No One Is Perfect, We Are All Flawed - Lady of Light

Lady of Light


"No one is perfect; everyone makes mistakes and/or has lapses in judgment. That includes you and me. No one deserves to be shunned or ridiculed because of it; not you or me or anyone!" - Lady of Light

This does not require explanation. :)
Mistakes aren't in any way bad! Lapses of judgment aren't lapses at all. Judgment is something you get by making mistakes, by making them, you increase your understanding of all the variables of any given situation. If you simply follow "conventional wisdom", that's not your knowledge. It's not your experience. You don't know all the ins and outs of how that wisdom came to be. That's why you need to you need to make mistakes. Not all things work the same way every time. You have to find out when and why things are different. Life flows. Knowledge flows. Wisdom too flows.

When people judge others, they are attempting to limit the other person's experience with life. Who was given that right and by whom? People have the illusion of power over others and of others having power over them. And when people criticize or respond in other negative ways, it is invariably due to their own feelings of insecurity and ineptitude. Realize that and they will have less of a negative impact. See them for what they are: small, weak, insecure. But they point out our own "failings" too - or at least that's how we're perceiving those things. Not one person is perfect, but not one person is flawed either. We're all on our own paths. Respecting each other is the only way forward.
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Yes, of course no one is actually flawed, but it takes a much different perspective than most people have to see that. I have to work sometimes (most times) on a level that speaks to those who cannot see the big picture. Most people think they are flawed and a lot of them think that so many others they view are better than they are, without the flaws they have. I stated this in this way to make people realize that they are not less perfect than anyone else. That we all have our different areas of what is seen as "flaws".

Really, most of these phrases are designed for those close to me, and those who use things like Facebook. THOSE are the people who need these things. The people who are down on themselves and the people who follow others instead of embracing themselves and their attributes.

Absolutely. We should all be aware of these things and be raised (and raise our kids) in a way that encompasses the need to respect the differences in others and to embrace them instead of shunning them. This is one of my aims with these statements.

Unfortunately, within each statement, I cannot say everything clearly that needs to be said and therefore will always be left to interpretation. Phrases must be kept short on the photos, and I cannot always get the right words out to explain what is meant when it was created. I try my best, but, I guess that is one of my "flaws". :)

All of these photos I post make it onto Facebook, so I have to keep things simple. I post here first, then there. I must speak in languages that are understood, because if I go too complex, it gets passed over and becomes pointless. I put these out there, that is all. :)
Facebook. Say no more....

I was going to leave it at that as I do understand that people broadly are still thinking at the level of the lowest common denominator (thanks to the MSM to a great extent but also for other reasons), but then I got a very strong feeling that that's *exactly the wrong thing to do*. We don't expect better from ourselves or each other, and that's why we're generally such crappy people. That's exactly why we accept the total rubbish we're handed as being "normal". What the very f***, people? What is wrong with us that we don't *demand* others to behave better. We are all free to make mistakes - yes - but we must do so as a part of the learning process, not due to thoughtlessness or a lack of discipline. We will never excel if we never seek improvement.

How many times have you heard people say "Well, that's just human nature. You can't change it." So why do we have a justice system? Why do we pretend to be moral creatures? Why do we punish each other if it's just human nature?

Expect better. We have to do better than we've done until now because in actual fact we are better than we believe. We're just lazy as hell and pathetic as a result. Demand better.
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I take this as we are all the same in different ways. We all have our strong points, and we all have our weaknesses. There are those that are better at some things and worse at others, but we are all equal. You can't judge yourself based on someone else. Just because somebody looks perfect and acts perfect in your eyes doesn't mean they are.
I have the problem that in my head I know what I want to say, but it doesn't come out right when I voice it.

Definately nothing wrong in the way you are getting your messages out,and definately messages like these are beneficial. :)
I have the problem that in my head I know what I want to say, but it doesn't come out right when I voice it.

Definately nothing wrong in the way you are getting your messages out,and definately messages like these are beneficial. :)

I am finding the ability to vocalize things much more difficult than ever before. There has always been the translation issue with what comes through the mind for what gets spoken or written, but I too find it hard to communicate sometimes. Never really sure if my message actually gets across. :)

I can't wait until telepathy kicks in, lol! Seriously, though, it would help with communication. :) :)
I know what you mean, perhaps I'd be better with telepathy. :) Would be nice.

