ian xel lungold

  1. Unhypnotized

    Ian Xel Lungold - Secrets Of The Mayan Calendar Unveiled

    Ian Xel Lungold present and explains the evolution (acceleration) of the human consciousness and goes further. This is one of the best presentation on the mayan pyramid of evolution. He reveals and explains what we have/are experiencing from a fundamental view point. Play list is here...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Ian Lungold: Is Time Speeding Up?

    Ian Lungold explain the phenomena that many people are experiencing: the feeling of time speeding up.
  3. R

    The Mayan New Dawn

    The Mayan New Dawn Monday, March 30, 2009 This is a new video from Ian's website Lungold mayanmajix.com. Carl Calleman interviews Thursday Alejandro, a Mayan shaman about the much anticipated end of the Mayan calendar. Thursday Alejandro is traveling the world spreading his message of a...
  4. Rumas

    Ian Xel Lungold - The Mayan Calendar The Evolution Continues

    Part 1: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4048942549902202239&ei=TJgvScqJIIaq-AHnta3sDQ&q=The+Mayan+Calendar+The+Evolution+Continues&hl=en&dur=3 Part 2...
  5. Rumas

    Ian Xel Lungold - The Mayan Calendar Comes North

    Part 1: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8689261981090121097&ei=45YvSZTTI4f0-QH18qDhDQ&q=mayan+calender+comes+north&hl=en Part 2: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-567329528148516232&hl=en This 3 hour DVD is a presentation based on Dr. Calleman's break thru discoveries of the...