

    Top Ten Conspiracy Theories

    10. Big Pharma Almost everybody (except investors) loves to hate the drug companies. Drugs cost too much, drug company profits are obscene, and it seems that every few months some drug once claimed to be safe is yanked off the shelf after patients die. It's little wonder that the drug industry...

    The "no Boeing hit the Pentagon" claim is the most important and widespread 9/11 hoax

    It may have been set up before the event since seizing of surveillance camera videos within minutes of the crash. It is extremely unlikely that the conspirators who allowed (and assisted) 9/11 would not have taken care to create misdirecting hoaxes before the "attack," since they are very aware...

    Croxteth Hall Ghost Video

    This ghost video was taken on the grounds of Croxteth Hall, Britain by CCTV, it shows a fuzzy figure that appears to be walking the grounds. This video seems very similar in setup and appearance to the gas station ghost video and the gym ghost video, though it really is a lot more impressive...
  4. Aragorn

    New UFO Hunters Episode: UFO Surveillance

    UFO Surveillance - Follow Bill Birnes, Kevin Cook, and Pat Uskert as they investigate UFO cases around the world. The team's access to UFO evidence is unparalleled--and their expertise allows them to quickly identify bogus claims of UFOs. Together, they use eyewitness accounts, scientific...
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    VIDEO: Moments Of Fear After Jet Flys Over Lower Manhattan

    April 27th, 2009 in Breaking News VIDEO: Moments Of Fear After Jet Flys Over Lower Manhattan 090427_Jet_Circles_Lower_Manhattan. 090427_Jet_Circles_Lower_Manhattan MYFOXNY.COM - There were reports of buildings evacuated in Lower Manhattan after a commercial-sized jet was seen circling the...
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    The Road to Area 51

    April 12/09 The Road to Area 51 After decades of denying the facility's existence, five former insiders speak out by Annie Jacobsen Area 51. It's the most famous military institution in the world that doesn't officially exist. If it did, it would be found about 100 miles outside Las Vegas...
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    A Death in the Street at the G20 Demonstrations

    A Death in the Street at the G20 Demonstrations Sun, 5 Apr 2009 10:11:53 / Miscellaneous A man died on the first day of the protests and actions against the G20 summit meetings in London. Unsurprisingly, mainstream media sources have spread disinformation regarding the circumstances...
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    The perception, storage and discovery of an asteroid exploded

    The perception, storage and discovery of an asteroid exploded Wednesday, March 25, 2009 For the first time in history there are meteorites found, the impact was also followed. In the early morning of October 7 raining meteorites in the Nubian desert (Sudan). The area found pieces give...
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    O'Hare UFO Witness Claims Captured On Video

    O'Hare UFO Witness Claims Captured On Video Tuesday, March 24/09 Witness statement: I have sat on this evidence for over 2 years, mainly because of the nature of my background, if you knew who I was then you would understand. Back on November 7th 2006, I was near Chicago O'Hare...
  10. Aragorn

    Triangle UFO's Alien craft ?

    Are all triangle ufo's man made or are they something else ? the current military designs are mostly this shape. even NASA has aircraft that look like triangles, but is it just back engineered technology ? many people insist that all triangle UFO's are some type of secret military craft but the...
  11. Aragorn

    Empire and Midvale, Ohio UFO 12/08

    An amazing UFO close encounter event happened in December 2008 in Empire & Midvale, Ohio and there where multiple witnesses and pictures taken of what appears to be a Triangle shaped craft. (Linda M. Howe was the first to report the story) Earthfiles.com Environment | More Ohio Eyewitnesses...
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    Do Astronomers Believe in Extraterrestrial Life? Thursday, February 26, 2009

    Do Astronomers Believe in Extraterrestrial Life? Thursday, February 26, 2009 The scoop: Believing that intelligent extra terrestrial life - better known as alien life - exists is one thing. Believing that they have visited Earth in our short time on the planet is another. Astron Omer...
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    Top ufo's seen Friday, February 20, 2009

    Top ufo's seen Friday, February 20, 2009 From the province of Groningen are recent months hundreds of messages received from people suspected to have seen a UFO. It reports the UFO hotline Niburu in Zuidlaren Friday. Messages According to a spokesman, the number of reports that come from...
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    Holocaust Conditioning

    by Jezekiah.Worldpress.com, Feb 14, 2009 Category: World War II If or many (or some) of us that were subject to intensive Holocaust conditioning as kids in American public schools, we saw films of hundreds and thousands of piled bodies from old WWII footage a few times a year - year in...
  15. R

    Fire Consumes WTC 7 Size Skyscraper, Building Does Not Collapse

    Fire Consumes WTC 7 Size Skyscraper, Building Does Not Collapse Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Fire Consumes WTC 7 Size Skyscraper, Building Does Not Collapse Giant flames engulf every floor and 34-story building and it remains standing, yet limited fires just across 8 floors of WTC 7...