel: ‘Only Jews have the right to infiltrate Arab lands’

    ”The old will die and the young will forget (Nakba).” David Ben Gurion, first Zionist prime minister said in 1948. However, like the European Jews, Native Palestinian Muslims and Christians refuse to forget their Holocaust after 63 years. Israel announced on Monday that it will submit a...
  7. Unhypnotized

    TEPCO to Cover Damaged Fukushima Reactors with Useless Polyester Tents

    'In a demonstration of the company's shocking ignorance concerning the nature of radioactive particles, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has announced that it is going to place large polyester domes -- yes, you read that right -- around the damaged reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi...
  8. Denise

    Time of transition. Clear your space.

    ESU "JESUS" SANANDA Good morning, my scribe. Thank you for sitting this day. There is great desire coming forth from many for understanding of who they are and why they have chosen this path at this time. I am Esu Immanuel "Jesus" Sananda come in the Radiant Golden-White Light of Creator...
  9. Unhypnotized

    THREE Nuclear Containment Vessels Leaking in Japan … But U.S. Law Is Based on Assumption that It Is Impossible for Containment Vessels to Leak

    George Washington’s Blog Saturday, May 14, 2011 It is newsworthy that the operator of Japan’s stricken nuclear plants is finally admitting that Fukushima reactor number 1 has melted down. But nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen says that the containment vessels for reactors 1, 2 and 3 are all...
  10. Unhypnotized

    It's a comet, it's a planet x, but is it really a brown dwarf?

    This article is the best yet on what is being dubbed Comet Elenin. Please read the whole thing, especially the chart! “On April 8th at our Russian observatory we carried out planned observations of Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin). An analysis of the results of the observations shows a rapid growth...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Police, SWAT teams storm college block party with LRAD sound cannon weapons, tear gas, riot gear for no reason

    Ethan A. Huff, Natural News May 8, 2011 The 2011 annual Wheeler Block Party at Western Illinois University (WIU) was met with brute force this year as a “multi-jurisdictional task force” was sent in to intimidate students with long-range acoustic device (LRAD) sound weapons, tear gas, riot...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Japanese call for end to nuclear power

    Thousands of Japanese people have taken to the streets in Tokyo, calling for a change in the government's energy policy and an end to nuclear power. On Saturday, thousands of demonstrators rallied in Tokyo, carrying banners that read "Nuclear is old!" and "We want a shift in energy policy!"...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Torture Nation: Enhancing the Move Toward Totalitarianism

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Friday, May 6, 2011 Now that the government claims it offed Osama bin Laden – never mind a complete lack of evidence – it is time to elevate the brutal and medieval techniques the government said it used to break the case. Darth Vader, aka Mr. Darkside Dick Cheney...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Protester to Sue Police Over Secret Surveillance

    'An 86-year-old man has been granted permission to launch a lawsuit against police chiefs who have classified him as a "domestic extremist" and kept a detailed record of his political activities on a clandestine database. John Catt, who has no criminal record, is bringing the high court action...
  15. R

    US: ‘No credible alternative for Assad’

    The pro-Israel western powers are preparig ground in Syria for another Libya-style invasion. In both countries they’re using Saudi-controlled armed ‘Salafi (Islamist)’ groups to destablize the regimes which have never posed a threat to the West or Israel. Like Libya, the Syrian protest which...
  16. New UFO Hunter

    Alien Encounters: Disney UFO Video Raises Questions

    Mankind is in the midst of the most profound event in history â actual contact with intelligent life from other planets. For nearly 50 years, officials have been documenting routine alien encounters here on earth, and thousands of people have seen or experienced this alien presence. Yet many...
  17. Unhypnotized

    No, a Little Radiation Is NOT Good For You

    Washington’s Blog May 1, 2011 Government scientists and media shills are now “reexamining” old studies that show that radioactive substances like plutonium cause cancer to argue that exposure to low doses of radiation are good for us … a theory called “hormesis”. It is not just bubbleheads...
  18. New UFO Hunter

    Right or Wrong The Vatican is Leading the World to Full Disclosure

    There are few things that are sure bets in this life and one of them is that the Vatican would never have come out and told the world that they believe extraterrestrial are real without emphatic proof, without advance knowledge that full disclosure is imminent. The Vatican is not a cutting...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Virgin mary appears in africa sky on easter bluebeam warning - clear hd footage

    PROJECT BLUEBEAM "WHEN JUST SEEING IS BELIEVING" As we uncover the fallacy of Christianity that has been the plague of this world for who knows how long the "Unseen Hand" continues the campaign preying on the ignorant. Jesus Christ externalized is the Anti-Christ Apollonius of Tyana who all...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Nikola Tesla - the missing secret

    Tesla is often described as the most important scientist and inventor of the modern age, a man who "shed light over the face of Earth". A video series of 5 videos. Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла) (10 July 1856 7 January 1943) was an inventor and a mechanical and electrical...