
  1. Japan’s Kan says nuclear clean-up could take decades

    Reuters July 9, 2011 Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said Saturday it will take decades to clean up and decommission the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant after the world’s worst atomic accident since Chernobyl. Kan’s comments marked the first time that Japan’s government has offered a...
  2. High levels of caesium found in Fukushima beef

    AFP July 9, 2011 TOKYO — More than six times the legal limit of radioactive caesium has been found in beef from Fukushima prefecture, home to Japan’s crippled nuclear plant, according to an official statement. The meat was taken from one of 11 cows shipped to Tokyo from a farmer in Minamisoma...
  3. Radiation levels and locations to be mapped in Puget Sound by helicopter

    Washington State Dept. Of Health July 8, 2011 OLYMPIA – Lessons from the nuclear incidents in Fukushima, Japan show the value of a project to measure background radiation levels in several parts of the state. A low-flying helicopter will gather radiological readings this summer, starting next...
  4. Tepco Shuts Down Cooling System At Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant After Sparks Detected

    Zero Hedge Thursday, July 7, 2011 The cooling system at Fukushima’s Daiichi sister plant was closed earlier today after Tepco announced that “sparks were detected”. According to TEPCO this is no cause for alarm and the situation will be restored back to normal shortly. According to yet other...
  5. Cruel Medical Radiation

    With radiation levels increasing accross the entire northern hemisphere the radiation your doctor uses takes on a new dangerous meaning. Physicians know that radiation is dangerous but they cannot help themselves, they love to use radiation both in testing and in treatment. Modifying physician...
  6. FDA unleashes end game scheme to outlaw virtually all dietary supplements formulated after 1994

    Mike Adams Natural News July 6, 2011 In the wake of hundreds of dietary supplements recently being outlawed across the EU, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has quietly unleashed a regulatory scheme that, if fully implemented, could ban virtually all dietary supplements in the USA that...
  7. 45 per cent of Fukushima children had thyroid exposure to radiation

    DPA July 5, 2011 About 45 per cent of children in Fukushima prefecture experienced thyroid exposure to radiation after the nuclear power there was damaged in March, officials said Tuesday. But the results were not high enough to require further examination, the Nuclear Safety Commission said...
  8. Radioactive Cesium Is Found in Tokyo Tap Water for First Time Since April

    Pavel Alpeyev Bloomberg July 5, 2011 Radioactive cesium-137 was found in Tokyo’s tap water for the first time since April as Japan grapples with the worst nuclear disaster in 25 years. The level was below the safety limit set by the government. Cesium-137 registered at 0.14 becquerel per...
  9. Radiation Coverups Confirmed: Los Alamos, Fort Calhoun, Fukushima, TSA

    grtv July 5, 2011 A series of disasters, potential disasters, bad news and worrying studies over the course of the past week have brought public attention back to the issue of radiation and its attendant health risks, and further exposed how governmental agencies that are supposed to protect the...
  10. Fukushima residents dump radiated soil in absence of plan

    Antoni Slodkowski Reuters July 5, 2011 They scoop up soil from their gardens and dump it in holes dug out in parks and nearby forests, scrub their roofs with soap and refuse to let their children play outside. More than three months after a massive earthquake and tsunami triggered a nuclear...
  11. White House & NRC Recommend 50 Mile Fukushima Evacuation, Yet Insist US Safe With ...

    ... Only 10 Fairewinds' chief engineer Arnie Gundersen emphasizes the need to enlarge evacuation zones around US nuclear plants to 50 miles. Reducing US evacuation zones to only 10 miles during a nuclear power accident compromises public safety. http://vimeo.com/24704313
  12. Ufo Over Fukushima In German TV News

    UFO sighting videotaped over Fukushima nuclear power plant by German news channel Note: The original footage is from a German TV program "Tagesschau". The clip was also used in a report on the Japanese NHK channel.
  13. Message from Matthew ~ Towards a Greater Understanding ~ June 11, 2011

    All light beings are beaming love to you, and some are walking beside you, unseen but ever present. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Even the most dedicated lightworkers have occasional moments of doubt that everything long promised can be...
  14. Matthew Ward Message June 11, 2011

    Golden Age threshhold on target; reasons for imminent arrival of space family; effects of high and low frequencies, suggestions for relief; spiritual perspective of dark ones on the planet; no mass exodus during Earth's ascension; lightworkers' participation in world transformation...
  15. R

    [Bombshell!] New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami

    New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami Independent news on natural health, nutrition and more Friday, June 10, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) Recent data released by Dimitar Ouzounov and colleagues from the NASA Goddard Space...
  16. Japanese 3/11 Sabotage?

    Some Japanese Beginning to Realize That 3/11 Earthquake, Tsunami, and Fukushima Blasts Were Sabotage Events: ZS Livingstone, Jim Murray, & Don Nicoloff in Conversation May 13, 2011 (The conversation starts at the 9 minute mark) http://educate-yourself.org/cn/ RADIO INTERVIEW - at this link...
  17. TEPCO to Cover Damaged Fukushima Reactors with Useless Polyester Tents

    'In a demonstration of the company's shocking ignorance concerning the nature of radioactive particles, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has announced that it is going to place large polyester domes -- yes, you read that right -- around the damaged reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi...
  18. THREE Nuclear Containment Vessels Leaking in Japan … But U.S. Law Is Based on Assumption that It Is Impossible for Containment Vessels to Leak

    George Washington’s Blog Saturday, May 14, 2011 It is newsworthy that the operator of Japan’s stricken nuclear plants is finally admitting that Fukushima reactor number 1 has melted down. But nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen says that the containment vessels for reactors 1, 2 and 3 are all...
  19. Global Genocide: Fukushima HAARP Nuclear Attack

    Global Genocide: Fukushima HAARP Nuclear Attack An interview with Leuren Moret:
  20. Tepco “Compensation” for Fukushima Nuclear Crisis is a Political Fraud

    Yoichi Shimatsu Global Research Friday, May 13, 2011 The just-approved compensation deal between the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) and the Japanese government is being rushed out before the May 30 evacuation order for residents in radiation-threatened areas of Fukushima. The more...