
  1. maggador

    Jesus: How the Vatican destroyed his teachings & created false religion Christianity

    This is a brief and short little historical overview over the Life of Jesus, events that took place during and after his lifetime, how the Vatican used him to push forth a false religion of lies and deceit, and where we are today Jesus was a common guy as anyone else, he just happened to be...
  2. maggador

    [Wow!] External influences on your mind and body

    Details of unseen energies and forces Those in control are using different forms of External Influences against the population. They mainly use spiritual means such as telepathy, and implements thoughts of their own into your mind that you end up believing is your own thoughts, and so on. They...
  3. 100th Monkey

    NWO Dismantling Here Begins Tonight! John Kettler

    Wednesday, February 22, 2012 NWO (New World Order) installations of several sorts will be hit--hard--tonight according to authoritative ET/ED s. Targets include: institutions repressing/enslaving/planning to kill the People, symbols of NWO and occult power, NWO FEMA detention/extermination...
  4. New UFO Hunter

    Amazing UFO During Day Time Over Mexico City On Feb 12, 2012, Video News

    Date of sighting: February 12, 2012 Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico Eye witness states Look closely at this UFO seen this week over Mexico city and while you are watching remember your history, Mexico City was the location of the Aztec empire back in 1325, once called "Tenochtitlan."...
  5. Denise

    The Law of Attraction, Belief & Conscious Creation Archangel Metatron via James Tybe

    The Law of Attraction, Belief & Conscious Creation Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn This channel is copyrighted to www.Earth-Keeper.com
  6. Denise

    Sheldan Nidle ~ Heaven's Divine Mandate ~ February 14, 2012

    3 Oc, 3 Zac, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! On this day dedicated to love and romance on your world, much continues to happen behind the scenes. The secret sacred societies of East and West have come together to set up a plan to replace the major governments of your planet. As you know, the most...
  7. Denise

    No Secret or Mystery Will Be Kept From You ~ Greg Giles ~ February 13, 2012

    Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/13/12 Adversity is the challenge many of you are facing today. An obstacle has been placed in your path and we see so many of you making the choice to remove it and continue on in your service, clearheaded and undeterred from the...
  8. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ A Period of Intense Activity ~ February 13, 2012

    The pressures are mounting on the dark Ones who in recent weeks have lost so much power. They see their financial ploys failing and circumstances turning against them. The cabal have long been identified, and they are now known for what they are in their attempts to bring the world under one...
  9. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Another Garden of Eden ~ February 10, 2012

    Suddenly there is a great stirring and determination amongst you, to exercise your freedom to achieve what it is you want in the way of changes. Disclosure is something that you have continually pressed for yet as we have previously stated, the truth of our existence is known to many of you who...
  10. White Rabbit

    The Reptilians: Humanity's Historical Link to the Serpent Race

    As long as humanity has kept records of its existence, legends of a serpent race have persisted. These myths tell of a mysterious race of superhuman reptilian beings who descended from the heavens to participate in creating humankind and to teach the sciences, impart "forbidden knowledge"...
  11. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ An Explosion of Light! ~ Februrary 3, 2012

    You would think that everyone would have an interest in the future, but many souls are content to drift along without any ambition to do differently. In fact to some there does not appear to be any purpose to life at all. Yet within their little niche on Earth, they observe other life and...
  12. Denise

    Sheldan Nidle ~ March to Freedom by Heaven's Decree ~ January 31, 2012

    2 Cib, 9 Yax, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Our alliances with Gaia's secret sacred societies and our Earth allies continue to reap results. The time has arrived for our Earth allies to pressure the major banking cartels with a legal request. This concerns the cartels' practice of hiding the...
  13. Denise

    Revelations Will Alter Your Course of History ~ Greg Giles ~ January 12, 2012

    Message from the Galactic Federation 1/12/12 The revelation soon to befall your world will alter your course of history, there is no doubt of this. The revelation that a world is not alone in the universe will have vast sweeping effects of change everywhere, and not a soul incarnate in your...
  14. Denise

    Truth Transmissions ~ Mind vs.The Brain ~ Galactic-Free-Press ~ January 7, 2012

    ~THE REAL INFORMATION~Reeducating Humanity~ ~Truth Transmissions~1~7~11 ~Very Valuable Information to assist in Humanity's True Awakening~ ~The programmed ego mind aka unconsciousness and the Brain = Full Consciousness~ The mind and the Brain are not the same thing FAR FROM...
  15. 100th Monkey

    The Satanic 9/11 Ritual - Bill Cooper - Illuminati Agenda 2012

    The following 25 goals apply to America and the rest of the world, this is pretty much a step by step manual on how the Illuminati conspiracy works, basically explains all the long term plans they had back at the Illuminati's founding in 1776. The 25 Illuminati goals: All men are more easily...
  16. R

    David Cameron: ‘Somalia is great threat to UK’

    After bombing the oil-rich Muslim Libya to stone-age, Israel-Firster UK prime minisher, David Cameron, is aiming at military intevention in another war-torn African Muslim nation, Somalia. The country lies at the core of the Horn of Africa, the newly found oil/gas rich region. Somalia is located...
  17. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Closing the Cycle of Duality ~ December 19, 2011

    Please do not let the reports of incidents caused by the activities of the dark Ones, distract you from your focus upon the year 2012. As you are finding out they are defiantly hitting out, to make a desperate last stand but it will not achieve anything for them. Now that you understand how...
  18. Denise

    The Law of Attraction - Part 3 Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

    The Law of Attraction - Part Three The Law of Belief & Law of Conscious Creation Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn Greetings Masters ! Dear Ones, there is the science behind the Law of Attraction, and that science is the Law of Belief. The Law of Belief governs what you create in your...
  19. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Beings of Light from the Highest Realms Assist You ~ November 30, 2011

    As the saying goes, keep on keeping on, and let nothing distract you from your chosen path. Only you alone truly know what is needed to propel you forward, and exactly where you have set your goals. Normally you would be quite happy to progress at your own speed, and certainly no pressure is...
  20. Denise

    (Ben Fulford) 11-28-11: Chaos Prevails at Highest Levels of Govt. in the West..!

    November 28 http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/ Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction and that certainly fits the situation now seen at the highest levels of power in Western civilization. In essence, the story is that the true source of power in the West, control of the financial...