
  1. R

    Obama: ‘Hello President Rouhani. Bye bye Bibi’

    There was no handshake between Barack Obama and Hassan Rouhani at the UN General Assembly meeting in New York. Was it due to Jewish Lobby pressure, as we were told? The Jewish TIME magazine reported on September 27 that Iranian president Rouhani had declined an earlier request to meet with Obama...
  2. R

    Obama, Rouhani and ‘the Evildoer’

    The 2013 UN General Assembly (UNGA) annual meeting at its New York headquarters have brought together the warmongers, the truth-tellers and peacemakers from around the world. Most people watching this annual ‘stage show’ are going to miss the two of the greatest ‘truth-tellers’, Iranian...
  3. R

    Rouhani addresses the paranoid Zionist Mafia

    On Wednesday, Ann Curry of NBC News interviewed Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani at Tehran’s Presidential Palace. Ann was fired by NBC last year and after falling ratings of its flagship ‘Today’ show, NBC was forced to re-hire her this year. NBC is owned by General Electric. NBC’s News president...
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    Ebtekar: Iran’s first female V.P. regains her post

    Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has appointed Dr. Massoumeh Niloufar Ebtekbar as Iran’s Vice-President and incharge of country’s Ministry of Environment. She was the first female Vice-President (1997-2005) during Ayatullah Khatami’s 8-year regime. You can read her personal blog here. Dr...
  5. Truth Vibrations

    CIA 'helped Saddam Hussein carry out chemical weapons attack on Iran' in 1988 under Ronald Reagan

    CIA 'helped Saddam Hussein carry out chemical weapons attack on Iran' in 1988 under Ronald Reagan U.S. fed intelligence to Iraq about whereabouts of Iranian forces Iraq deployed mustard gas and sarin in 1988 on the back of the information U.S. administration supported Iraq during the eight-year...
  6. R

    Khamenie praises Ahmadinejad administration

    On Sunday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenie, in a meeting with the outgoing President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his cabinet in Tehran, lauded their performance during the last eight years. The Leader criticized measures to underestimate the efforts of the government, saying the...
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    Rafsanjani: USrael’s choice as next President of Iran

    Iran’s upcoming 11th Presidential election is scheduled to be held on June 14, 2013. This will be an opportunity for Iranian voters to elect country’s 7th president for the next four year. Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the Islamic Republic has six presidents – Abolhassan Banisadr (elected...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Iranian forces take over Iraq oil well

    AFP Friday, December 18, 2009 NASIRIYAH, Iraq (AFP) – Iranian forces took control of a southern Iraqi oil well on a disputed section of the border on Friday, US and Iraqi officials told AFP. “There has been no violence related to this incident and we trust this will be resolved through...

    Iran grants Swiss access to detained US hikers

    WASHINGTON – Iranian authorities this week allowed a Swiss diplomat a second visit with three detained American hikers arrested for illegal entry near the Iraq border in late July, the State Department said Friday. Spokesman Robert Wood said the Swiss ambassador to Iran was granted consular...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Iran Claims U.S. Kidnapped Nuclear Researcher

    BBC October 8, 2009 Mystery surrounds the fate of a missing Iranian scientist who is reported to have been involved in Tehran’s controversial nuclear programme. Shahram Amiri disappeared in June in Saudi Arabia while on a pilgrimage. Iran on Wednesday accused the US of involvement in his...