
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Human Origins & Lost Races: Pye, Foerster & Wills

    This is a great interview on Red Ice Radio. Both parts are open to listen to at no cost to non-members. Lloyd Pye, Brien Foerster & Jerry Wills - Hour 1 & 2 - Human Origins & Lost Races May 30, 2013'Lloyd Pye is a researcher, author and lecturer. His subject areas include Intervention Theory...
  2. R

    Abraham: The amazing power of emotion-Esther & Jerry Hicks Monday, March 9, 2009

    Abraham: The amazing power of emotion-Esther & Jerry Hicks Monday, March 9, 2009 Emotions show where you are in terms of what you want. A nice and clear explanation of how you get where you want to be. For everything you create yourself and if you consciously do everything you can achieve...
  3. R

    Abraham on The Stream - Esther & Jerry Hick

    Translated version of