
  1. R

    Israel: ‘ Islamists to takeover Jordan, too!’

    Israelis see Islamists behind every anti-governments protest in the Middle East. Islamists’ takeover of the pro-western monarchies and military dictatorship by the so-called ‘anti-Israel-Jew-hating’ Islamists, has become the latest ‘holocaust myth’. It’s scaring the hell out of the Islamophobes...
  2. R

    Bibi: ‘Israel may lose Egypt next’

    Last week in Jerusalem, the Zionist entity’s prime minister, Benji Netanyahu, told ambassadors from EU countries: “I am very concerned over some of the voices we’ve been hearing from Egypt recently. I’m especially concerned over the current Egyptian foreign minster’s statements.” I am not sure...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Dr Death suicide film being shown in schools: Euthanasia fanatic gives workshop on how to kill yourself in educational video for 14-year-old

    Pupils are being taught about euthanasia with a video featuring a notorious assisted suicide campaigner nicknamed Dr Death. Dr Philip Nitschke is shown demonstrating his machine that delivers lethal injections in the film, which is already being shown to pupils as young as 14 across the...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Top Scientist: Fukushima Meltdown Could Trigger Atomic Explosion

    Kurt Nimmo April 12, 2011 A British professor and expert on the health effects of ionizing radiation told Alex Jones today evidence points toward a nuclear explosion occurring at the*Fukushima Daiichi complex. Two explosions at the plant in March were described as hydrogen gas...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Lisa Renee april 2011 ascension update

    Open Architecture (The Frequency of Inclusivity) April 2011 Dear Family, Recently I have returned from the most beautiful and surreal experience that transpired within our group Guardian planetary grid project that we participated with over the last month. Our group had the opportunity to...

    Belarus president: Subway blasts kills 11

    MINSK, Belarus – An explosion tore through a key subway station in the Belarusian capital of Minsk during evening rush hour Monday killing 11 people and wounding 126. An official said the blast was a terrorist act. President Alexander Lukashenko did not say what caused the explosion at the...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Obama Successfully Demobilized the Anti-war Movement

    Kurt Nimmo April 8, 2011 It is more evidence the antiwar movement is largely a left-vs-right distraction. A*new studyby U-M’s Michael Heaney and colleague Fabio Rojas of Indiana University shows that the antiwar movement in the United States demobilized as Democrats took over...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Meat Glue: The Meat Industry’s Dirty Secret

    Miriam Kresh Green Prophet April 8, 2011 The white powder sold by the kilo, above, is the meat industry’s dirty little secret. It’s “meat glue.” It makes pieces of beef, lamb, chicken or fish that would normally be thrown out stick together so closely that it looks like a solid piece of meat...

    Yemen toll rises as U.S. seen pressing Saleh to go

    Police and armed men in civilian clothes opened fire on anti-government demonstrators in the Yemeni cities of Taiz and Hudaida on Monday, witnesses said, as a drive to oust President Ali Abdullah Saleh gathered pace. The attempt to suppress mounting protests inspired by uprisings in Egypt and...
  10. New UFO Hunter

    UFOs: Volcano Sakurajima! INSANE Activity [April 2-3, 2011]

    The particular UFOs movement all around Sakurajima Volcano is utterly Crazy. Despite the fact that of the Live Cams, the activity has been just about completely wholly ignored. UFOs are obvious in all of the 4 cameras demonstrating on various parts among the volcano. Within the top left of the...
  11. Unhypnotized

    European Parliament issues warnings on HAARP - March 22, 2011

    European Parliament issues warnings on HAARP March 22, 2011 “HAARP is a project of which the public is almost completely unaware, and this needs to be remedied.” Toronto, Canada – [ZNN] The daily lives of people seem blissfully unaffected by events about which they know little or nothing...
  12. R

    The call for ‘Arab Rage’ protests in Israel is ‘anti-Semitic’

    Under pressure from the Zionist entity and the US Israel Lobby, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Jewish-owned Facebook – launched in February 2004, has a 100% Jewish founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. Following in the steps of Arab mass protests going on in several countries against their...
  13. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ The planet is being swept clean on many levels (28-3)

    For a long time you have asked to see action and although we cannot allow you insight to everything we have done, you are becoming more aware of our part in what is happening worldwide. Along with our allies we are pushing hard to get really started on bringing some matters to completion. We...
  14. R

    Syria’s ‘Color Revolution’

    One wonders why Zionist Jew George Soro’s Freedom House would be so worried about the human rights of Syrian Muslims, while it never gave a hoot to the gross Israeli violations against Native Muslims and Christians for the last 60 years? On March 21, 2011 – the Freedom House in its ’Press...
  15. R

    Ahmadinejad is Eichmann, now!

    On March 24, 2011 – Deborah L. Lipstadat the author of book ‘The Eichmann Trail’ wrote an Israeli Hasbara (propaganda) piece, entitled ‘Trail and Error’ in the Jewish Tablet magazine, targeting Iranian President Ahmadinejad as the new Adolf Eichmann. In my earlier post, entitled Hannah Arendt...
  16. R

    The ‘Jewish influence’ on ME Revolutions

    Eric Herschthal writing in ‘The Jewish Week’ (February 15, 2011) had claimed that Gene Sharp’s 90-page manual ‘From Dictatorships to Democracy’ had “the Jewish influence on Egypt’s glorious revolution’. In order to clear the ‘fog’ – he immediately informed his readers that Gene Sharp (born 1928)...
  17. A

    Are there any catholics out there ready to ask your priests what the Vatican means by this?

    As a result since 2005 the Vatican as been preparing for the emminent disclosure to the public that Ufos are real and has instructed Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia (governing body) and insider to the pope , to oversea research about how to explain that the...
  18. S

    Catholics, is this common knowledge among you, or are you kept in the dark buy your church on this?

    Are there any catholics out there ready to ask your priests what the Vatican means by this?As a result since 2005 the Vatican as been preparing for the emminent disclosure to the public that Ufos are real and has instructed Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia...
  19. V

    How do skeptics feel about The Disclosure Project?

    Over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses are testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology and the cover-ups that keep this information secretDo skeptics believe1) The witnesses are mistaken2) The witnesses are not...
  20. CASPER

    Rival tanks deploy in streets of Yemen's capital

    SANAA, Yemen – Rival tanks deployed in the streets of Yemen's capital Monday after three senior army commanders defected to a movement calling for the ouster of the U.S.-backed president, leaving him with virtually no support among the country's most powerful institutions. Maj. Gen. Ali Mohsen...