
  1. LadyX85

    Hello out there

    Hello to everyone, I just joined today, But I have been searching for a place like this to join for a couple years, I am very happy to be here and eager to get to know you all.. Thanks Lady X
  2. Lady of Light

    You Are Not Who or What You Think You Are - Lady of Light (2013)

    "Once you realize who you are, you will realize you are not what you once thought you were." - Lady of Light
  3. Lady of Light

    Where has the Lady of Light gone?

    Hey everybody. I realize I haven't been interacting too much with everyone lately, but I've been keeping extremely busy. Lots of really great projects on the go. It always starts out with one, then more get added because in order to complete the first one, you need to do the other little ones...
  4. Lady of Light

    Normal Is When You're You - Lady of Light - June 28 2013

    "Normal is when you're YOU! Don't be afraid to be yourself!" - Lady of Light What is perceived to be normal, is only a common perception of normal. True "normal" is when you are yourself and you are not following what is shown to BE normal by outside sources, especially television and other...
  5. Lady of Light

    Consider Other Possibilities - Lady of Light - June 13, 2013

    "It is far easier to believe that which is placed in front of us by what we have been told are reputable sources than it is to even consider other possibilities." - Lady of Light Instead of taking anyone's word for anything, it makes sense to consider all other possibilities no matter what...
  6. Lady of Light

    You Must Be Yourself And Believe In Yourself To Be Free - Lady of Light

    "The only way to be free is to be yourself and believe in yourself." - Lady of Light How can you have any true feelings of freedom if you can't be yourself. Being yourself and believing in yourself is the ONLY way to be free and to feel free. Don't limit yourself to what others think and...
  7. Lady of Light

    Stop Being Negative - Lady of Light

    "Stop being negative. By being negative you support and spread negativity and hatred." - Lady of Light There is no need to continue to spread negative energy. Negative energy promotes hatred and bias, which leads to prejudice. In my eyes, there is no need for this. Instead of spreading...
  8. Lady of Light

    Respect Should Be Mutual - Lady of Light

    "Respect shouldn't be something that makes you change who you are. Respect is when all parties can agree to let each other be themselves." - Lady of Light Respect is a two-way street. You can't expect only one side to respect the other and not have the same given in return. Just because you...
  9. Lady of Light

    No One Is Perfect, We Are All Flawed - Lady of Light

    "No one is perfect; everyone makes mistakes and/or has lapses in judgment. That includes you and me. No one deserves to be shunned or ridiculed because of it; not you or me or anyone!" - Lady of Light This does not require explanation. :)
  10. Lady of Light

    No One Is Inadequate - Lady of Light

    "No one should be made to feel inadequate." - Lady of Light Again, this pretty well speaks for itself. But... Don't put others down because of what YOU may feel is not good enough. Everyone has their abilities and disabilities, their talents and strong suits and their flaws. No one should...
  11. Lady of Light

    Let Your Spirit Guide You - Lady of Light

    "Let your spirit guide you." - Lady of Light This one pretty much speaks for itself, but I will add this... Your body is the place your spirit or soul calls home for a time. You already know where you need to be and what you need to do. You need only listen to that spirit and find your way.
  12. 100th Monkey

    Obama 'Phone Lady' Discovered

    Published on Jan 14, 2013 Alex talks with the"Obama Phone Lady" who was featured in a music video that went viral on the internet. Original Clip: Alex meets the 'Obama Phone Lady' at the airport Alex's interview with the 'Obama Phone Lady'
  13. Truth Vibrations

    Assange has Celebrity guests Lady GaGa

    Published on 9 Oct 2012 by RussiaToday Lady Gaga, dressed in all black, recently visited UK's Ecuadorian embassy and spent nearly five hours with Julian Assange. The two shared a dinner and were photographed together Published on 9 Oct 2012 by RTAmerica Pop icon Lady Gaga payed a visit to...
  14. Denise

    Human Animal Affection - How Amazing!

    This is footage of a heart warming display, a seal cuddles up to a lady on a seashore.
  15. Denise

    Requesting healing for my right shoulder.

    I'm just posting this here to request a healing from you Lady or anyone for my right shoulder, I look forward to feeling your healing energies.
  16. CASPER

    First lady 'handshake' sparks debate

    First lady’s handshake with conservative Muslim raises Indonesian eyebrows Indonesia's pious information minister, Tifatul Sembiring, is in hot water for touching the hand of First Lady Michelle Obama, in what he describes as forced contact. The politician flaunts his conservatism as a Muslim...
  17. FACE33

    Farmer meets his match

    ;) A farmer stopped by the local mechanic shop to have his truck fixed. They couldn't do it while he waited, so he said he didn't live far and would just walk home.. On the way he stopped at the hardware store and bought a bucket and a gallon of paint. He then stopped by the feed store and...
  18. Lady of Light

    Free One Card Tarot Readings By Lady Of Light

    I am offering FREE 1-card-readings for anyone who is interested. You can either PM me directly or post under this thread if you would like a reading. Thank you, Lady Of Light :wub:
  19. CASPER

    Our Lady of Peace High School

    Her name unfurled above us, a windtight banner Over a barricade. We sang her praises in Glee— But there was no statue erected to her: no votives To her in the hallways, where we were instructed To remain silent (one laugh out loud = one demerit) In passing. There were flowers at the plaster...