gaza strip

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    Comparison of Gaza and French school attack irks Israel

    Baroness Catherine Ashton, EU foreign policy chief got into trouble with leaders of the Zionist regime for comparing the shooting death of four French Jews by a serial killer at Toulouse with Jewish army’s killing of over 1200 civilians in Gaza during ‘Operation Cast Lead‘ in December 2008...
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    Zionist Jews against Muslim Sudan

    On Friday, several pro-Israel rabbis, Jewish activists and their local and South Sudanese Zionist Christian collaborators, held a protest rally at the Sudanese embassy in Washington DC. They raised anti-Khartoum slogans and rants. When the police told them to leave the embassy scene – the...
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    Lobby: ‘Pro-Israel lawmakers plan Israel’s destruction’

    “Those who voted for the resolutions thinking they were simply expressing straightforward support for Israel probably had little clue that the language they endorsed contains the seeds of Israel’s destruction as a democratic state and Jewish homeland,”Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of Israel lobby...
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    USrael: The ‘New Middle East’ project is derailed

    In June 2006, former US secretary of state, Condoleeza Rice unveiled America’s ‘New Middle East’ project in Tel Aviv. The project’s blue-print was prepared in Washington-London-Tel Aviv. Its agenda was to redraw Muslim East map with regime changes by creating military conflicts, chaos, division...
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    Richard Foyer: ‘Israel-Firster to anti-Zionist regime’

    Richard Foyer is American Jewish writer and former Zionist supporter of Israel. He is author of recent book ‘Breakthrough’. In the book, Richard, records the evil policies of the Zionist regime in the Middle East for years and also analyzes why and how the Zionist government of Israel and their...
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    German Presidency and the Israeli factor

    Though, German Presidency is ‘ceremonial’ – German Presidents are expected to have moral power – like the Israeli Presidents (just joking!). On February 15, German President Christian Wulff, 51, was forced to resign for being accused of corruption before becoming head of state in 2010 as...
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    Abbas returns to enact ‘Mother of Treasons’

    Hamas’ acceptence to let Fatah chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, lead the Palestinian Authority (PA) interim unity government is a victory for Israel. Not only that Abbas is a wellknown USraeli ‘double agent‘, the so-called ‘Doha Declaration’ was given birth by no other than Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al...
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    Iran’s ‘Jerusalem March 2012 Cartoon Contest’

    Islamic Republic’s Cartoon House, an internationally well known art organization, is holding a cartoon contest in support of the Global March to Jerusalem (March 30, 2012) and the march of the representatives of various nations towards occupied Palestine’s borders, titled as ‘International...
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    Israel: ‘UN textbooks teaches Jew-hatred’

    Last week, the Israel-Firster at the Capitol Hill demanded Obama administration to stop funding the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency (UNRWA) because it provides textbooks to Palestinian children which contains “explosively anti-Semitic, anti-American and anti-Israel” texts. Watch a video...
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    Campus Watch: ‘We fight for Israel at Campuses’

    Under pressure from pro-Israel Jewish groups – California State University, Northridge (CSUN) has reinstated its three Israel Study Abroad programs at Haifa University, Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University in Israel. The programs were halted in 2002, with three students enrolled in the...
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    Rabbi: ‘Jews can pray in mosques’

    Last year, Israeli Rabbi Baruch Efrati told a questioner that Jews are permitted to pray in mosque but not in a church as the later houses idols. “It would be better to pray in a mosque and do so with meaning and after the sun rises, rather than at home, at dawn or at the airport and without...
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    Libya – Qaddafi loyalists return

    West’s bad dreams in Libya has started shaping-up. Last week, western-client rebel government of National Transitional Council (NTC) No.2 man, Abdel Hafiz Ghoga, was forced to resign as result of protests by members of various armed gangs working for NATO in the past. Abdel Hafiz Ghoga was...
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    Israel: ‘Nuclear Iran makes hard to defeat Hamas and Hizbullah’

    On January 17, 2012 – Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel, head of the Israel Occupation Force (IOF) planning department, told reporters in Jerusalem that once Iran poseses nuclear arsenal, it will make hard for Israel to defeat Hamas and Hizbullah. ”If we are forced to do things in Gaza or in Lebanon –...
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    What if they were Iranian or Chinese dual citizen?

    “The vision of regime change in the Middle East through external, militant action originated in Israel, and its sole purpose was to advance the strategic interests of Israel. It had nothing to do with bringing “democracy” to Muslims. It had nothing to do with any terrorist threat to the United...
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    Israel wants Egypt to return $300m bribe money

    Iraqi-born Brig.Gen. (ret.) Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, a member of Israel’s Labor Party, has called on the Egyptian military junta to return $300 million the Zionist entity paid as bribe to former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak. He claims that money was paid to rewrite Egyptian educational materials...
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    Israel: ‘Hizbullah to kill top Israeli Generals’

    On December 22, 2011 – Israeli daily Jerusalem Post had reported that with the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of Hizbullah commander, Imad Mughniyeh, approaching – Israel Occupation Force (IOF) has beefed-up security around former IOF chief Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi and former Mossad chief...
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    Ismail Haniyeh leaves Gaza to visit Muslim states

    Palestinian Islamic Resistance leader and elected prime minister of Palestinian Authority (PA) in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, left Gaza on foreign tour on Sunday for the first time since elected in 2006. He is scheduled to visit Egypt, Sudan, Qatar, Bahrain, Tunisia and Turkey. During his two-week...
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    Lord Owen: ‘Iran is the most powerful country in the region’

    On Thursday, Barack Obama, while greeting US soldiers returning from Iraq – did not claim ‘victory’ as Dubya Bush did in January 2004. However, he did give credit to the 140,000 soldiers who maintained US occupation in Iraq for over eight years - for bringing ‘democracy’ to Iraqi people. The...
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    Top ‘anti-Israel’ slurs – 2011

    The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Centre, one of the leading creators of anit-Semitism, anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hoaxes – has released its annual top ten slurs of 2011. I was surprised to learn that US-Israel double agent, Mahmoud Abbas, beat both Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad and...
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    Did Mossad pay visit to Belgium?

    Today, according to BBC, a gunman opened fire in the centre of Belgium city of Liege, killing three people and injuring another 75. The man also threw grenades in crowded square from a rooftop before killing himself. The gunman is named Nordine Amrani who was known to police for firearms...