
  1. longhorn

    [Opinion] Not all chemtrails are associated with terrestrial aircraft.

    Am unable to post evidence at this time as I am a new forum member. that supports the hypothesis that not all contrails are created by terrestrial aircraft, that quite possibly there are other agencies at work in the skies above planet earth responsible for what is being witnessed and reported...
  2. White Rabbit

    Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering

    Link to full article: "A small group of leading climate scientists, financially supported by billionaires including Bill Gates, are lobbying governments and international bodies to back experiments into manipulating the climate on a global...
  3. Denise

    Legislation to Ban Chemtrails gets Huge Public Support [Public Hearing Long Island]

    Citizens' Initiative to Ban Chemtrails - Suffolk County, Long Island ~from New York's Suffolk County government will held a public hearing on a proposal to ban aerial spraying of aluminum oxide, barium, sulfur, and other salts into the air over the county. This is...
  4. White Rabbit

    Bottom Line: There is a World-Wide 'SECRET' Program to Manipulate the Atmosphere!

    Colossal GeoEngineering in Plain Sight November 13, 2011 NASA reported 5 years ago that the earth is now receiving at least 20% less sunlight than 10 years before. After 16 years of denial, the White House Science Czar John P Holdren now admits that they have been “testing” the...
  5. R

    U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects

    U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects By Chisa Fujioka NAGOYA, Japan | Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:55am EDT (Reuters) - The United Nations should impose a moratorium on "geo-engineering" projects such as artificial volcanoes and vast cloud-seeding schemes to fight climate change...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Scientists Admit Climate Cooled in the Last Decade, Cite Sulfur Pollution from China

    Activist Post July 6, 2011 The Associated Press is*reporting today that scientists believe one explanation as to why the earth’s heating trend stopped in the last decade is due to China’s excessive use of coal-burning power plants. As reported by the Associated Press: Sulfur particles in the air...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Declassified NZ Defence Force Reports Reveal Chemtrail Linked To Outbreak Of Illnesses

    Clare Swinney NORTHLAND NEW ZEALAND CHEMTRAILS WATCH Jan 3, 2011 Among a recently-released assortment of declassified reports of sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) from New Zealand, dating from 1952-2009,*were letters written in 1999 and 2000 by a concerned citizen, who...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Startling New Information on Chemtrails!!

    A Prison Planet TV Presentation: Rosalind Peterson: The Chemtrail Cover-Up - FULL LENGTH Rosalind Peterson of California Skywatch was a certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjustor working in more than ten counties throughout California. She now spearheads a watchdog group that...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Some good links from around the internet on arial spraying chemtrails They are spraying this stuff all around us, lets spread this information all around the internet !! This is the video your government and corporations working for them (Google) do NOT want you to see! They deleted my channel and ove 285...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails

    08-02-2010 05:37 AM 'At an international symposium held in Ghent, Belgium May 28-30, 2010, scientists asserted that “manipulation of climate through modification of Cirrus clouds is neither a hoax nor a conspiracy theory.” It is “fully operational” with a solid sixty-year history. Though...
  11. Unhypnotized

    SHOCKING! Transbiology

    Transbiology From 2-25-10 If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck ... what is it? Strange things are happening in our world. Materials are emerging that have not existed before, and we're not talking...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Elite Thugs Caught Red-handed Defrauding Climate Science

    Phil Jones writes to*University*of*Hull*to try to stop sceptic Sonia Boehmer Christiansen using her*Hull*affiliation. Graham F Haughton of*Hull*University*says its easier to push greenery there now SB-C has retired.(1256765544) Michael Mann discusses how to destroy a journal that has...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Why Do Chemtrails Not Exist? Because They Exist

    Zachary T Baker Infowars October 20, 2009 After reading a Time Magazine article Moscow Mayor Promises a Winter Without Snow last Friday it became evident to me that the spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere exist only if you choose not to believe in it. This may sound Orwellian, but the...
  14. CASPER

    The world is a brighter place (atmospheric geoengineering in action!)

    Scientists studying the amount of light reflected by the Earth say the planet appeared to dim from 1984 to 2001 and then reversed its trend and brightened from 2001 to 2003. The change appears to have resulted from changes in the amount of clouds covering the planet. More clouds reflect more...
  15. R

    What is really behind Obama’s look at climate engineering?

    April 9th, 2009 in Breaking News, Weather Control What is really behind Obama’s look at climate engineering? Obama to Look at Climate Engineering - WASHINGTON — The president’s new science adviser said Wednesday that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing...
  16. R

    Rising Tide Releases Guide to Bogus Climate Change Solutions

    Rising Tide Releases Guide to Bogus Climate Change Solution Sun, 22 Mar 22/2009 Environment Only a few years ago, most powerful corporations were saying climate change wasn’t a problem. Now, as its impacts become apparent, many of the same corporations are suddenly...