Ebtekar: Iran’s first female V.P. regains her post


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Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has appointed Dr. Massoumeh Niloufar Ebtekbar as Iran’s Vice-President and incharge of country’s Ministry of Environment. She was the first female Vice-President (1997-2005) during Ayatullah Khatami’s 8-year regime. You can read her personal blog here.

Dr. Massoumeh Ebtekbar belongs the so-called “Reformist block”, which seeks compromise with the Zionist-controlled West. However, as a young university student, she was anti-Shah and anti-West. She was nicknamed “Tehran Mary” by the western media for acting as spokesperson for the group of Iranian students who seized US Embassy building in Tehran, claiming it ‘Web of Spies‘. The student kept the siege for 444 days until Washington agreed to release Iranian assets ($14 billion). However, as soon as the Americans left Iran, Washington backdowned on it promise.

During June 2009 presidential election, Ebtekbar campaigned for Ahmadinejad’s main opponent Mir Hossein Mousavi. Dr. Ahmadinejad won election hands down (64.7%) against Mousavi’s 27% votes. The current president Hassan Rouhani, who according to western media achieved “landmark” victory, received only 51.3% of the total vote cast.

Professor Ebtekbar was born on September 20, 1960 in Tehran to a modest Shia religious family. As a child she lived in Philadelphia where her father was studying at the University of Pennsylvania. As a young student back in Tehran, she was influenced by the writings of Dr. Ali Shriati, known as Iranian Syed Qutb, leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. Syed Qutb was martyred by Egyptian dictator Gamal Nasser in 1966 and Ali Shriati was assassinated by Shah of Iran’s secret service agents in London in 1977.

Ebtekar received her Ph.D from Tehran University and worked as an editor of Tehran daily ‘Kayhan International’. Her last job before being appointed V.P., was a Councillar for City of Tehran.

Ebtekbar is the second woman V.P. appointed by president Rouhani. Last month he appointed Dr Elham Aminzadeh, who received her Ph.D from University of Glasgow. She teaches Law at the University of Tehran.

President Rouhani has no female in his 18-member cabinet which needs approval form Iranian Majlis (Parliament).

Dr. Ahmadinejad had appointed professor Fatemeh Javadi (University of Shiraz) as Vice-President during his first term (2005-2009). In his second term, he became the only Iranian president who nominated female cabinet ministers. In fact during his second term (2009-2013) he nominated not one but three women (Dr. Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi, Sousan Keshavarz and Fatemeh Ajorlou) to hold cabinet posts. However, the Majlis only approved Vahid Dastjerdi. She served as country’s Health Minister until December 2012, when she was sacked by Ahmadinejad for complaining for lack of funds for her ministry.

The American, Canadian and French politicians have to learn something to claim being part of the so-called “civilized” world.

And finally, watch a video below to learn about Iran in two minutes.

Ebtekar: Iran?s first female V.P. regains her post | Rehmat's World