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Are there any catholics out there ready to ask your priests what the Vatican means by this?As a result since 2005 the Vatican as been preparing for the emminent disclosure to the public that Ufos are real and has instructed Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia (governing body) and insider to the pope , to oversea research about how to explain that the Ufo & Et phenmomnen is real and how it can co-exist with catholocism (so the public don't get freaked out when it happens). Since then Monsignor Corrado Balducci, has gone on Italian national television five times, including recent months, to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon.Balducci provided an analysis of extraterrestrials that he feels is consistent with the Catholic Church's understanding of theology. Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that extraterrestrial encounters "are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully."
I'd ask for your source, but I can almost guarantee it is (in order of likelihood):1. Youtube2. Some anti-Catholic hate site3. Some conspiracy theory site. so I'm not sure it's worthwhile. But go on, post the source anyway.
Yes, as a scientist and a Catholic clergyman I am well aware of the Church's stance on such matters. The Church has stated that the possibility of extraterrestrial life is in no way contrary to the teachings of the Christian faith. The Church does NOT say that such extraterrestrial life exists, since that is not currently known by science. However, the Church does not fear scientific discovery, since its teaching is true, and therefore cannot conflict with truths revealed by science.
I'm not Catholic -- but the Catholic church is not keeping people in the dark about this. In fact, last week I was in Italy and there was an article in the paper about this. Personally I think Balducci is a nut job.
As I just said in a previous answer, I believe the church grows dumber in my opinion every time I learn something new about it.(The last question was about exorcism. I thought that was a joke from the middle ages, but apparently it is still around today. Why are people so stupid?)
ok well first off a UFO is something that is real and has very little to do with ET it is simply an unidentified flying object, any thing that is flying and has not been identified by radar, eye or other means is a UFO and as far as ET goes why would it matter if the church were keeping people in the dark or not, strictly speaking if god created everything then he also created the universe and everything in it including ET, and well yea they are coming out of the closet with all of this mostly because of all the recent hype over UFOs (majority of which happens in countries with low radar security and a lot of UFO hobbyists) history channel did a special on UFOs in which they went to a UFO reporter specialist, and the specialist reported a bundle of balloons that the documentary people released as UFOs. On the aspect of ET well there are more stars in the GALAXY than there are grains of sand at the beach, and more stars in the UNIVERSE than there are molecules within the entire volume of planet earth. So do you really think that we are a one in an infinity irregularity? the question are we alone is quite simple, we are far more likely not to be alone in the universe than to be why is ET not parking on our lawns? We are in the outer rim of one of the outer edges of a spiral arm in the Milky Way galaxy, so to give you a view of how far away from everything we are, if NYC was the center of our galaxy the suburb we in habit would be out past our moon, when the moon in on the opposite side of the planet from NYC respectively. We are pretty far out of the way man, so if we have been visited by ET (which we likely have; evidence; easter island, stone henge, pyramids, ect all claim that ET helped us build them, Roswell doesn't even come close when you take atlantis into the equation) then our government has been successful in covering it up because its so infrequent and so minor that we hardly take notice of it at all.
BY my church???? well it's not something discussed at mass but what of it?! there is the possibility of anything....amazing.... people complain when the church is closed minded and now also when they are opened minded. is hating really that exciting and enjoyable for you people!?
Another Catholic conspiracy theory, how cute. The Church has not defined a doctrine of UFOs for the faithful, The Holy Father has not spoken ex-cathedra on the subject, and UFOs are not a matter of faith and morals. I doubt the Church will proclaim anything about them any time soon. Pax Christi
Yes those of us who do more than just go to mass on Sunday out of habit have heard of this. Personally there is nothing in the Bible that says other wise for those who only believe what the Bible says. I believe there is a verse and i do recall reading it in the old Testament that goes >Rejoice ye that dwell in the Heavens<..
<<Catholics, is this common knowledge among you, or are you kept in the dark buy your church on this?>>It's the non-Catholics who are "in the dark" about Catholicism.I mean, non-Catholics are not authorities on Catholicism, simply by virtue of the fact they are not Catholic.A Catholic, on the other hand, on account of belonging to the Catholic Church, can be an authority on the Catholic Church.I'm afraid you're looking for something that just "isn't there".A while back the Church came out saying that the discovery of life on another planet has no effect on the Dogma of the Catholic Church. That's all.Obviously Catholics are not being kept in the dark about the Church's "take" on the discovery of life on other planets. At the same time, no Catholic is (I'll use the phrase) "freaking out", in the manner that you seem to be.Just relax.
Provide link.All I knew there is a vatican observatory in Colorado; I think the scientist is a priest and off course, studying the movements in the sky. Hey, join the catholic church, a very exciting church.