
  1. R

    Those ‘self-hating’ Jew protesters in Israel

    Yesterday, the call for a million protest march across 50 Israeli cities became a reality despite Zionist regime’s recent acts of diversion aka problems with Egypt and Turkey. I don’t feel sorry for these parasite foreign Jews living on land stolen from the native Muslim and Christian...
  2. Denise

    Al Gore Stop Eating Meat or Cut Back To Save the Earth, Pass the Steak Sauce Please

    I bet anyone out there that right after Al Gore said we should stop eating meat to stop global warming; he went home and had a New York Strip Steak for dinner. This same person tells us we should stop using so much electricity in our homes while his big mansions use many Kilowatts to power a...
  3. Denise

    Is a secret lair being built under the White House?

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...g-project.html "The West Wing of the White House is all-but disappearing behind an $86 million building project that is going to last for years. And a mysterious tunnel is being built, fuelling speculation that a secret underground lair is what's really...
  4. Denise

    "THE VOICE OF SPIRIT IS CALLING" Transmitted Through Ronna Herman

    Message from Archangel Michael LM-9-2011 "THE VOICE OF SPIRIT IS CALLING" Transmitted Through Ronna Herman Beloved masters, as the Light Cells of God Consciousness infiltrate deeper and deeper into the physical structure, the membranes of Light surrounding the DNA begin to dissolve. As part of...
  5. New UFO Hunter

    Kasputin Yar - Russia's Roswell

    PART ONE: PART TWO: This list can be found on almost every russian website dedicated to aliens and UFOs. So' I'll post some of the most interesting cases (and the ones that have some proofs to them) and then write where all these remains might be stored. Remember this information can...
  6. Denise

    55 year old Homeless Man carries 2 Masters Degrees ( Maurice Johnson )

    55 year old Maurice Johnston lives in Boston, by way of Cleveland. He has a Masters Degree in Plasma Physics from Dartmouth College, and a masters in Electrical Engineering and acoustics from Purdue University. He's worked over 10 years at Lockheed Aerospace & Aerodyne Research Corp. Maurice has...
  7. Denise


    Ascension Activation ~Seven Mighty Archangels: In meditation, call forth Archangel Michael and call forth a downpouring of his energies of protection with help from his legion of angels. ]Secondly, call forth Archangel Jophiel and request the ascension energies of illumination and wisdom...
  8. 100th Monkey

    Smart Meters: Privacy Warning Over Personal Data

    'A watchdog has said it will keep a close eye on energy companies over personal data held on smart meters.*The devices, which show exactly how much gas and electricity is being used in a household, could contain a raft of private information. Every home in Britain is expected to be equipped...
  9. Denise

    $200m to empty bins under a carbon tax

    RATEPAYERS will pay an extra $200 million to have their rubbish bins emptied and to dump waste at local tips because of the government's carbon tax. The Landfill Owner's Association, which calculated carbon tax costs for 200 of the nation's dumps, said charges at landfills would cover methane...
  10. Denise

    Red Ice Radio - Maurice Cotterell - FutureScience, The Cycles of the Sun & 2012

    Author, Engineer and Scientist, Maurice Cotterell will discuss his latest book, FutureScience. FutureScience explains several topics such as how electricity and magnetism work together to produce the force of gravity, why the atom is comprised of 8 orbital shells, the nature of so-called 'dark...
  11. Denise

    Germany to Shovel Climate Fund Dollars into Coal Plants

    'Less than a month after the failed Bonn UN climate confab, Germany has announced a most audacious energy policy: in order to shutter nuclear plants (but not completely scuttle their economy), the German government will direct climate fund cash to building coal and natural gas plants. You...
  12. Denise

    Mark's Corner: Message from the Athabantians Starship ~ July 12, 2011

    Greetings to our brothers and sister of Earth from those if us aboard the starship Athabantian. It is in our love for and our Oneness with you that we take this opportunity to share our observations with you. We are most pleased when you make time to read our communications. Today we return...
  13. New UFO Hunter

    Mount Etna eruption closes airports and 'knocks clocks 15 minutes fast'

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...utes-fast.html "An eruption by Mount Etna on the Italian island of Sicily left a nearby airport closed and ... locals turning up early for work. The volcano spewed lava on to its south-eastern slopes on Saturday afternoon and winds swept ash further...
  14. Rumas

    Australia Implements Carbon Tax Scam

    'Australia unveiled plans to hit its worst polluters with a carbon tax in the nation's most sweeping economic reform in decades, smoothing the way for the largest emissions-trade scheme outside Europe with tax cuts for voters and sweeteners for industry. Prime Minister Julia Gillard said...
  15. Denise

    Tesla and the Children of Israel

    Nicola Tesla was the genius of the 20th Century who, in truth, discovered electricity, electric light, radio waves and so much more. Others, like Edison and Marconi, took the credit, but he did it, and he was massively ahead of his time.He knew how energy technology could manipulate weather...
  16. Lady of Light

    Australia unveils ambitious carbon-reduction scheme

    Australia unveiled plans to hit its worst polluters with a carbon tax in the nation's most sweeping economic reform in decades, smoothing the way for the largest emissions-trade scheme outside Europe with tax cuts for voters and sweeteners for industry. Prime Minister Julia Gillard said today...
  17. Lady of Light

    The Non-Comply Dance - Dance for the World

    David Icke says: If you riot and protest with anger, resentment and hostility you are giving them exactly what they want. Let us give them exactly what they don't want, what they are terrified of - unleashed collective human energetic power. Awakening the World - Every Heart Makes A Difference...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Tepco Shuts Down Cooling System At Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant After Sparks Detected

    Zero Hedge Thursday, July 7, 2011 The cooling system at Fukushima’s Daiichi sister plant was closed earlier today after Tepco announced that “sparks were detected”. According to TEPCO this is no cause for alarm and the situation will be restored back to normal shortly. According to yet other...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Russian FSB Boss: Internet a Haven for Terrorists

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Planet.com July 6, 2011 The boss of Russia’s Federal Security Service, the main successor of the KGB during the Soviet era, told the state-owned RIA Novosti news agency that global terrorists are actively integrating with new media. Alexander Bortnikov “The activity of many...
  20. R

    IMF lauds Islamic Iran’s economy

    No, it’s not about the false-flag operation against IMF’s former Jewish Chief, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who was arrested in the US on rape charges – for which the credit goes to Israeli Mossad. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its latest report released on June 13, 2011, has highly...