hadron collider

  1. Unhypnotized

    The man who looked inside the atom

    "We're celebrating something really important. We're celebrating nothing less than the birth of modern physics." As eulogies go, Dr Andrew Taylor's opening remarks at a conference to mark the one hundredth anniversary of Ernest Rutherford's description of the atom takes some beating. More's...

    Famous Crab Nebula Shoots Off Mysterious Flares

    One of the most well-known celestial objects still has some tricks up its sleeve, according to a new discovery of surprising gamma-ray flares coming from the famous Crab Nebula. The Crab, long-considered such a steady celestial light that it was used to calibrate other sources, has now had...

    Scientists claim breakthrough in antimatter hunt

    GENEVA – Scientists claimed a breakthrough Thursday in solving one of the biggest riddles of physics, successfully trapping the first "anti-atom" in a quest to understand what happened to all the antimatter that has vanished since the Big Bang. An international team of physicists at the...
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    Hadron Collider to start high energy 'God Particle' hunt

    The Large Hadron Collider, the world's biggest atom smasher, is to start its delayed high-energy operation to hunt for the "God Particle". Scientists at the European Centre for Nuclear Research (Cern), which operates the £5bn atom-smasher on the Franco-Swiss border, are expected to restart...

    Two circulating beams bring first collisions in the Large Hadron Collider

    On November 23, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) circulated two beams simultaneously for the first time, allowing the operators to test the synchronization of the beams and giving the experiments their first chance to look for proton-proton collisions. With just one bunch of particles circulating...
  6. Unhypnotized

    The Global-Warming Crusaders

    George Giles Lew Rockwell.com Monday, October 26, 2009 The Global-Warming Crusade has been prosecuted vociferously for more than 20 years. Far too many scientists have jumped on this politically hot topic and its corollary public-grant-funding potential. An intragovernmental body has been...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Serious Scientists Suggest Hadron Collider May Be Sabotaging Itself From The Future

    Jonathan Leake London Times Wednesday, Oct 21st, 2009 Explosions, scientists arrested for alleged terrorism, mysterious breakdowns — recently Cern’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has begun to look like the world’s most ill-fated experiment. Is it really nothing more than bad luck or is there...

    Milky Way's super-efficient particle accelerators caught in the act

    Scientists confirm that the expanding envelopes created by exploded stars are the super-accelerators that produce cosmic rays in the Milky Way. Thanks to a unique "ballistic study" that combines data from European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT) and NASA's Chandra...
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    All matter consists of "mini-black holes?

    All matter consists of "mini-black holes? May 20/2009 In the 70s, Stephen Hawking has suggested that it was lousy with mini black holes in the universe, who created it during the big bang. Just after the big bang the universe experienced a period of rapid expansion, with a violent impact on...
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    Brian Cox: What went wrong at the Large Hadron Collider

    Brian Cox: What went wrong at the Large Hadron Collider Saturday, May 9, 2009 In this short talk from TED U 2009, Brian Cox shares what's new with the CERN Super Collider. He covers the repairs now underway and what the future holds for the largest science experiment ever attempted. Google...
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    Particle Accelerator comes as

    Particle Accelerator comes as Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Repairs LHC certainly take until the end of October The repair of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva will take longer than expected. The start of the mega particle accelerator is now scheduled for September and the first...