Alot of arguments going on between my friend and I sometimes since her hearing isn't the best and now sometimes I have moments when I go blank in coming up with a name for something or even correct phrasing of what I'm saying.
for me its spelling and grammer. i can't always spell things right but i try. theres more important things to worry about than those little issues.
You're right there are more important things going on under our very noses to worry about spelling, at least you try. :) Mine was diagramming sentences: (telling where the adverb, predicate, pronoun,(to this day I still can't tell you what a predicate is) (whatever is in a sentence big waste of time on that one! I can speak properly when the occassion is called for, anyway.No, employer of mine ever gave me a test on grammar.

I hated that almost as much as another unfavored subject of mine: Math. I'm a basic science, history, type of person.
I happened to be thinking about this more, and to what kotn had said about our flaws not actually being flaws. Of course, I agree with that, and to the facebook thing, I find that in order to relate to people, you have to speak to them on the level that they are at. To speak from above that level, for some, doesn't sink in as well as to speak from the level itself. It is easier to hold someone up from their level than it is to try to pull them up from above them.

I ultimately believe that we are all perfect, yes, and those things that are viewed as flaws are marks of perfection and difference.

However... it is when we are so self-conscious as to see our flaws as flaws, and to think everyone else around us is perfect because we don't see those same flaws, is where the problem lies. I speak to THOSE people. You don't see those flaws in others, but you see them about yourself. I assure you, those others (most of them anyway) feel the same about themselves as compared to others, yourself included. There are 'flaws' in everyone. That is the main message here. There are things that are viewed as downfalls that are seen in some, and well hidden in others. Everyone has them.

Sorry, but it had just been bothering me for a long time. I couldn't get the right words out until now. At least I think I got the right words out. :)
Okay, but when one feels self-conscious about these perceived flaws, one must ask oneself where this feeling comes from. Few of us even have any single clue about what we, ourselves, genuinely think or feel. Parents and other family, friends, teachers, employers, television, music, etc., have long conditioned us to believe in things that are entirely outside of our own wishes, will, and/or highest good.

When you get down to the actual act of knowing yourself - and this is a lifelong task, not to ever be considered as "done" - you find that those "flaws" are the perceptions of others and actually having nothing to do with the self at all. Yes, when finding oneself, one goes through a great deal of angst and internal turmoil because it's hard to know what is actually you and why it's there. We deny our true selves in a vain (all definitions apply equally and entirely) attempt to satisfy others' expectations. That is a self-inflicted wound that will never heal until we stop doing it. Now compound all the perceived "flaws" and the damage they do to ourselves and to others.

When we don't accept others and their quirks, this leads to our judging them. When we realize that this judgment is actually due to the fact that we are not comfortable with ourselves, we start to suss out the core of the problem. Judgment is the problem. Acceptance is the solution. Accept yourself first in your entirety. Then, bit by bit give yourself a thorough going-over to see how much of you is you and how much is there because you haven't been true to yourself. Then and only then will you see the whys and wherefores of relationships and those influences. Once that process starts in earnest, you will want to give up television, films, magazines, and music altogether because those are poison to our self-awareness.

As you go along, you will have peaks and plateaus of progress in returning yourself to yourself. It's a long and arduous process made even more so because we're ever-changing and ever-growing. This changing and growing accelerates the purer you become and the need to judge or react to judgment lessens all the time.

So perhaps you see now that no one is really flawed unless they choose to accept that as true. No one either has any business judging another as such. All such perceptions need to be redirected back at the self, because that's really the source of all perceptions of some deficit or failing. When we are our true selves, we have only perfection - whether others like it or not.
Language is limited at the very best of times, but we all assign words different color, weight, gravity, and texture as we go through our lives. A word that may be entirely light and airy to one may be filled with darkness and horror to another, depending on what has happened to us in the course of our lives, but more so, how we have dealt with those things emotionally. Words cannot and will not ever mean the same thing to everyone.

Telepathy is the way forward. Work at it. It is available.
that's probably why people probably will have misunderstandings with one another. because of the misinterpation of something someone said innocently enough.